Anyone interested in reviewing pc games?



Lo all, hope you don't mind me posting here, as I'm not really sure which forum this fits into...

Right well, I have no idea what your writing talents are like, but I am looking for some reviewers for a new pc games website being set up. Rather boring you may think, but we're actually quite interested in getting people not only for newer games, but also to review older games, and consider why they were seen as good/bad in their day... Obviously, newer games will be there as well and like I say, reviewers are needed for that, too, and the site will have up to date news and the like, but I was wondering if any of you fine chaps would be interested in joining me in my pcgames escapade... If so, just email me @ with a short review of any pc game you like, be it good or bad, and a bit of information about yourself such as your age and favourite genre. Although not paid, this is an ideal opportunity for any of you interested in working within games journalism, and a chance for you to show to your friends that you DO know what you are talking about. You can visit the site now, which has forums set up, for more information or to give any suggestions as to what can be included, or you would like to see on the site.
Hope to see some of you there! :)

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