Anyone changed from 50 pole to 50 2hd?



Anyone done that with this patch?

- if so how you find the miss/fumbles,
- dmg compared to polearm,
- end usuage
- general performance


nm i specced to:

50 thrust 50 pole 23 shield, 15 parry,

from 50 thrust 50 pole 28 parry.

Just need a small shield and guard rapier now ;x

Madonion Slicer

i did the same spec from

50 Pole
42 Sheild
39 Slash
6 Parry


50 Pole
50 Slash
23 Sheild
15 Parry


This is a new take on the normal Hybrid spec - interesting.

I have a 2 H Slash Arms myself, will be interested to know how you get on with this spec in PvE/RvR.

I take it in RvR you'd use the faster one hand weapon to peirce BT, then switch to Pole to finish, or the other way around?

Madonion Slicer

The reason i spec out of high sheild is 2 fold

1. Consern i was missing out on damage with only 39 in damage type, i know the argument for and against but in my head i am thinking mmmm 39 when i could have 50, mmm 50 bigger than 39 so it must be better. :D

2. Slam is over rated for an armsmen, we are about damage slam is way to end hungry unless you with a Pally and any Pally worth his sword has slam anyway.

23 Sheild gives a 6sec rear stun style easy enough to pull off, almost every healer or bard i have charged and hit turns and runs, hence rear stun easy.

Just much happier with this spec knowing i am doing the max damage i could with max weapon skill, but if it comes to it i can hold my own with S&S.


Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
The reason i spec out of high sheild is 2 fold

1. Consern i was missing out on damage with only 39 in damage type, i know the argument for and against but in my head i am thinking mmmm 39 when i could have 50, mmm 50 bigger than 39 so it must be better. :D

2. Slam is over rated for an armsmen, we are about damage slam is way to end hungry unless you with a Pally and any Pally worth his sword has slam anyway.

23 Sheild gives a 6sec rear stun style easy enough to pull off, almost every healer or bard i have charged and hit turns and runs, hence rear stun easy.

Just much happier with this spec knowing i am doing the max damage i could with max weapon skill, but if it comes to it i can hold my own with S&S.

Excellent reasoning - you've got me convinced :)

Now, which would be more appropriate for a Briton Armsman - Slash or Thrust?

I noticed one Dex monkey has specced Thrust above :)

Madonion Slicer

Again there are 2 reasons why i am slash

1. This patch only had single line respec so it is tough luck i could only respec sheild and not sheild&slash.

2. On the bright side i find the slash styles when the time comes to use s&s much nicer, riposite and befuddle combo is nice and easy to do off a block, Dimond Slash comes of Amythist Slash not really tested the damage on Di Slash but hell it is a 50 style it has to be good.

If you can and everyone here will tell you Thrust Pole is the way to go, your main target is Midgards Healers in Chain Thrust will get you a bonus against them.

Even if i could spec out of slash i probably wouldnt, but hey i dont want to be like everyone else now do i.



I must admit, I did have a Slash Paladin (Danamyr incidentally) when I first started DAoC. Amethyst is a very sweet style indeed. Thrust styles don't really do it for me.

I did try a S&S Thrust Arms once, that was kinda funny. Looked like a massive Scout :) The damage he did sucked ass though :(


Remember Mythic are currently doing a melee style over haul which will change alot of things and supposedly fix alot of the styles. Of cause its likely to be awhile before we see the changes.


Originally posted by Kagato.
Remember Mythic are currently doing a melee style over haul which will change alot of things and supposedly fix alot of the styles. Of cause its likely to be awhile before we see the changes.

Are you suggesting Thrust is going to get some love? Personally I think 2 H needs a *lot* of attention. Especially where 'To-Hit' bonuses are concerned.


alot of buttons to press but im liking it :D


Bahh i thought i was the only gimped briton s&B thrust arms in albion :p

my first 3 specs are here

44pole 44thrust 42 shield rest parry (BAD spec)

slam hit bladeturn got evaded or just missed too often to be usefull

then respecced

50pole 41thrust 39parry 11shield (bad too ok spec)

i didnt parry half as much as i think i should have with that spec parry is supposed to be 5% plus 0.5% per point in parry x2 if using a polearm or 2 handed

let me put it this way i had 39+11 parry so 50 parry you get the 5% parry plus 39+11 parry = another 25% x 2 for using polearm 60% parry yet i didnt parry half as much as i blocked when i was specced 42 in shield..

