Any of you still play? any improvement?


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Well i look at this forum almost every day and nobody posts anything anymore.

This tells me 2 things.

1. People just quit this terrible game like me i mean there is only so much a person can take before they totally give up on a game right?

2. You are all enjoying it so much.

So for those who are still playing i salute you and want to ask what has actually improved?

Has the PVP patch come in yet?

Seiges work properly?

I go on forum/official forums and it is very rare to see anything positive anyway.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
I go on forum/official forums and it is very rare to see anything positive anyway.

That's a problem per se with those forums, it has nothing to do with the game.

Go to an official forum of any MMOG of your choice or any sub-forums and check it out yourself.

Well i look at this forum almost every day and nobody posts anything anymore.

Might be that the whiners have quit now and don't have the energy anymore to cry about their wrongly spent money. Maybe the official forums will recover since you can only post there when you have an active subscription (but I doubt it, see EVE). No hope for this forum or though. is as good as dead too.

This tells me 2 things.

If it's only tells you two things then you should think further: summer, initial rush has passed, people play more causally now and not on their wedding day, some are waiting for fixes, some are gone for good, some are enjoying the game and prolly don't know what a forum is (happiest crowd I assume).


Loyal Freddie
May 27, 2008
Maybe the official forums will recover since you can only post there when you have an active subscription
Not true: I can still post, and cancelled before the end of my free month.

For me, the game is fun to a certain degree, but is flawed in many ways in it's basic design. After being in beta for quite a while and seeing what they're (not) capable of, I hold no hope for the long term future of the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 13, 2008
Quit after 80, not much to do atm, pvp is sorta flawed.

WAR release date been announced now also, so reckon i'll just be holding out for that :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Still playing and enjoying the game. :) Got a roleplaying guild going on Hyrkania server and we're close to 100 members now. We've been taking things slowly, enjoying the journey and haven't felt any of the missing endgame yet.

To be honest i haven't checked this forum in ages, only did so today to see if anyone knew about the big virus attack that seems to have affected several MMOs today.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
That's a problem per se with those forums, it has nothing to do with the game.

Go to an official forum of any MMOG of your choice or any sub-forums and check it out yourself.

Might be that the whiners have quit now and don't have the energy anymore to cry about their wrongly spent money. Maybe the official forums will recover since you can only post there when you have an active subscription (but I doubt it, see EVE). No hope for this forum or though. is as good as dead too.

If it's only tells you two things then you should think further: summer, initial rush has passed, people play more causally now and not on their wedding day, some are waiting for fixes, some are gone for good, some are enjoying the game and prolly don't know what a forum is (happiest crowd I assume).

You never answered my 2 questions :(

pvp patch?



Loyal Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
PvP patch aint in (as far as murderer system and PvP experience is concerned), but there are bugfixes for most terrain exploits in sieging.

Sieging works ok. Sadly it seems people not really defend their battlekeeps. Might be that they know the attackers wont be able to flatten it completely and thus dont bother ATM. I dont know.

Bonusses for guildcities and battlekeeps are in parts of your stats are separated for PvE and PvP. I suppose thats all part of "the vision" of PvP. We will see.

Bottom line, yes I am still having fun, but I am worried about the amount of people leaving the game. PvEers and PvPers alike. The number of instances up during peak time has went down by a good margin. I sure dont hope AoC is going the way of TR. Time will tell...

Hope I could be of help.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
It's a woeful, "nerf-fest" of a game. Every patch is delayed, breaks new things and has to have an emergency fix to correct new problems. The game appears to be haemorrhaging players at a huge rate from what one can tell from the official forums.

Shame because there was a lot to like about it ... but people won't pay to play a beta product anymore, and quite right too.

Can only see the active number of players continuing to drop when Warhammer goes live. Just hope Mythic have got things right, would hate to see them rush it out the door and have the same problems.

(Although it is much more likely GOA will bollox things up!!)


