Anyone else here moved to the US servers?



Just wondering if many others have shifted over to the US version of DAoC too? We've moved with about 2fg from Hib/Pryd there for a fresh start and would be nice to meet other ex-euros there ;)


Who were the hibs that moved?and to which server?


Check forums and the US thread to see who's moved. We're playing Hib/MLF to start with and will probably be trying Mid/Alb on other servers.

It's definetely nice having a fresh start and moving from euro to US feels like moving from beta to the release version of DAoC. Still have my euro accounts but not playing them as much and may phase them out in a few months if happy with things.


I have friends that I used to play with here on EU that these days play on the US servers. Me and some friends will start a group on Albion/Nimue since two of the friends already play there since before and have level 50 chars there already, IE money, equipment and leveling help overall, and there's no UK EU server left for us to play Alb on(And I doubt they want to move back to EU). I'll still be playing here on EU though, atleast 3 times a week with my guild on hib/pryd.


Wouldnt even dream of going to the US servers

Place is full of proper dumb ass yanquies, been there along time ago but never again ^^


i have a US account, gimped level 50 runemaster :p i keep it open to fool around with stuff everynow and then..

if it wasn't for the time difference i'd consider playing 100% there for sure.


I think the time difference thing depends what server you're on. It seems as much an advantage as a disadvantage, like for example it makes it easier to get groups at 4 fins cos the yanks are mostly asleep. If anything the servers are more active there for a longer period of the day because the US covers 3 time zones it means you have some going to sleep 3hrs early, some getting up 3hrs early. meaning the times where 99% of the population are asleep are drastically smaller than that of the euro servers. Also means you're awake and on earlier in your day, when all the best groups start. One of the problems I've always had on euro is I get home from work too late to get a group and cba to wake up early enough on weekends to get one too.

As for the yank kiddies (of which I've met very few so far) being a problem, compared to the Spanish kiddies? I'll take the yanks thanks :p


I have a couple of characters on Midgard/Merlin - give me a shout if you roll any toons there as I'd be happy to help you level or share my meagre funds with nice people :)

The time difference isn't much of a problem on Merlin as at the times I play there are still a lot of people online - plenty of people to level with and plenty of people to RvR with and against.

Lots of new players on that server/realm too, so proper xp groups!! Woot!! My sup spec runie is in high demand ;)

Would also have to say that there are less 1337 clowns than I'd become used to and people are able to discuss things like spawn camping in a mature and reasonable way. Plus you have CSR's on hand to deal with such matters if necessary :)


I am there at the mo

Will check those forums

Currently playing Alb Lancelot nice bunch of people on there

I have lvl 50 bard and ns on Galahad hence my signature but my first love is always alb


I'm at the US servers as well..

Just started a pallie in Guinevere :)

and when it comes to timezone, there is a couple of servers who "always" have stable population :)

(at least when I am awake)

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