Anyone know anything about this sword?

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Arcanium Sword of Disdain (Mid)
Magical Bonuses:

Sword: +4 pts

Item Bonuses:
Strength attribute cap: 7
Dexterity attribute cap: 6
Melee Damage: 12%
Style Damage: 12%
vs Humanoid, Undead

Magical Ability:
Function: Lifedrain
Damage: 65.00
Target: Targetted
Cast Time: instant
Damage Type: Cold

Dates 24 of november 2003, which would be before 1.68 if I'm not totally wrong. And the melee dmg and style dmg certainly suggest so. :|
Anyways anyone seen this and know the current stats on this thing? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
consider about the same stats on mid version:

arcanite Club of Disdain

Magical Bonuses:
- Blunt: 4 pts
- Strength: 13 pts

Level Requirement
- 49 Level

Bonus to Strength attribute bonus cap: 8
Bonus to Constitution attribute bonus cap: 8
Bonus to melee damage: 2%
- Requirement: vs Undead and Humanoid
Bonus to style damage: 2%
- Requirement: vs Undead and Humanoid

Magical Ability:
Function: lifedrain

Damages the target. A portion of damage is used to heal the caster.

Damage: 65
Health returned: 100% of damage dealt
Target: Targetted
Range: 300
Casting time: instant
Damage: Cold

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