any tank respeced to 1handed thrust in gorre?



im on prydwen so i cant check for myself :( and i want to know if theres any armsmen, or better a briton paladin who has respeced 1handed thrust on gorre. if so can you pleaseeeeeeeeeeee post me if its better than slash.

because i researched taht thrust is the hardest resist to find in mid/hib and also the average mid has about 20%slash resist and same with hibbies. and about 0-5% thrust resist.

thanks in advance.


if u respec from slash to thrust........

u will get automatic points spended to slash as 12....its on u will loose 77 points if u do

if u change from thrust to crush or vice versa and u have never spent a point to slash, its 12 .....u dont loose points..but if u change from crush/thrust to slash and u have never trained slash, u should win 77 points..

thats lvl 50 thing....and thats been taken from usa forums..

not tested, if some1 wanna try , can be so kind and post results here, ty


fin i think u r wroing there i respec'd my armsman "lvl42" cos his stats were eveywhere and when i /respec all i had 12 points in both slash AND thrust hence auto trianed both somehow :)

@ original poster sorry mate cant help u there i went slash/slash cos some points were in two hand and pole which i didnt want


12 points in slash aint worth it. slash is pants. the average middie warrior/skald/thane/healer etc has 22%slash resistant, and add that to the slash resist on norse chain which makes it 37% slash resistant, and getting 77points into a stat isnt going to make me lose the 40% damage im going to lose. but if no one tests the 1handed thrust id probably follow the rest and go with slash or 2handed thrust.

Zag Barr

I did respec from pole to shield/thrust (50 shield/44 thrust/37 parry).

I won my all my duels in Gorre today - but the styles suck :)

I have no way to compare it to slash, since I never was slash.

Full respec in between thrust and slash is no problem. You loose no points. When respec from thrust/slash to crush you can loose points.


Yep, that's the biggest problem with thrust... The styles simply SUCK!


Originally posted by -yoda-
fin i think u r wroing there i respec'd my armsman "lvl42" cos his stats were eveywhere and when i /respec all i had 12 points in both slash AND thrust hence auto trianed both somehow :)

@ original poster sorry mate cant help u there i went slash/slash cos some points were in two hand and pole which i didnt want

Aye, but the 12 you spent in them still cost you :) Paladin's only autotrain slash, so moving to thrust loses points :(


Originally posted by belth
Yep, that's the biggest problem with thrust... The styles simply SUCK!

Thrust is a good line if you have high evade...

otherwise you get nothing to compare with Amethyst Slash (which eats endurance... but pair it with paladin endurance regen and slam and it's nice :))


2h thrust or thrust polearm is a good solution, no? Can still hybrid 44pole/42shield/39thrust/~20parry

Only good thrust styles for a tank are, i guess, beartooth off a block, and the back/side positionals pierce/basiliskfang...


44 thrust is minimum if you go with shield - if you ever end up fighting someone 1v1, just do Beartooth/Tranquilize followed by Beartooth/Wyvernfang. Slam first ofcourse, but Beartooth is nice damage alone, nevermind the stun.


tried respec, started with slash 12, chants 12, 2900 points...others?


Originally posted by old.FIN
tried respec, started with slash 12, chants 12, 2900 points...others?

Pallies get slash and chants autotrained. Arms get slash and thrust autotrained.

Pallies lose points respeccing from slash to crush/thrust. Gain if going the other way

Arms lose points if respeccing from slash/thrust to crush. Gain if going the other way.


Oh, and in answer to original question. Thrust styles will completely suck, but you'll get a bonus against norse chain (most of Midgard) and be neutral against the whole of Hibernia.

IMO thrust is the best damage type for Albion in 1.52 (shame about the styles, maybe pole/2h gives better, but that doesn't help the original poster).

Zag Barr

Originally posted by old.LandShark
2h thrust or thrust polearm is a good solution, no? Can still hybrid 44pole/42shield/39thrust/~20parry

I am not a friend of this hybrid spec, because you will suffer in both set ups.

42 shield is just not enuff to actually block well. Your chance to block is calculated against your enemies weapon spec - so unless it's a Warden you will have a hard time blocking. Not having 44 thrust rids you of one of the few okay tank thrust styles. Fighting with s/s only, you will loose against most other classes.

So you will use ur shield to start a fight with slam. VERY high endu cost and poor chance to hit - let's say on avarage your second slam conects, half your endu is gone, then you switch to Pole. Now your main advantage from using a pole, having an insta styled attack, that hits for 400+ is gone, since your combat timer is already ticking and you will have to wait 5 sec after your slam before your pole hits. In the following you can do 2 or 3 pole styles and your endu is out. All that time you are pretty vulnerable since 20 parry is far from good defence.

This Hybrid spec will be more viable with SC, when you can boost +11 to all your skills - but still doesn't convince me. Up to then 39/44 will give you a high damage variance.


hmm i think ill go slash then, 2handed paladins just suck ass because they dont get enough points to spec in thrust + twohanded.

also replying to the hybrid armsmen:
WHY have so much in sheild? you mgiht as well use defenders revenge which does way more damage than a sheild and you get long duration stun too.

then you can bump up parry and parry loads instead, (parry gets uber fix in 1.53 i think)

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