Anyone have the oldschool fotm template?


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
The one with gov, cb, cloudsong tarts, jacinas, atlantis tablet, mad scalars and soot stained boots?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
well presume its just a good old standart caster temp your looking for. Have all those artis in my sorc temp (as i cba to remake) so can look on priv boards if i can find it, dont have it on comp anymore :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Config Report


Str: 15 Int: 105 Hits: 200
Con: 75 Pie: 0 Power: 0
Dex: 103 Cha: 0
Qui: 0 Emp: 0


Body: 25 Energy: 17 Crush: 21
Cold: 24 Matter: 6 Thrust: 27
Heat: 23 Spirit: 10 Slash: 22


6 Cold Magic

6 Earth Magic

11 Fire Magic


50 Cold Magic

50 Earth Magic

50 Fire Magic

Cap Increases

25 Dexterity

40 Hits

10 Power

25 Intelligence

Other Bonuses

9 Spell Range

27 % Power Pool

9 Spell Damage

18 AF

11 Stat Buff Effectiveness

6 Duration of Spells

10 Casting Speed

Piece Listing

Name: GoV Caster
Level: 51 Quality: 100
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 40 Hits
Effect 2: 15 Intelligence
Effect 3: 5 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 4: 15 Dexterity
Effect 5: 15 Strength
Effect 6: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 7: 4 Spell Range
Effect 8: 4 Spell Damage
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 40.00

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 25 Constitution - 99 Flawless Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 22 Dexterity - 99 Precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 3 Fire Magic - 99 Rough Fiery Evocation Sigil
Gem 4: 9 Cold - 99 Polished Icy Shielding Jewel
Utility: 64.33

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 28 Constitution - 99 Perfect Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 2 Fire Magic - 99 Uncut Fiery Evocation Sigil
Gem 3: 9 Cold - 99 Polished Icy Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 9 Energy - 99 Polished Light Shielding Jewel
Utility: 64.67

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 22 Constitution - 99 Precious Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Body - 99 Polished Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Thrust - 99 Imperfect Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 9 Heat - 99 Polished Heated Shielding Jewel
Utility: 64.67

Name: Maddening Scalars
Level: 51 Quality: 100
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 40 Hits
Effect 2: 15 Dexterity
Effect 3: 15 Acuity
Effect 4: 6 % Power Pool
Effect 5: 3 Casting Speed
Effect 6: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 7: 5 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 30.00

Name: Silksteel Soot Stained Boots
Level: 51 Quality: 100
AF: Bonus:
Effect 1: 18 Dexterity
Effect 2: 18 Intelligence
Effect 3: 5 % Power Pool
Effect 4: 7 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 5: 6 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 24.00

Right Hand
Imbue Points: 0.0 of 10 (94 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0.00

Left Hand
Imbue Points: 0.0 of 10 (94 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0.00

Two Handed
Name: Tart's Gift
Level: 51 Quality: 100
DPS: Bonus:
Effect 1: 15 Intelligence
Effect 2: 50 All Spell Lines
Effect 3: 40 Hits
Effect 4: 3 All Magic Skills
Effect 5: 6 % Power Pool
Effect 6: 5 Spell Damage
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 66.00

Imbue Points: 0.0 of 10 (94 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0.00

Name: Ancient Copper Necklace
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 10 Spirit
Effect 2: 10 Body
Effect 3: 10 Crush
Effect 4: 10 Thrust
Effect 5: Empty
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 80.00

Name: Cloudsong
Level: 51 Quality: 100
Effect 1: 5 % Power Pool
Effect 2: 12 Acuity
Effect 3: 5 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 4: 5 Casting Speed
Effect 5: 8 AF
Effect 6: 5 Stat Buff Effectiveness
Effect 7: 5 Power Cap Increase
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 8.00

Name: Atlantis Tablet
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 15 Acuity
Effect 2: 3 All Magic Skills
Effect 3: 40 Hits
Effect 4: 10 AF
Effect 5: Empty
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 65.00

Name: Jacina's Sash
Level: 51 Quality:
Effect 1: 6 Stat Buff Effectiveness
Effect 2: 6 Duration of Spells
Effect 3: 5 % Power Pool
Effect 4: 5 Power Cap Increase
Effect 5: 5 Spell Range
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 0.00

Right Ring
Name: Ring of the torrent
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 10 Thrust
Effect 2: 10 Slash
Effect 3: 11 Crush
Effect 4: 2 Casting Speed
Effect 5: Empty
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 62.00

Left Ring
Name: Immolated Ring
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 15 Acuity
Effect 2: 15 Dexterity
Effect 3: 8 Heat
Effect 4: 8 Energy
Effect 5: 4 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 6: 4 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 52.00

Right Wrist
Name: Ebon Hide Bracer
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 6 Cold
Effect 2: 6 Body
Effect 3: 6 Heat
Effect 4: 6 Slash
Effect 5: 6 Matter
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 60.00

Left Wrist
Name: Ceremonial Bracer Dex
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Effect 1: 18 Dexterity
Effect 2: 40 Hits
Effect 3: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 4: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 5: 6 Slash
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 34.00

This was my take on it.

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