Anyone got regeneration?



Hi, i know like serenity does 1 power per cycle, does anyone know / can approximate how much regeneration does? If it also does 1 I won't bother with it but can anyone tell me?


No idea on exact figures but you wont notice much differance with regen 1 at all, better of getting tireless if you really want one of those, as you wont normally get even a little endurance back in combat. Unless your a caster in which case forget it.

Ah I see your a friar, save the points and heal yourself after lol.


I tested it at level2 and it sucked, hardly any difference. Would need to be level3 + to notice anything significant, and even then I would say its not worth the cost. Dont know exact figures though.


i got regen1 and i like it. considering u regen standing & moving at a similar rate to what u do when sitting without it, its far better value than aug con1 imo. also regen in combat, not much true, but every hit point can count.

i respec'd out of it once, then at some wall fight im sitting on my arse for like 5mins to regen health and thinking "wtf??!" i bought it back with my very next RA point ;)

but yeah if u can heal yourself forget it, unless u want a _very_ ghetto version of the pally heal chant.


got it on my reaver.

with the 3 - 4 RSPs you get in BG having 1 tireless and 1 regen on a melle class can be nice for while your lvling. will respec out at 50 for more RvR based RA's though

cant wait for UTOS :D


To put it into context...

Regen 1 is one third as effective as the first of the regen buffs a cleric has.

And one fifth to one seventh as effective as the first of the regen buffs that typical lvl 50 clerics have. One ninth of the effectiveness of the regen buff from a buff-bot.

This is the buff which clerics never cast and will rant freely about the pointlessness of given half a chance.


Uhm in the last patch regen ra didn't stack whit regen cleric buff,
now it does?
Also..I know for sure Tireless it's bugged ,I tested lvl 4 and it worked like lvl 1 in movement,rumors said it work properly at lvl 5,someone tested regen at lvl 5?

SoulFly Amarok

regeneration / tireless = big waste of rsp's


tireless is good - you can regen whilst moving, don't have to sit.

Anything above tireless 1 is pointless though :)


Only get regen if you don't have a buffbot. regen buff > RA.
Also the following classes won't see much gain:
paladin, cleric, friar, minstrel.


ok lets seperate teh facts from the myths & "sommit i read on vn forum m8!!1"

in each case i jumped off a tower taking 99% falling damage and took elapsed time (sitting) to full health using a stop watch.

lvl36 cleric 973hits with "Renewal" regen buff, value=3, time = 190s

lvl36 cleric 973hits no regen buff or RA, time = 230s

lvl50 merc 1661hits with Regeneration1, no buffs, time = 250s


"Renewal" increases health regen by 20%

unbuffed cleric regens at 4.2hits/second

cleric +renewal regens at 5.1hits/second

merc +regeneration1 regens at 6.6hits/second

Regeneration1 is 30% faster than Renewal (a lowbie 3value regen buff)

Regeneration1 increases health regen by 57%.

Bye Buy.


Konah - you have assumed that level 50 mercs and level 36 clerics naturally regen HP at exactly the same rate.

Don't know if we have any evidence for that?

If all chars at all levels unbuffed regened at 4.2HP/second you'd be able to regen a lvl 1 as fast as end regen, or faster. Not sure it's that quick.

You also assume that in combat timers didn't interrupt the tick rate at any point (and combat timers are known to be buggy). If anyone has seen the same effect over more than one attempt, and using the same character at the same level, I'd be interested to see it.

My numbers above are simply based on delve info and mythic comments - take that as you will.



Just tested it myself and Konah is way wrong.
Tests performed on my 45 merc, buffed con, 1886 HP. Each test was a 99% falling damage jump. I tested with no RA, with my cleric's 7 delve regen buff, with regen 1 RA, and with both buff and RA. The ticks column is the number of 3 second "ticks" between the fall and full HP (hp, end and mana regen at one tick per 3s sitting, 6s standing and 14s in combat).

Effect      Time       Ticks   HP/Tick
None        353        118     15.983
Regen RA    316        105     17.962
Regen Buff  245        82      23.000
Buff + RA   226        75      25.147

From this there are several conclusions:
Natural regen is 16 hp/tick for my character.
Regen RA adds 2/tick per level or 12.5%.
The regen buff from the cleric adds 7/tick, which is it's delve.
The buff and the RA stack.


