Any players from Igraine (US Server here?)




I have kind of started playing on Excaliber since trying to get on at peak times on the US servers is taking its toll on me.

For those that have made the move from Igraine you should know or have heard of me

Trigga lvl 50 Armswoman and member of one of the most sucessful Alb guilds on Igraine Sancti Graal.

Well , been playing on Excal for a few weeks now and have enjoyed it since everytime i seem to log on now woot peeps are online :)

All thats missing now is a home for my Infiltrator.

Trigs.... Level 41 Infi

So give me a tell in game if you see me on, be nice to catch up with some of you guys I might have met up with on Igraine.

If not I would be interested in joining a established guild with plenty of members 40+ who share the same ambitions of my old guild ie. regular guild events like RvR days, Exp days, Named mob killing.

See ya all out there

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