Anyone seen the Lothian server?



I started DAOC 5 mins ago and had a look at the servers.
I saw a server called "Lothian".

Is this the PvP server in test maybe?..

I tried to connect, but it booted me out...:(


they could let us in to test it aswell then, could be useful with a -> lvl 24 trainer to let people see what they want to play, even though they already got the skalds&chanters-ownz0r virus from vnboards :)


If you notice, it's not a test server, it says "INTERNAL". It's a sure bet that means players will not have access to it .. at least, not until that designation changes, if it's going to.



Yup, thats the new English server :rolleyes:


think pvp servers all named xxxxxdred


It's GOA's internal test server. They use it to test out patches, scripts, etc... before putting them live on Gorre for the public to test.

I assume it's on the server list so they can test it in a live environment.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
(Yeah I know, Lothian is the land of King Lot who features quite a bit in arthurian legends)

Yeah, and King lot was a dodgy git ...

Hi Fingoniel, howd you go last night in DAOC.
I got killed about 4-5 times due to lag issues and finally gave up...:( and played UT2003 for a bit...


Got in a clerks group... mezz/boring/safe
no clerics or friars though :) just pbt...

everyone was too scared to try aoe until they levelled...

at which point we started pulling 4 at a time and killing them all in the same time it took for a single monster going mezz-kill route..

only had about 30 minutes of that (gained more xp than I had the previous two hours though ;)) before people had to leave :(

think we may have upset the group that came along and started pulling from same place as us... was plenty of pygs when we were just mezzing (little bit too few... meant a minute's wait every now and then) but when we started aoeing we cleared the entire place in minutes :)

being the nice people we were we moved to a different spot and obliterated that too...

<subliminal message>aoe (or pbaoe) groups are good for you</subminal message>

heck if a fire wiz aoe and a half-ice spec pbaoe can slaughter purples (with only two tanks!) I'd hate to see what two full ice wizards can do!

my quest to educate albion continues... :)

Herbal Remedy

i presume they will also have in the future a test pvp server to check new patches on the pvp server as for it being named XXXdred i heard the new pvp server was going ot be called francis :p


Originally posted by Fingoniel
heck if a fire wiz aoe and a half-ice spec pbaoe can slaughter purples (with only two tanks!) I'd hate to see what two full ice wizards can do!

What kind of gimp speccs a wizard half/half ? :rolleyes:

Well well, good look with that gimpwizard :clap: :clap: :clap:

aaah :m00:

Herbal Remedy

i think he meant full fire half ice spec...............


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
i think he meant full fire half ice spec...............

He wish. You get 20 in ice and 50 in fire if you specc full fire and full ice. and the ice"thing" is no good at all at that lvl expect locating stealthers


Originally posted by old.Arctic

He wish. You get 20 in ice and 50 in fire if you specc full fire and full ice. and the ice"thing" is no good at all at that lvl expect locating stealthers

I'll amuse the arctic fire wiz (eh?) even more ;)

you can go all the way to 40 before you spec your second line... or you can get your 20 as you level

at level 32 currently I'm 27 earth (yep, earth you read right) and 16 ice..

and I do the same damage aoe as a full spec fire wiz...

(and my buffs don't suck quite so much :))

next patch I get some fruity other stuff too

still unsure at final template ;) but probably go 48 earth rest ice.. might go 39/38 earth/ice just to upset Arctic though :)

(I'd prefer an earth/fire spec over that though for the tri-bolt)


as a former highlvl wizard i must say that you can do like you just did, BUT. you are totaly gimped at the moment and will get ungimped at lvl 50.

Why you are gimped? well you are crap for soloing if you spec like that. you might think it doesn't mather that much. but it does. At some lvls you are going to experience much troubles with that kind of spec. but if you have alot of friends that want to group with you and get you exp, then it might not be so bad(well they get a VERY crapy dmg dealer against stuff that are grouped and things that you should not attack(mezzed)). But it is your char. do whatever you like. Arctic was a firewizard. at lvl 50 you have a bogus icepbaoe. it is not good for anything expect playing with.

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