in other words parry is gimped :p

then respecced

50pole 50thrust 23shield 17parry (best spec so far for me)

this spec is considered hybrid right? i mean sometimes i go s&b allot of time go pole its just on a sidi raid was told all thrust mercs thrust or hybrid arms roll for so n so 1 hand thrust weapon ... i won the lotto although i wish i hadent due to the amout of problems that caused.... i was asked for my spec i gave it and was told i wasent hybrid by some including raid leader a few stuck up for me saying i was... 1 of my friends gettin a ton of abuse for stickin up for me.. i just let the mob deside it point is... this spec is hybrid as far as i know...

just want to know what others views are so if i am ever put in a situration like that again i can just tell to look at this thread for experience view on the hybrid arms...

o yea for all the people who stuck up for me on the raid thax although i wish i never won the dam lotto caused a friend of mine too much abuse and i think some people might have formed a bad opinion of me based on that 1 thing and give abuse grife etc.. over it which i dont need i... play games to have funn not argue and fight and throw abuse at peeps yer know?

bahh i ramble too much :p


That's weird i thought Parry got a fix with the new patch...


Certainly a tricky one with respect to the one hand weapon, I mean you can use it as well as any other player cus u got 50 thrust, but on the other hand 9 times out of 10 you will be using your pole.
Well if you honestly feel you will use it then you deserve it I guess.

As for spec, I never made an arms but I dont think either 50 50 23 15 or 50 42 39 6 is gimped. I hate getting slammed in rvr :(

8 less weapon spec but you gain a 9 sec anytime stun, if i did make an arms i would go 50 50 23 15, and rely on the pala to slam :)


Originally posted by hotrat
8 less weapon spec but you gain a 9 sec anytime stun, if i did make an arms i would go 50 50 23 15, and rely on the pala to slam :)

That's what /assist is for :)


I respecced 50 2h 50 thrust and I really regret it.

2h look definitively like a shitty spec.
I'll prolly go back to pole thrust
50 50 instead of 50 44 for less variance.

I 'll prolly start to play whit capped quickness too.
I hardly do more than 400 aniway.
and whitout relics play no quick don't have sense.


Originally posted by Ialkarn
I respecced 50 2h 50 thrust and I really regret it.

2h look definitively like a shitty spec.
I'll prolly go back to pole thrust
50 50 instead of 50 44 for less variance.

I 'll prolly start to play whit capped quickness too.
I hardly do more than 400 aniway.
and whitout relics play no quick don't have sense.

I tried capped Quickness first but did not really like it, not noticeable differance to swing speed but a much more noticeable differance to damage, so I changed my template to no quickness at all and much prefer it. It also makes it easier to cap anything else you want too.


Originally posted by Kagato.
Remember Mythic are currently doing a melee style over haul which will change alot of things and supposedly fix alot of the styles. Of cause its likely to be awhile before we see the changes.

uhm afaik it was only to change the iconsbut i could be wrong, i'm sleeping for 90% k


Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
The reason i spec out of high sheild is 2 fold

1. Consern i was missing out on damage with only 39 in damage type, i know the argument for and against but in my head i am thinking mmmm 39 when i could have 50, mmm 50 bigger than 39 so it must be better. :D

Not really. get + 11 from itamz and 44 base at least for proper damage will do u perfectly fine.

Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
The reason i spec out of high sheild is 2 fold

2. Slam is over rated for an armsmen, we are about damage slam is way to end hungry unless you with a Pally and any Pally worth his sword has slam anyway.

lol , slam is not for damage its for utility. Slam is an amazing offensive tool and used correctly wins fights. Use a small shield and u wont even notice it + end pots made that arguement irrelavant along time ago not forgetting Mr. end bunny supplying u :D

Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
The reason i spec out of high sheild is 2 fold

23 Sheild gives a 6sec rear stun style easy enough to pull off, almost every healer or bard i have charged and hit turns and runs, hence rear stun easy.

Aye, its good for getting a quick stun off but its only 6 sec, thats 1 move and another 1 half way ish ther. A minstrel insta stunning on a non-deter tank is as good + as u said pally's will slam. Unless u intend solo'in that person ^^ which u shudnt in an /assist grp ofc.

Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
Again there are 2 reasons why i am slash

2. On the bright side i find the slash styles when the time comes to use s&s much nicer, riposite and befuddle combo is nice and easy to do off a block, Dimond Slash comes of Amythist Slash not really tested the damage on Di Slash but hell it is a 50 style it has to be good.

If you can and everyone here will tell you Thrust Pole is the way to go, your main target is Midgards Healers in Chain Thrust will get you a bonus against them.

Even if i could spec out of slash i probably wouldnt, but hey i dont want to be like everyone else now do i.


Unless ur cash farming then having good 1h slash styles isnt important, all u need is amy slash. Riposte and befud are great styles yes agreed but u wont use them in RvR. As for diamond lash let me put it like this, if u goin to be in a long fight amy slash is better over all but if its just a quick fight or u want to do as much dmg as fast as possible then amy + dia is better < alot more end > but .................. then again if u want to kill fast just use ur polearm / 2h :D

As for the Thrust pole thing, sure everybody says go thrust pole but not many do. majority of arms I see nowadays are slash pole's, or most hybrids u see < ofc some r thrust > are slash. So most ppl are and will stay slash and its thrust users that are more needed tbh.

Originally posted by wolfofslaughter
this spec is considered hybrid right? i mean sometimes i go s&b allot of time go pole its just on a sidi raid was told all thrust mercs thrust or hybrid arms roll for so n so 1 hand thrust weapon ... i won the lotto although i wish i hadent due to the amout of problems that caused.... i was asked for my spec i gave it and was told i wasent hybrid by some including raid leader a few stuck up for me saying i was... 1 of my friends gettin a ton of abuse for stickin up for me.. i just let the mob deside it point is... this spec is hybrid as far as i know...

With 50 adv weapon and 50 base weapon spec u arent hybird imo. It is very similar < say what u like > to a 2h slash arms trying to get a 2h thrust drop, because he is 2h he can use it, just not to best of his and the weapons ability ofc. dunno why u want a special 1h thrust all u use it for is pop'in bt so a crafted 1 is less hassle and less fighting over it :D

As for specs, ther is no such thing as best spec out ther. There is only the spec that u enjoy and feel most effective playing. If I had the respec < full 1 I mean > and the money < SC , armor weapons etc > and played in a constant RvR grp /assist tank grp etc ............. Then I would deffo go for this spec :

50 Polearm
44 Thrust
23 Shield
29 Parry < 30-1 if auto-train :D thats 50 parry at RR10 :eek: >

That is opnion not telling any1 to go with that spec etc, its down to player and ther style. Atm I am slash hybrid and I do some huge dmg and slam is as I have said before an amazing tool for not just defence, trying to slam a savage is teh ghey thou :/, last 1 I did tried to slam him like 6 times and when I landed it he was immune :eek: < nerf mincer insta stun :( > so out came the polearm :D


Originally posted by Aussie-
uhm afaik it was only to change the iconsbut i could be wrong, i'm sleeping for 90% k

Snares work now, thats a fix imo :D

Defenders Aegis has meaaaaan Snare now :D

as does some BM move's :/


Originally posted by Aussie-
uhm afaik it was only to change the iconsbut i could be wrong, i'm sleeping for 90% k

Read TL reports and pay attention to the style-whines in them, Mythic's doing a style review - at some point. 1.64 had just some icon fixes.


Yeah, they've DONE the icon fixes, and TLs were told that they're going to overhaul the actual styles.
Presumably it'll be one of the things used to sell Trials of Atlantis :rolleyes:


O M G the aegis snare actually works now, lasts for ages.


Originally posted by yurka_polearm
O M G the aegis snare actually works now, lasts for ages.

12 seconds I believe, could be wrong though, havent had chance to test it myself yet.


Originally posted by wolfofslaughter

o yea for all the people who stuck up for me on the raid thax although i wish i never won the dam lotto caused a friend of mine too much abuse and i think some people might have formed a bad opinion of me based on that 1 thing and give abuse grife etc.. over it which i dont need i... play games to have funn not argue and fight and throw abuse at peeps yer know?

bahh i ramble too much :p

Ignore them,they are ignorant or worse disonest (they just want your weapon).
An armsman 2h/pole specced have to use his 1h weapon atleast 40% of his combat time.
So as armsman whit a consistent 1h spec (39+) you are perfectly right to claim a weapon usable by your class,cause it gonna improve your perfomances.

The irony want you are 50 thrust specced too.

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