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
got all server firsts on dagon, realised pvp was shit thus no point in doing the pve, quit :/

can't believe they still didn't implement the "end of june" pvp patch. today being 10th august... hoho.

tried to find somewhere to sell my account even but no dice. surely someone would pay half-decent cash for a char with 8 epics (6/8 tier1 + world drop staff + destiny neck), maxed armourcrafting, loads and loads of gold (assuming 50ish gold is still a lot in AoC) and fully gemmed out perfect pvp template :r but no dice, no forums, no irc channel nothing and as far as i'm aware ebay is a nono for selling online game accounts these days. shame. :p

(disclaimer: i'm not trying to sell my account here, merely discussing it, if i'm not supposed to talk about those kinds of things then sorry :D)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
It's a woeful, "nerf-fest" of a game. Every patch is delayed, breaks new things and has to have an emergency fix to correct new problems. The game appears to be haemorrhaging players at a huge rate from what one can tell from the official forums.

Shame because there was a lot to like about it ... but people won't pay to play a beta product anymore, and quite right too.

Can only see the active number of players continuing to drop when Warhammer goes live. Just hope Mythic have got things right, would hate to see them rush it out the door and have the same problems.

(Although it is much more likely GOA will bollox things up!!)

If WAR fails it will be a huge loss to the MMORPG community i think as a hell of alot of gamers are seeing WAR as the saviour at the moment.

Failing that Blizzard will have a happy time with their expansion pack as it is sure to bring back a few million players for 6 months or so.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
To be honest i haven't checked this forum in ages, only did so today to see if anyone knew about the big virus attack that seems to have affected several MMOs today.

virus attack? details please! :)

oh and while i agree its probably not 100% accurate as everyone isnt using x-fire but it doesent look all that great:

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures

/edit: lol, look at the popular tags... >.<


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I just heard that there was some world wide virus attack on that day but.. it seems to have failed, because Conan and other games didn't go down for very long or at all. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 14, 2005
Miserably disappointed with such a hotly anticipated game. Bought a 3 month subscription, it ends next month, won't be renewing...

The lack of vocals outside of Tortage made me first... lol


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I actually thought I was bugged when the vocals stopped, tried relogging loads of times, even re-installed once. If they are going to do it for the start they should do it throughout.

The game was good for the first 40-50 levels but was utter toilet after that when I moved house I just couldn't bring myself to renewing.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
i have to say that the "no posting on their forum if not subscribed" is kinda pants. i know WoW has this also and i hate it there to. because there ARE times where i just wanna ask the ppl thats playing questions, and there aint all that many of em here. or any other place.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
AOC is just a piece of shit, i wasted my hard earned euro's on it, worst mmo i played so far, end of story.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
AOC is just a piece of shit, i wasted my hard earned euro's on it, worst mmo i played so far, end of story.

I agree totally it is probably the worst MMORPG that i have paid to play i still laugh at most of the folk here who defended it and have quit themselves.

Funcom released the game because they knew they wouldn't stand a cat in hells chance against WAR/WOTLK.

The game from the start up until i quit was a chore to play it was buggy and completely unbalanced.

I will never buy another game from Funcom again but i should have really learnt my lesson from their previous game which is labeled by many MMORPGs as the worst release of all time.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
well it WAS quite entertaining up until lvl 20 and still somewhat amusing to lvl 35 - 40, but after that the gaps in doable quests just got way to big. and at 55+ it was pure hell.

spent 50 - 65 doing hardass red quests, and even with 8 life stealers up i never really did stand a changce against most of them, even if i did try and kite them because they would break off sooner or later even if my pets were whacking at them.

but the game did fail misserably in the pvp departement, the pve part still has potential but i cant see the pvp aspect of the game to ever be as good as they claim it to be.

maybe if they make a total revamp of that part it might, but i doubt they will ever get the fundings for it so they are stuck with what they have, even if they do change some minor things they cant really do that much.

/edit: and the fact that they are already working on an expansion isnt exactly making me feel confident about their intentions either.

i just hope they aint gonna do a Turbine. IE release an expansion, wait a few months and then kill the servers as they did with AC2.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
well it WAS quite entertaining up until lvl 20 and still somewhat amusing to lvl 35 - 40, but after that the gaps in doable quests just got way to big. and at 55+ it was pure hell.

spent 50 - 65 doing hardass red quests, and even with 8 life stealers up i never really did stand a changce against most of them, even if i did try and kite them because they would break off sooner or later even if my pets were whacking at them.

but the game did fail misserably in the pvp departement, the pve part still has potential but i cant see the pvp aspect of the game to ever be as good as they claim it to be.

maybe if they make a total revamp of that part it might, but i doubt they will ever get the fundings for it so they are stuck with what they have, even if they do change some minor things they cant really do that much.

