Anyone getting resisted a lot ?



Im a lvl 36 neccy on excal alb and am finding nearly all mobs since the 1.62 patch are resisting 30-40% of the casts my pet or I make - which is now making it almost impossible to play the game..

Anybody having the same thing?

Apologies if this has been brought up b4 - and if so can anyone enlighten me as to the thread or details/link info?



I respecced my level 33 eld to void and tbh I can drop oranges with 3-4 spells without resists at all. The miss/resist ratio on yellows seems very low, on oranges about 10-20%.

No problems here :eek:


You may find that your miss/resist rate against purples has significantly increased, but as you're a necro I can only assume you're solo, and thus... I'm afraid I have no idea. :p


bad luck or try some other mobs (when playing my necro i experience some mobs resisting ALOT more even tho they are same lvl)


Some guildies were complaining about resists last night while others had no problems so I'm not sure yet.

In theory the Parry/Block fix in 1.62 was supposed to create problems when casters solo - I'm not sure how pets are factored into the equation though - our bonedancers didnt seem as affected???

old.Trine Aquavit

As I understand it...

The bug in the parry/block code was that all group members were considered to be attacking the target. The chance to kit (with spell or melee) is calculated so that there's a bonus to hit when the target you're hitting is being attacked by others.

The bug existed in PvE also, which meant that you would get the bonus to hit of your entire group, even if only three were actively attacking.

The block/parry fix in 1.62 changed the calculation of how many people were attacking so, in most circumstances, the bonus to hit a target will not be as great as before.


1FG attacking a single target. 3 melee, 2 casters, 1 healer (healing), 1 healer (resting), 1 afk.

Pre 1.62 - All 8 would be considered to be attacking the mob, and the chance to hit would be calculated on 8 attackers

Post 1.62 - Only the 6 active members would be considered to be attacking the mob, so the chance to hit would be reduced.

Solo there obviously shouldn't be any difference in chance to hit. It will probably have most impact on PBAE groups, which might only have 2-3 out of a full group attacking each mob.


Thx for replies so far - im gonna bump tho - as all day ive been playing and b4 the patch i was being resisted a lot less than after the patch.

I woud do POW drain, POW drain POW drain, out of those 3, 1 is always resisted - then life taps, maybe 4 - 8 because of the previous resists and only 3 in 6 or there abouts would connect, even on weak to spirit mobs.

Neutral is even worse.

So being a lvl 37 neccy. I can barely use my character... which is really pissing me off atm.

Hopefully other neccys will comment and we can build a better picture of this.



hmmmm ....... TBH i haven't done any killing with my necro since the patch ....
I'll go kill some stuff today , spirit weak and non , let you know if i notice a difference

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