Silverhorn isn't really a problem m8.. 3clers with di and a necro should do the job tbh! That's how I did it for my cleric atleast? Gimme a shout here about when you're gonna do it and how many clers you got, and I'll help you out with either cler or necro
He raises a good point tho, is anyone planning an arti raid soon? Seems like a while since there has been a big one, surely all the new 50s need some artis
What kind of interest is there at the moment for stuff like EC, JS, Golden Spear, etc?
I need GS on my scout. CB would be nice but only if lots need it as it can be done by necro if only a handfull need it.
I wonder what will happen in a while when the cluster population has gone down to the point where its virtually impossible to get enough for the battle grp artis, assuming were not already at that point. Will they make the encs easier or just leave them and accept that nobody can get them?
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