Anybody tested shield hero with the new patch?



Hi i am a shield hero and with the respecing only being allowed for the next 2 lvls (1.5 now : P ) I have to make up my mind soon. I was thinking of going shield 50 blunts 42 parry 39. Patch notes said that they are going to fix blocking and parry in RvR so i would like to hear how other shield hero/champ/bms fair now with the new patch online. I had get to test as red con always gank me so best would be info from a lvl 50 spec shield who has dueled even cons or anything along that line.

Hope to get some replys soon : )

Oh and btw dont tell me to respec cs50 shield 42 parry 39 cause its uber : ) i like being different...even if that means i get my ass kicked in RvR. And if i really have to re spec i am going LW dont like them pointy sticks :p

keela is

its patch 1.53 where shields are 100% fixed


Just a note on the levels you can do the full respec so there is no misunderstanding and you miss it: you can only use it during the current lvl (after patch) and the next one.

Unfortunately, I have no advice on your original question.


Can't comment on the shields myself, being a pierce blademaster... but the spec you're talking about is the same as Vindici, GoS' top shield tank. Never noticed Vin having problems in RvR... :D


Thks for the replys guys : ) Think i am going to stick to my current spec..changing it abit 50 Blunts 42 shield 39 parry..that why i can get the last blunt style that chains of a parry. What i notice is that there is little or no items ( havnt come across any yet) that add to your shield spec other than shields or maybe i just dont know where to hunt for them.


well yesterday vindici and I were stuck in a fight with 6 or 7 albs (one green con, one blue, rest yellow) after a big battle so everyone was ooe. after about 2 mins I had to exclaim /s wtf is going on?!? as we had killed 3 of them and were still going strong, he was blocking like a mad thing :) (blocked nearly a dozen hits on me alone lol). In the end we killed all but one of the albs as mids came and killed him off before we could hehe

so uhm, shield spec tanks are good too afterall :D


i rarely getting blocked by him as I was stuck to his back, but i hit like a fanny without endurance (67-75) double that when i dualwield :d


Originally posted by Meatballs
i rarely getting blocked by him as I was stuck to his back, but i hit like a fanny without endurance (67-75) double that when i dualwield :d

true, but that's why I got you off his back ;)


Im champion/shield, have to say I love the changes in this patch... and its not even fixed yet untill the next patch.

Can only get better in other words.

Basicly a trade off between defense and damage... shield vs 2 handed.


Well guys, I was Excalibur's highest ranking s/s heroine for a long time, and I have this to say : s/s is gimped, or more exactly not the best spec out there.

I tested the new blocking rate (ya i know 1.53 will be better) but rvr wise it's not enough, sure i could last that bit longer but what for? Usualy when the shield hero is the target it means you are dead anyway because you should be the bottom of the target list.

So pve s/s= god = i did solo 4 orange mobs (unbuffed) same time due to insane blocking and generally could own purples (buffed) 1v1. But was always nap time when fighting pretty much anything before i could kill.

So, I have respeced 50 cs 42 shield 39parry 6 blades and wonder of wonders now I can solo any zerker no problem / last duel against a decent zerker i just lost 15-20% hp...and other classes well they're fodder. I was doing MUCH worse being s/s even duel wise and group wise CS + SLAM = MILES BETTER....basicaly if the SLAM is not purged then the spear ownage tottaly gives you the win against anything out there....


Erm if its not working proberly, I will OWN when it is fixed.......... would like to know if there is a problem 47 hero shield/blades 47 no parry Masteryof blocking 3 1v 1 I dont take many hits at all


mojomoo at 47 u say u have 47 in blades/shield right? and none in parry? what happened to all the mini dings u had than?If i am not wrong at 50 your could have 50 blades 50 shields 28 parry this is base without items


Yeah the point is that in my opinion, and as far as I have tested, parry reduces blocking, and there for reduces my chances to use after blocking styles, I recently respecced to regain the points that I put into parry, as while exping untill 50 blocking /w styles is a better benefit to my than parry /w out styles, when I hit 50 and mainly rvr I will train all spare point sinto parry


Sword and shield heroes/champs may block but in rvr you have to deal out damage mainly,just my opinion though but i would use a spear or a 2h hammer.


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Sword and shield heroes/champs may block but in rvr you have to deal out damage mainly

There should be a role for defensive tanks in RvR - the guys who guard the casters from archers at keep takes and defences; the guys who are the last line of defence for the casters.

My own blocking rate has improved since this patch, but is not up to the level I would expect in PvE. As I understand it the next patch will greatly increase our defensive abilities.

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