Anyone else think the levelling 'DING'....



Guest like the sounds of a fucking Ice Cream van to little kids???

I am sick to the fucking back teeth, and out through the back of me head - possibly even out of the house and down the road through me neighbours gob and to HIS back teeth too - of people who stay in a group levelling with you telling all other group members to 'stay as long as we can guys' etc then miraculously have to "Log for tea" or " My mams shouting me" or "The Diplodocus needs his tail clipping at the vets" and fucking skidaddle as soon as they level!

It's almost like the preverbeal 'DING' is a fekkin Ice Cream van.

"Tum te tum...."


"Iiiiiiiceeeeeeeee Creeeeaaammmmmmmmm"

*poof* gone!

If you're in a good group and you are levelling well, stay for the sake of the group - have some fucking respect for your fellow players. If you have to go give as much notice as poss!

Pack of bastards BAH BAH BAH!


You mean they have something else to do and don't want to sit at the computer just for your pleasure?



in a future patch there is a new "effect+sound when u lvl" is has the mythic logo in red/blue/yellow suround the floor like a pbae spell around you and a cute lil bit of tune :) if i can be assed ill go take a screenhot off it . but thats if i an be assed: P


Originally posted by [CT]Clone1 like the sounds of a fucking Ice Cream van to little kids???

I am sick to the fucking back teeth, and out through the back of me head - possibly even out of the house and down the road through me neighbours gob and to HIS back teeth too - of people who stay in a group levelling with you telling all other group members to 'stay as long as we can guys' etc then miraculously have to "Log for tea" or " My mams shouting me" or "The Diplodocus needs his tail clipping at the vets" and fucking skidaddle as soon as they level!

It's almost like the preverbeal 'DING' is a fekkin Ice Cream van.

"Tum te tum...."


"Iiiiiiiceeeeeeeee Creeeeaaammmmmmmmm"

*poof* gone!

If you're in a good group and you are levelling well, stay for the sake of the group - have some fucking respect for your fellow players. If you have to go give as much notice as poss!

Pack of bastards BAH BAH BAH!

seems you met the poor ice-cream man that only had money to get a "ding" sound.

NO it DOESNT sound ANYTHING like the ice-cream van, that shit has a melody. Its horrid, yes, but no the ding doesnt remind me of that shit. It reminds me of eq where it dinged.

And if you sick of it, stop grouping


grouping wont stop it :D

delete your chars, make 8 lvl 1 chars, and play them without getting exp, then u will never again hear that AWFUL sound :D


Re: Re: Anyone else think the levelling 'DING'....

Originally posted by Arnor2
seems you met the poor ice-cream man that only had money to get a "ding" sound.

NO it DOESNT sound ANYTHING like the ice-cream van, that shit has a melody. Its horrid, yes, but no the ding doesnt remind me of that shit. It reminds me of eq where it dinged.

And if you sick of it, stop grouping

Errr... The sound is different per realm :p


Boring you're fed up cos ppl leave groups when they ding. So ? You don't like it, don't group.

Retention of group members post levelling is dependent on a great many factors, many of which you can do fuck all about:

(a) the manner in which group members gel with each other;
(b) group fun element;
(c) real life commitments
(d) not wanting to play beyond personal ding

etc etc etc etc etc

Get real dude. If you're fed up, dont group, or give the game a rest for a few hours.

You'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel if your turn your PC off, get out the house, do 2 hours in the gym, phone your parents, eat, get some sleep, stop masturbating, etc etc

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by [CT]Clone1 like the sounds of a fucking Ice Cream van to little kids???

I am sick to the fucking back teeth, and out through the back of me head - possibly even out of the house and down the road through me neighbours gob and to HIS back teeth too - of people who stay in a group levelling with you telling all other group members to 'stay as long as we can guys' etc then miraculously have to "Log for tea" or " My mams shouting me" or "The Diplodocus needs his tail clipping at the vets" and fucking skidaddle as soon as they level!

It's almost like the preverbeal 'DING' is a fekkin Ice Cream van.

"Tum te tum...."


"Iiiiiiiceeeeeeeee Creeeeaaammmmmmmmm"

*poof* gone!

If you're in a good group and you are levelling well, stay for the sake of the group - have some fucking respect for your fellow players. If you have to go give as much notice as poss!

Pack of bastards BAH BAH BAH!


your a twat improve everyones game by deleteing your chars and going back to wakking off to animal porn like you did before u stumbled on doac

irl kthnx


Speedball 2 half/time "ice-cream ice-cream"


I agree. I hate players who ding and then leave. If they say bye to everyone and say thanks for the group good luck whatever stuff then thats fine.

But it's the pricks who ding, then just run off and disband without saying a word. Seems kind of rude to me.


kinda agree aye. Makes life a lot easier even if they say, 0.2 to lvl guys, could u find a replacement for me for then,

Can't say I completely disagree. And the Ding sound? God dang, run winamp already! :D


Originally posted by Pin
You mean they have something else to do and don't want to sit at the computer just for your pleasure?


Do you automatically attempt to ridicule people who complain, without actually considering if they're right? That's a rhetorical question.

Pains me to agree with anyone bearing [CT], but, well, I have to say it's bloody annoying to have someone give no warning of their imminent departure and then just sod off after they level. It's inconsiderate, plain and simple. No matter how much foul language you use when complaining about it, the complaint is still valid.


Oh i hate that , had some cleric at a celt group in barrows a while ago, he goes DING disbands and runs to nearest mob. leave the rest stranded there with no healing or rezzer.

I understand that you want to leave after you ding but atleast give the group an advance warning and help your group get out of the dungeon if needed


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Do you automatically attempt to ridicule people who complain, without actually considering if they're right? That's a rhetorical question.

Pains me to agree with anyone bearing [CT], but, well, I have to say it's bloody annoying to have someone give no warning of their imminent departure and then just sod off after they level. It's inconsiderate, plain and simple. No matter how much foul language you use when complaining about it, the complaint is still valid.

He's right in that it's inconsiderate for people just to leave without warning after levelling, but my reply was more to the last statement saying that the person should ignore any RL commitments they may have and 'stay for the sake of the group' - not everyone values gaining experience for 14 hours a day above everything else.

I don't like people who ding and leave either, but give 15 minutes (or whatever) warning and where's the problem?

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