Any role players out there?



Having started a Friar on excal I am somewhat confused. It seems Albion is inhabited by people that either has taken a vow of silence, had their tongues ripped out by some Mid, living with a constant silence spell from some nasty Hib enchanter or talk like an american teenage. Sigh. Are there any role players on this server? Rorc would like to meet likeminded.

Except for a short time I have walked the land by myself, the only communication has been with some adventurer that says "buff me plz" and then head off for whatever seems important in their world.

Last night I was so frustrated and thought very unkind thoughts about my fellow man that I felt the need to tell my sins to the abbey.


Come to Alb/pryd we are much nicer people :) :m00:


Frankly no.
This games about killing. And most the ppl who play want to do just that :)
I did have one guy come up to me once and say "Morning my good fellow could you tell me way to Camelot?" thats the most roleplay Ive seen.. :m00:

PS there is a Roleplay forum is ye so wish, I think ye will find it a barren wilderness however :p


I agree with the game is more a pure "game" than and rpg where you live in a world etc... it is all about being "l337" and be good in the game instead of really enjoy it. I remember the first time i set my foot in the world of DAoC...everything was so big and unexplored. Everything looked so good and every second you expected a troll to come and put his big hammer in your head. Now you know everything and the feeling is allmost completely gone... and there wont be much new material coming up later. Today DAoC feels more like CS than like a good RPG :). Im even thinking of going back to UO where ppl knew how to role play if they wanted (UO as a game was more role player friendly over all).


Thats not strictly true, there are some roleplayers and I believe one of the guilds about is quite strictly roleplaying only ? (am I right here?).

Personally I roleplay if roleplayed too, if someone comes up and is obviously roleplaying then I make the effort to do the same in return, after all why not? its fun and keeps them happy, but most of the time I just play the game.


Karam Gruul <Order of the Bitter Ashes> the level 50 Highlander Armsman, last week rp: 0, total rp: 47417

yes you pwn


Originally posted by -frostor-
Karam Gruul <Order of the Bitter Ashes> the level 50 Highlander Armsman, last week rp: 0, total rp: 47417

yes you pwn

lol thats something to be proud of. i havnt played daoc once all week. i'd much rather have 0 rp earning than some of the sad cunts on here with 200k a week.

i heard last time frostor types /played the server crashed :clap:

Hit ^_^

i heard last time karam did /played server got owned.

sp.sad there are not more rpg ppl in this game.


I RP occasionally - Once fooled some newbies into thinking I was some kind of event NPC while I was playing one of my alts, it was rather amusing.

I would like to RP more bit I get a bit disheartened as no-one else does ;)


>Come to Alb/pryd we are much nicer people

I cant, I am on Mid/pryd too :) And I do consider it unethical to keep chars from different realms on the same server.

Interesting answers...but why do you continue to play then, are you just simpelton fantasy CS wannabees?

I suspect my Friar will take a look at the land and then move on to something a bit more challenging. And I know what my response to new buff me plz requests will be, now that I know nobody roleplays :D

And it could have been me asking for directions to Camelot :)


Originally posted by Kagato.
Thats not strictly true, there are some roleplayers and I believe one of the guilds about is quite strictly roleplaying only ? (am I right here?).

there´s 2 of them

<Order of the Knights Templar> (big and very active)
and <Merlin's Kin> (small and cozy but we´re getting there ;))

both in alb/pryd


Roleplaying is very poor in DAOC, on US ppl tell me that the roleplaying-servers doesnt act "that" much RPG :(
An idea would to put up an English RPG-server here in EU ;)

I do really hate to see all cs-freaks in DAoC tbh, me myself quit CS just because of all whining and cheat/bug-accusing.

Well, its just to get used to it :rolleyes:

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