Anyone got Avoid Pain?



As in, the realm ability.
Wondering if it's still bugged and if not, is the documentation correct? I.e. AP2 = 20%absorb buff for a minute on 15min reuse timer...
Anyone got it and care to furnish me with some opinions? :>


Nightshades on the us servers use it. I have seen screens of a NS that beat a warrior, a skald, a runie and an sb that were all on him at the same time. Ofcourse he was buffed etc etc, but still, he walked away from the fight. Im considering it for the next thing on my hunter now that i got IP


you forgot to add the fact that those 3 were all below 30 :rolleyes:


Originally posted by slapmesilly..
you forgot to add the fact that those 3 were all below 30 :rolleyes:

And you are obviously an idiot....

Avoid pain works just as bof, as in, it stacks with melee resists, so if all those 3 did slash damage i would be surprised if they even tickled him before AP ran out at which point im sure 2 of them were already dead...


i have AP2, so +20%. it's great fun, my own personal bof


Don't you need Aug con 3 to get that ? Thats rather expensive considering Aug con even on a tank class will only get you about half the hit points that Toughness would get you per level. Though don't get me wrong its a very nice RA, just that the pre-requisit skills are a tad expensive.


OK, I think I'll take it then.
What I don't know is whether or not AP2 means I don't need IP, or whether it means that I know kill pairs that jump me instead of killing one and then dying.
Kagato: yeah, I like having lots of hp though. And don't forget augcon lets you get more mileage out of your toughness :)


but arnor, you don't have to face zerkers in rvr :(


The screenshots with the NS getting mugged by the 4 other guys, the attackers where all 50, some higher RR's included, the sb was RR5 i remember that.

Isnt it nice that when you try to give some info on something you have seen/read about some people always have to start talking out of their ass?


Originally posted by Brevis
Isnt it nice that when you try to give some info on something you have seen/read about some people always have to start talking out of their ass?

You mean every single time anyone tries to give some info on something, then :D
Interesting screenies :>
Mind you, that's 29pts, AP3... which is... quite a heavy investment. Still, would more than double my absorb unless there's some horribly gay catch in "20% extra absorb" :p

Kerram Darktyde

The NS had Uber RPs (claims 2nd highest RPed Assassin in DAoC) = loads of realm abilities and he had his back to a wall.. so no rear attacks.. the guys fighting him were silly to fight him if they could not get behind him.

When was this pre or post current balances??
why did they not just stand off and nuke him to bits??

All seems a litle unclear ... but anyway powerful RA


Yeah, they didnt fight him under the best circumstances, but the interesting part is that neither the skald warrior nor sb do more than 50 or so dam on him.

Yes Avoid pain 3 is quite high, I wouldnt take it higher than 2, but it is a quite good RA


I tried AP2 on hotrats, its quite nice, difficult to use vs assasins cus they will crit hit before you can use it, in the end I didnt like it compared to IP so swapped back.

IP is a definate win if you have it ready vs an assasin, its a close fight if the assasin is buffed (usually the assasin wins though, amazing how fast they cut through 2600 hits)... as for that NS, obvious that his opponents were unbuffed, I have fought buffed ns's, 17 attacks, 15 evaded... all styled attacks as well with a paladin hitting the same ns and running end chant.

The next RA im saving for is AP, I love active RA's, get AoM 1, toughness 1 then SoS, IP, Purge, then aug con 3, AP1, AP2 then passives or AP3 (master of blocking, dodger). If you want a few extra hits you could get aug con 3 before toughness. Will be nice to have IP AP SoS and purge (about rr7), minstrel really does become a lot stronger as he gets more realm points. Sadly he also gets a lot stronger when buffed which is the cheap way of doing it.


Buffed minstrel with no anti-assassin RAs or actives at all (i.e. gimpy ol' me) dies in seconds to someone like Salamurhaaja, who afaik is a pure shadowzerker and is unbuffed. 1850hp buffed FYI, 739 AF, 28%slash resist.


Originally posted by Kagato.
Don't you need Aug con 3 to get that ? Thats rather expensive considering Aug con even on a tank class will only get you about half the hit points that Toughness would get you per level. Though don't get me wrong its a very nice RA, just that the pre-requisit skills are a tad expensive.

I think Avoid Pain is 1 point cheaper than IP, and on a 15 min timer instead of 30 mins.


Originally posted by Brevis
Nightshades on the us servers use it. I have seen screens of a NS that beat a warrior, a skald, a runie and an sb that were all on him at the same time. Ofcourse he was buffed etc etc, but still, he walked away from the fight. Im considering it for the next thing on my hunter now that i got IP

Did I miss the runie? Not gonna bother to go trough them again... well anyway, he can't possibly know if the warrior was rezz sick or not as he doesn't know when he was rezzed. But still quite impressive.


I have Avoid Pain lvl 2. Its quite nice. If you like to melee more than using your bow then get it.

Keeps you alive 20% longer in fights which is nice and add FA2/IP/Purge to that and you will stay alive a while. ;)

Need 3 more realmlvls to purchase either AvoidPain3 or Truesight.

Eitherway solo assassins is isnt that much of a problem if the active RAs are ready and you aint sleepwalking. ;)
You can take on some tanks as well if the circumstances are right.
Without buffs its hard killing tanks though. Need more luck and them using their ip (or not having it ready)before they get to you prefareably, but you can always buzz out if it looks bad. ;)

The shield/sword specced armsmen I stay away from though most of the time unless it says Myrmidion or summat. ;)
Polearmsmen are very possible though since you can mostly force them to IP before they are within melee range. They dont dodge the arrows. ;)

Of course I die alot trying on tanks but its fun, especially when you kill them. Not what they expect from an archer.

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