Any reviews out yet?



Dosnt really say a lot about the actual game, the guy seems more concered about the CD not getting scratched :rolleyes:

Ive read a few reviews apart from that one and so far im not impressed.

guess time will tell :)


The typical review from the Jap's who have been playing for nearly 18 months now proves the game is good, however there have been very few changes made for them so content is becoming thin - having said this the PvP expansion planned for mid 2004 will almost certainly add to the gaming experience.


All i know about reviews is that they suck. Only one to realy tell if a game/movie/book or whatever is good is yourself by trying it out.


theres a first impression at , scroll down (alot now) cant direct link, i think

ahh well...

Final Fantasy XI - Fist impression
Submitted by Lenardo on 11/3/2003 12:18:06 PM

Ok so i goto the store with my son saturday and picked up a copy of FFXI. now here is my - albiet limited- first impression of the game.

Installation - WTF were they thinking??? on a Cable Modem it took 90 minutes to fully install the game. I feel sorry for those on Dialup.

Starting the game - can we say... ICK. first you have to select play online, then login, then select games, then select final fantasy, then click play, then click yeah i want that handle, then FINALLY you enter the game. too many clicks imo.

In game stuff- graphics - very very nice- overall graphics for FFXI is a level above every other mmog out there, except for SWG.(not sure about the most recent daoc upgrade)

since this game was designed to run on a PS2, it runs very well on a PC, since most PC's are configured WELL above what a PS2 is configured at. i'm getting very smooth and good framerate with nary a "lag" burst.

gameplay- so far - is on par or just above EQ's interaction, but that is due to me being low level, i hear as you level and get more powerful, the gameplay gets more complex as you add jobs and skills.

the "job" system is VERY well done, especially the multi-class setup. i'll have more on this as i play

the UI is a bit clunky, but if you have a GAMEPAD(i have a 10 button gamepad) - use it, OR use the "compact" keyboard and redo the hotkeys etc - basically ignore the fact that you have a Mouse...I have a Gamepad and i'm slowly mastering what the ui can do, going to try keyboard only as well.

All in all - for a first impression, I would have to say Thumbs UP to FFXI.

I DO know that FFXI is one of the top sellers for this past week and I believe that EQ has a MMog that will surpass their subscription base (I have no firm figures at this time but FFXI at the US release date last week, had 300+ thousand subscriptions in asia.)

With the US release of the PC addition to the game, FFXI - if it has not yet,(it might have already) will supplant EQ for overall subscriptions world wide - excluding the korean lineage and lineage2 games.


Originally posted by Cush
All i know about reviews is that they suck. Only one to realy tell if a game/movie/book or whatever is good is yourself by trying it out.

Problem with that is that to try it you have to import it which works out expensive, i imported SW:G and it was a game i only played for 2 months b4 uninstalling it, most reviews bagged it, and they were right.


There are numerous UK suppliers now that have had it imported - see if any of your friends have it and go take a look - failing that spash out the £40 to get a copy, its not too much to ask for, I REALLY needed a change from DAOC and i really hope FFXI is the answer, from what i have read in the manual, and internet sites Im not going to be disapointed. Some things that REALLY appeal to me...

1) You cant hit someone elses mob, unless they press a 'call for help key' its impossible :)
2) Buffbots dont exist... again, they are impossible to create, due to the nature of the game
3) ... ill let you know when ive read the manual :)

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