Anyone any Champ Guides



I've got a luri champ alt and i was wondering if anyones seen any GOOD champ guides, i've found some but they're pretty vague and inprecise.


Ah a luri champ? That I can help with.

It's fairly simple to spec:

Large Weapons 50
Valor 50
Parry 28

or if you prefer

parry 27
shield 7 to get engage

(second option is prob smarter and leaves you a whopping 27 pts to spend either in shield or a 1 hand weapon spec)

as for LW, trust me it's far better than a shield/1 hand weapon speccing..

As for stats when creating hard to say.. well not really..

con 10 atleast, str 10 atleast.. then remaining points either into dex or qui or more con.. prob best to put em into dex.. altho you could put into int to get slightly better dmg on your DDs (wouldn't advise it really tho)

Also remember that as a champion you have a fair few less hits than other tank classes since we get no con bonuses when we level ever :( altho next patch gives us more hits apparently.. we'll see... So be careful when swinging that LW as you'll get a lot of aggro from LW damage + debuffs and with no shield and less hits you'll die a bit faster than a shield hero for example, not saying you can't tank, just be careful about it ;)


btw reason to use LW is that for rvr hey're sooo much better than shield + 1 hand cause rvr is very fast and you need to do as much dmg as possible as quickly as possible. btw good job on the choic of luri, they rock.. example of my fight last night vs an orange con mid,I DD and debuff him, I whack him, he misses, I whack him, I parry him, I whack him, I evade him, he insta messes and runs away with near empty life bar :p and has the nerve to laugh at me too after nearly dying without even managing one hit on me. Nothing any tank can do about insta mes tho argh , not til purge anyway


Good luck,
Malev (lvl46 atm luri champion)


Not to forget that Lurikeen Champions are sooooooooo cute. :)


Im going Blades/shield/valor for now, when I hit 40+ hopefully the respec will be in game and then im gonna respec to LW/parry/valour for RvR. I dont plan on RvRing with this character till then.

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