Originally posted by Danyan
Just tested it myself and Konah is way wrong.
Tests performed on my 45 merc, buffed con, 1886 HP. Each test was a 99% falling damage jump. I tested with no RA, with my cleric's 7 delve regen buff, with regen 1 RA, and with both buff and RA. The ticks column is the number of 3 second "ticks" between the fall and full HP (hp, end and mana regen at one tick per 3s sitting, 6s standing and 14s in combat).

Effect      Time       Ticks   HP/Tick
None        353        118     15.983
Regen RA    316        105     17.962
Regen Buff  245        82      23.000
Buff + RA   226        75      25.147

From this there are several conclusions:
Natural regen is 16 hp/tick for my character.
Regen RA adds 2/tick per level or 12.5%.
The regen buff from the cleric adds 7/tick, which is it's delve.
The buff and the RA stack.

1886hits/353sec = 5.34hits per second natural regen ur claiming @ lvl45, as opposed to the 4.2hits/sec i measured on my 36 cleric, so either natural regen rates increase with lvl/class or i'm just "way wrong" eh?

i dont have a lvl50 that doesn't have this RA, someone go jump off a roof and time your regen to full health plz, in the interests of science, post here your hits and the time taken and we can play with our calculators over the breakfast cuppa ;)

mythic said in recent grab bag they did stack, however we all know how reliable they are...


jeeez .. okey ...

Serenity works like the minstrel's powersong, and "yes" it stacks:

Serenity1 = pwr song 1
Serenity2 = pwr song 2
and so on ...


umm greenfingers - we're not talking about serenity :)


plz all albs type /respec realm and get mastery of water 5 followed by regen 5 and longwind 5

these are da ubah RA, u all must have it !


From this there are several conclusions:
Natural regen is 16 hp/tick for my character.
Regen RA adds 2/tick per level or 12.5%.
The regen buff from the cleric adds 7/tick, which is it's delve.
The buff and the RA stack.

Additional conclusion...

Both the RA and the Buff are a waste of time.


The RA is hardly wonderful, but compared to the number of HPs gained from Aug Con or Toughness it isnt THAT bad.

The buff isnt a total waste of time - it helps level a char to 5 quickly ;) The lack of use of the buff is due to the limited size of a clerics conc pool. Its not completely useless (at the numbers above show) but every non-buffbot cleric has better use for the conc points. Remember Mythic tested an improved version of this buff not so long ago, but it never went live. The reason was apparently that they couldnt easily cap it to char level so it could be abused for power-levelling :rolleyes:


Originally posted by old.Demeter
plz all albs type /respec realm and get mastery of water 5 followed by regen 5 and longwind 5

these are da ubah RA, u all must have it !

Yeah that's the SB's first RA's, just incase their buddies and bots go ld :rolleyes:


Side note, (its slightly still on topic ;p)

Serenity doesn’t stack with power songs, unsure of sorc regen though

Serenity one is as good as power song 2
Serenity 2 works slightly worse than ps4
Serenity 3 nullifies minerals power songs


(bler ignore me, missed the patch note about it being fixed, learn something new everyday)


Serenity and powersong / power buffs stack. Lots of people have tested this (myself included). Also serenity 1 is the same as powersong 1 / power buff 1.

"so either natural regen rates increase with lvl/class or i'm just "way wrong" eh?"
I'd suggest that they probably do increase with level or class, I can check regen rates on my cleric (also level 45) if you're bothered.


Originally posted by Danyan
I'd suggest that they probably do increase with level or class, I can check regen rates on my cleric (also level 45) if you're bothered.

I'm not that bothered, i feel its worth 1 point to a melee char in pve and also in rvr and it certainly feels like alot more than the 12.5% regen you propose. i just want the facts.

my finding of 57% increase in regen seems flawed cos i took the difference in regen time between a lvl36 and a lvl50 (by the looks). i want to know how fast a lvl50 regens without this RA to get a definitive answer as too how much difference this RA really makes in hits/sec when sitting, which can then be extrapolated to standing/moving and in combat. needs to be a lvl50 with the RA vs lvl50 without the RA, preferably the same class/race. i'll nag ali to try it tomm if i remember ;)


Interesting to note, my merc with regen RA only was reggening at 6 HP / sec while you were seeing 6.6hp/sec on a 50 merc. Possibly it's based on level then.

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