Any smiters left?



Lo clerics! Just wondering if theres any full smiters left on excal? whats ur RvR experiences? Does it work at all? Still do dmg with 48/50 smite or just running around like gimps :) ?
(Am a post smiter myself..respecced rej..and how fun is that.. :p, lucky i throw in some enhance aswell, so theres atleast some use for him once in a while..)

So tell me now if theres a reason to respecc smite again (heard that clerics might have a respecc in 1.56)...or if clerics are doomed to be buffbots into eternity! ;)

how stupied of me off doing a cleric from the beginning..well, u learn as long as u live...but who could expect such off ubergimpness to strike (GOA I HATE U ALL)... I wanna be a friar :(
*sniff* *whine* *sob* *sigh* *pout*...
nuff said !


I tested 49 smite on last gorre server. Sucks...all specc-smite's are to long casttime. I would much rather get better buffs then add anything in to smite line. Specced 41 reju, 35 enhance and 3 smite. I like it alot. Much better then my 33/35/29 specc i had before respec.


hrm I wonder if a high smite high enhance template would work...

those dex buffs sure cut the casting speed....


I was a smite cleric before the respec patch, and was getting higher damage output after the patch (before i respecced) than previously, mainly because i was specced 47smite 24rej 11enh, and after the patch i was way over the new max smite (43smite), so on advisors my damage went up by about 30 damage.

Smite is fun. No doubt about that, very good if you like soloing (eg I soloed advisors from 47-50). It's crap in RVR, nothing else to say about that really, unless you really do enjoy soloing both PvE and PvP - that damage add to your wepaon does quite a hefty bish.

Anyway, with a smite/enh spec you have a problem, as it's normal (and very useful) to have 23 rejuv to get both instas, which would limit the amount you could put into smite/enh.

Oh well, hopefully you can test on Gorre soon anyway :)


im specced 44 smite, 27 rej, 15 enh...

I'm still around playing and find the spec fun and good to have
The 44 smite gives me last pbaoe mezz, highest smite second highest weapon buff and 2nd highest pbaoe insta smite. The insta pbaoe smite i find extremely useful in almost every encounter...could do with counter back to summit like 2 mins instead of 5 but there ya have it
The 27 rej gives me a half health res, 438 heals, 2 high lvl instas and all the usual stuff too
The 13 enh.....well... ;)

I've learnt to use the char to its full potential (almost) and am still finding new capabilities and tactics with kir, even now. Yes I'm a healer, yes i do the dmg, yes i can mezz, yes i can stun but more to the point, yes I am still happy :) Ask others if I do the job right tho to get full picture of one of the last remaining smite clerics around :cheers:

edit:with 2 clerics in the grp there is no better combinatioon then a rej/enh and a smite/rej, no 2 ways about it. Not once after patch have I got into grp as second smite cleric so it's best 2nd cleric spec out there (damn good first too)


kirennia rox :D (even tho she smite spec grrr)


What's the casting times like with enhance buffs Kirrenia?


Went from 46 smite (before patch) to 46 rej now....27 enh in smite

Even if i was a BIG smite fanatic (god i luved to kill yellow so easily when leveling hehe)...i now luve my char even more (don't worry i wasn't one of those clerics who kept on smiting when people were getting killed by team members were harmed during leveling...not too much anyway hehe).

Healing casters from 5% hp to 100% in 1 heal is just great :)...tanks take 2-3 big heals...and they back at full hp

Only spell i do use from base smite line is the stun....and maybe when i remember it the 9 sec - lifesaver- mezz...comes down to 2-3 sec with all the resists :(

Did a bit of smiting see the damage i was doing now with the base 3 sec casting smite...and on the hibs i saw....


dmg went from 80 - 130 max....when i used to do A LOT more before patch ...i couldn't even kill a stunned caster with it now...he would just keep running away....

A caster took 3...maybe 4 smites to go down before i could aswell get out the old hammer and melee them...might even do more dmg that way.

Of course high smite would give more dmg...but for a baseline spell...the dmg really just sucks, only thing the base smite it good for is to interupt the bard or caster...with buffs get them before they can land of the mezz (when casting at the same time of course...not looking at the insta win buttons here).

Another thing i use smite for in RvR is to target the bard..and smite him 1 or 2 our tanks immediatly see who to kill first :p (when no one under attack of course).

Don't think i would respec back to smite soon, i like the rej a lot when it's 1 fg vs 1 fg....and it comes down to healing to survive...rej power kicks in and wins a battle in most cases.

The only groups Hibs/Mids might have trouble with 1 on 1 are the ones with 2 casters, a mincer, 3 tanks, 2 clerics (rej/enh, enh/smi) in it.

2 clerics that are specced a bit properly can heal for a good amount, you got 2 x BoF in most cases, 2 insta groupheals + 2 single insta's. ANd they work just fine...if you arent mezzed or nuked down in 3 sec time. :p

old.chim aira

before the nerf-patch i allready had a weird spec:
36 rejuv, 27 enhance and 28 smite

after the patch i respecced to my walking talking buffbot spec
40enhance, 35 rejuv, 9 smite

and i love it, especially with mastery of the arcane 2, my buffs will give a very good amount of extras on all your stats, ask ppl that grp with me. :D

as for my healing, it's still good enough to heal ppl all round, but sometimes i prefer to have a 2nd cleric to help me out :rolleyes:


yer not a buffbot if you leave the PK :)

yer an enhance cleric - be proud! :)


They improve quite a significant amount....the 4 second smite suddenly becomes more like 3 seconds with reletively good buffs :) Can get even better with max buffs but that is rare ;)


Apparently the DPs of the 43 spec smite is now equal or maybe even greater than the old 48 spec smitw.

Could this be the return of the balanced spec?

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