Yes i remember how fun my Necro was when they nerfed the hide for us.

The fact my pets didn't TAUNT was just stupidity from the devs.

I still cannot believe how FAIL this game is after all the hype.

I went on the forums the other day and reading storys about folks with gemed up gear 1-2 shotting folk.

I hope FC go bankrupt after the trash they put out.
Jul 1, 2008
Quit some week after I got to 80 and got bored of FFA pvp with no gains.

Hear ppl are stacking gems like crazy to 1 shot eachother nowadays, sounds horrible.

Hear no PvP patch in either.

Thing is once they get rid of the 1 shotting, implement a pvp patch with all bonuses and whatnat it will be a whole other game. They should obviously not released the game as unfinished as it was, but onthe other hand would it survirved another broken deadline, not sure.

The PvE never bothered me, and I played some 3-4 hours a day as most, and got to 80 without too much work in 3-4 played days kinda, thats under 100 hours wich they said it would take, roughly.

What people did wrong was doing the quests xD.. all smart ppl grinded their way to 80 with no sweat, I saw ppl going from 45 to 80 in 2-3 days time, like they HC gamed from friday to sunday then they were 80.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Quit some week after I got to 80 and got bored of FFA pvp with no gains.

Hear ppl are stacking gems like crazy to 1 shot eachother nowadays, sounds horrible.

Hear no PvP patch in either.

Thing is once they get rid of the 1 shotting, implement a pvp patch with all bonuses and whatnat it will be a whole other game. They should obviously not released the game as unfinished as it was, but onthe other hand would it survirved another broken deadline, not sure.

The PvE never bothered me, and I played some 3-4 hours a day as most, and got to 80 without too much work in 3-4 played days kinda, thats under 100 hours wich they said it would take, roughly.

What people did wrong was doing the quests xD.. all smart ppl grinded their way to 80 with no sweat, I saw ppl going from 45 to 80 in 2-3 days time, like they HC gamed from friday to sunday then they were 80.

If i wanted to grind all my levels i would play a Korean MMORPG.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2008
The game had so much hope, I just wish all the stuff they promised could've been done. :(


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
theres still hope i suppose. if nothing else we will see it in the expansion.... :rolleyes:


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
theres still hope i suppose. if nothing else we will see it in the expansion.... :rolleyes:

There is no hope mate generally MMORPGS that have a massive fail at release never recover to put anything out to draw a huge crowd back ;/

Matrix Online
Tabula Rasa
Auto Assault

All prime examples of a buggy/not fit for release games going down the pan and never making a full recovery.

Auto Assault was closed down last year i think and i remember playing that game at release, it was very fun but the glaring bugs destroyed any future the game might have had.

The majority of MMO players these days simply won't put up with bugged to hell games/content missing that was promised and will vote with their wallet when it comes to resubbing.

AOC has taken a huge hit in subscribers and in my opinion it will never recover a decent amount of subs for the devs to put decent content patches out and a worth while expansion.

I hope AOC is a lesson for future MMORPGS no matter how big ya franchise name it won't save you if the game sucks dick.
Jul 1, 2008
If i wanted to grind all my levels i would play a Korean MMORPG.

Well, wierd part of all this is that you are still here crying about the game.

You of anyone was the person bitching the most about everything about the game on this forum.

I didn't think the game was totally worthless but it got boring and pointless after a few weeks of lvl 80 playage so I quit, nothing bore to it then that really. Don't like it you quit, whining about it, especially here is rather futile, unless your genuinly upset about it Oo..

Well PvP patch and changes are inc, so if they give out 1 month free subs for people that left ( wich I think is the only way they will get anyone back ) I might hopp onboard again :D

After all the game has alot more potential then say WAR wich esentially is a bad mix of wow + daoc, atleast how I see it :(

Givf free sub!!

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