any tips for a starting armor crafter?



I have a lvl27 armsman now and I really wanna start crafting and wanna start an alt for that...
any ideas/tips about how to start best, how much money im gonna need before i can craft some lvl20 ish stuff... ??


3 tips

1. Dont do it
2. Dont do it
3. Dont do it

Crafting is the single most frustrating thing in this game.

Badly designed, some annoying bugs, and ridiculously expensive to get to any reasonable level.

That said Im just over 550 in armour crafting now, 200+ tailoring, and doing a little fletching to gain skill in woodcrafting - so I guess there must be some appeal to it.

Im not sure why you want to use an alt for crafting - having reasonable strength helps with carrying materials, so your armsman would be ideal for the job.

Take a look at and follow links to the message board there - its possibly the best source of advice for crafters.


Without good supported Tailoring Armour Consignments are allmost undoable, about 30% of the time you don't and can't have the amount of tailoring you need to make cloth or leather subpieces. So if yer going for Armourcrafting try to powercraft to 300 and then try to find a tailorer where ya can do bulk orders.

As for moneymaking, armourcraft has a low-med cost and a low-med profit.
So if yer doing it for the money you should try Weaponcrafting
I has med-high costs but also med-high profit. the Only bad thing about weaponcraft is that if you fail and loose materials you mostly loose alot, something like 30%-50% of the total price.

My advice, only do Armourcrafts if you either can get a good Tailorer or got the patience to lvl Tailoring with the Armourcraft and only take on low lvl orders.

Greets from Graknak


Considerations on starting a crafter

The two main thing you will need on a char is str and speed. Speed will make you travel faster when doing consingments or shopping, str will enable you to carry more.

You can affect your get str by:
- the choice of char
- the choice of race
- how you spend your 30 points on your char
- the level of your crafter
- items
- buffs - own or from others

You can affect your speed by:
- own chants/songs (minstreel, sorc, theu)
- rasing endurance by rasing lvl so you can sprint longer
- having a support char with speed buff that is suck on you
- rasing str, so you dont get encumbered

As you plan on doing armorcrafting you cant get speed buff on your own, but you can increse your str and thereby enable you to carry more before you get encumbered.

My advice is to find an old char that is retired and convert it into a crafter. If you dont have one make a new one, either e cleric with enhanments to get the str buff or a armsman with high str base. Then lvl it a little to get that extra str and endurance. In both cases you need as many +str items as possible.

As for the price to get to lvl 20 stuff in armorcrafting. My guess is 100-300 gp. But it depends on how much you do asignment. If you go pure assignments you will make money out of it, but it takes longer time.

Not to discourage you, but either buying item from other crafter/shops or hunting for them will probabaly be faster and cheaper for Lvl 20 items. The benefit doesnt come until way later when you cant buy stuff in shops anymore.

Hope this helps.

Dina L31 theu (and L600 tailor)
Mawina L33 minstrell

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