Any of you not play much ?



Well, i used to be an addict *lowers his head* (to this game ofc)

then i quit, got a decent job, got a gf, and i have recently started playing in my spare time a bit, like 1 hour a night (when the gf goes home), and was wondering .... do any of you only play a few hours a week ?

because i cant see myself getting to 50 or even killing anyone in rvr - if i only play like 1 hour a night .... ? how can i possibly get as good as people, who play like 10 hours a day ?


Jan 8, 2004
you cant, since they play 10 and you 1, this game is all about time put into it


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Yup have to agree sorry. your only choise is <cough> ebay

Im lucky that i leveled a minstrel to 50, shes RR4, ML10 and has a template done, just needs to level one or two more artifacts a little to complete the template.

I log in on wednesdays for the dragon raid - and maybe or or two other nights depending on whats going on.

Your only other option may be to forget the end game nad just stick with the level 24 battleground., this is generaly what ill do for a 1hr session.


Fledgling Freddie
May 23, 2004
You can get 50, and still kill some stuff in RvR, but you can't get as good as the "1337" people, since they play alot.

Will be hard for you to get decent arti's etc though.. but with some help, everything is possible :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
These days I seem to only dedicate 2 nights a week to DAoC uber play, where i play from 1800-0000 and even for me its damn hard to level artis, get MLs, etc, athough these days I do tend to concentrate on only 2 of my chars.

The rest of the weeks pot luck, like Tears says, getting a pre-made 50 account is an option, beware the risks inherant, but again, no ToA MLs or Artis youre gonna find it hard to compete or even be welcome in RvR. Also liek he said, stick with BGing, its as much fun as normal RvR, and can be better IMO.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Who cares about being l33t? Having fun tbh is the main reason i play. I dont have much timer either, but if you try and plan stuff, a few hours a week can take you far. As for the rvr, well try going with the zergs, keep takes, RR's etc etc. They're pretty fun and you wont get any whine threads on here because the l33t people see you as a n00b nuisance (fine by me if they feel it adds to their e-penis)
Im in a friendly guild and just poke around doing whatever, if you havent got 10+ hours a day, dont bother trying to be l33t like someone already stated, start playing NWN or whatever so you can insta lvl your chars and suit them up in 30 mins


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
you'll never have as many toys as the people that play 24/7 and have no life outside of daoc...

but you can still get places even with only 1 hour a night, especially with the new "easy levlling" stuff in 1.71


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
You can have fun in the game, it's not worth even thinking of competing with the l33t fotm players. Even when i was playing 5+ hours a night i couldn't compete. I used to play a lot but i've got a lot going on in my life now and since moving flat have only logged in a couple of times. Personally i want to get ml9 and ml10 and a couple of extra arties but then i think i'll go back into semi retirement until NF comes out over here.


Luver of Buckfast
Dec 23, 2003
aye m8 sadly what they say is true its all about the time

I was luckily in that before i started calming my addiction i got 5 50s leveled and my main is pretty much toaed up now

Once you get to that then you can get away with an hr or two of gameplay only

just go ebay lol and get urself something nice :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Since I started working i've had less time to play, though annoyingly due to the nature of my work (Customer Service) I find i've got a shorter temper when dealing with pricks - point and case, I was helping with a guild-mates ML raid and somhow ended up getting drafted to lead the 2nd group around, no boat and some people only had merchent breath pots so progress was pretty slow (not that I minded that bit too much) but all it took was one impatiant twat with his mouthy 'omg' comments to get me so pissed off I had to log out because I was afraid i'd punch my screen if I had to read one more badly spelled line of text from the ungrateful prick.

So... Umm... I find DAoC is actually more stressful now than it was when I was unemployed and leeching off other people, hence I play it even less and spend my free time doing other things. Like killing babies and gunning down old people in the street with my nine... well ok, more like reading - trying to learn Shorthand and faking an interest in what people (who seem to have developed some kind of emotional attachment too me, I think the word is 'friend' - funny 'freak' also starts with an F but its less hassle to let them dream ;)) have to say about stuff I didn't care much about in the first place.

Still, atleast Books - Shorthand and Friends don't suggest you should kill yourself :eek7:

I need a better job... that or a gun and a map leading to the homes of every twat in Midgard so I can atleast tollerate playing for longer than half an hour ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Agreed as well, the same thing's happened to me over the last few months. Got a good job that eats up a lot of time, bought a house with the time demands that that brings, and got a girlfriend that I would rather spend time with than any game. Probably get about 5-10 hours a week to play, and frankly it's not worth it, can't do anything of an evening with 1-2 hours spare, can't attend events, and certainly can't compete in rvr.

Only solution for me, quit (and spend more time with gf instead) :)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Just dump your girlfriend, get fired from work and get addicted again. It rocks imo.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
take a week "sick" or weecation and get your char to 50, get artis done (its doable if you plan it good)

or choose a class that doesnt need ml's at all (caster) - perfect for nf too ;)

and you can be as good as ppl even if you just play 1hour a day in rvr , this requiers optimal equipment to even compete however. (i mean fight vs fight, not the stack of rps.)

best choice would just be to wait for wow (its alot less time consumeing when exping and so on. quests are actacully doable w/o being on etc


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
It's all about having fun, for people like you or me without much time thid & camlann can be a lot of fun...Altho the problem is, cause it's lots of fun you will eventually get addicted again...Thats why I've decided to completely stop playing.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
Agreed - it is about fun.

I am now a very casual player (except for weekends, where I pull in some hours) on weekdays where I normally play 1-2 hours.
The way to compete is to set goals sutiable for yourself, and not base them on others "accomplishments". In any game depending on time, you can never compete on the same scale as somebody that can put 10 times as much time into the game as you can yourself.

Set yourself goals that you can attain, instead of wanting to be best in RP or have most level 50 characters, try to simply gain some RPs and just 1 level 50 character, and if that dosen't enjoy you - then I'm affraid you need to reevaluate why you play the game.

My goals in this game was to gain L50 character (have over the time gained 3 - all called Xandax on the same server, meaning I've deleted 2 :eek: ), after that it was to get some high level crafter - which I have now (almost 2 LGM). One of my (deleted) L50 characters was also RR5 at some point.
I've been a party to killing many of the Epic mobs in the game, which was also a goal (especially pre-TOA)
Now I've reevaluated my goals to becomming ML10 with 1 character, where I'm on the way close to ML7 with my skald.

My ultimate goal is to actually complete a template for my skald - or healer - which is futurst away as it seems, because of the leveling of artifacts (got 1 at L3, rest are L0-L2 and I still need one for my skald) and I haven't even gotten any for my healer yet.

As one can see - my goals are moddest and compared to many trivial - but with the time I can play each day, they are enough to keep me entertained - at least for a while.

It *is* possible to be a casual gamer in DAoC - just don't base your own success on the hardcore gamers definition of success.

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