Any High lvl Wizards going....

  • Thread starter Madonion Slicer
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Madonion Slicer

... Earth at Respec??

Just wanted to know what your thoughts on this were.

I am planing to go Earth from full 1.52 respec til i get my single respec at 40 incase i dont like it.


Hi mate,

I hear alot of ppl thinking about going earth at respec and there are pros and cons to it. I wouldn't say it was better or worse than ice/fire, it depends what you want to do and how you like to play.

Here are some thoughts.

You get 2 bolts, always useful.

You get magma shield. Now this has to be used carefully. Everytime a mob or enemy player takes a swing at the buffed character, they take damage. Now it's not alot of damage (20-40pts), but if the entire party's buffed, those points add up, BUT, if a mob or enemy is mezzed/rooted, the damage will break the mezz/root, so it is suicide to put it on a caster for example who might need to do a quickcast/root as it will just break the root instantly, and never put it on the cleric in PvE as it will only make taking the aggro off him that much harder (RvR it's cool though. :) ).

Your main nuke is AoE. Fantastic against large numbers of enemy players (if they're not mezzed) or on keep doors to blast the defenders behind them, BUT....., not good at all for normal mob nuking. I unseen mob goes into the area and your aggroed, 10 tangler gobbos mezzed and you AoE, ouch, your dead etc.... This means that for normal PvE, you have to use the base nuke and watch that power bar go down quickly. :(

Things to really look forward to.....

Patch 1.52 promises 3 new spell lines for earth wizzies.
GTAoE and
AoE root

The AoE root is always useful in any situation as is DoT, but for me, the killer is GTAoE. Keep defence will be fantastic. No more trying to pick them off from the battlements and getting shot yourself because 'The target is not visible', no more running up to the inside of the second door to do PBAoE and getting nuked from the other side, just stand safely at the back of the courtyard, aim just infront of the second door and let rip. :) I am SO looking forward to that. :) :) :)

Anyway, in short, you pays yer money, you takes yer choice. Earth has it's good points and it's drawbacks as in all specs.

Hope this helps and good luck.

Waynedalf Stormcrow Lvl 50 +12 earth wizzy Albion Excalibur


Originally posted by waynedalf

You get 2 bolts, always useful.

one good, one iffy :)

You get magma shield. Now this has to be used carefully.

superb for powerlevelling alts...
does a little bit of extra damage in a group when placed on the main tank.
Can save your life soloing (and can also lose you it - shift-right click on the buff is your friend)

Your main nuke is AoE.

Not to mention it's lower damage than a fire wizards - it's got a snare component so does less damage (but snares... v useful at times :))
It's damned good in RvR! (as long as there's no CC anyway), not so good in PvE.

As the man says, damage as an earth wiz comes at the cost of emptying your mana bar in seconds. You might want to get mcl 2 and raging power as an earth wizard

As long as you have some spec in your secondary early enough (i.e. if you're aiming 48 earth 23 fire, get some of the 23 fire quite early) you'll do decent damage with your base nukes. get as much +fire/ice that you can too :) if you go 100% earth then your nukes will be god awful ;)

Patch 1.52 promises 3 new spell lines for earth wizzies.
GTAoE and
AoE root

GTAoE is nice for keep defence and nowt else alas :( unlike pbaoe it's no use for levelling :)
aoe root is good
dot is good (but can't be used with your snare or root)
these two round out the earth wizard... but you'll still never have the punch of a fire wizard or an ice wizard

another thing you forgot is the earth buff - the difference between 1 in earth and full earth is quite significant :)

Thats my experience with my likkle (40) earth wizzie anyway :)


I'll go earth.... .... .... ....

On Gorre....

No way will I respec to full earth on the live-server... Only AE spec-attack and buggy bolts to do damage... I already find my damage output low with full-fire... Let alone having to live with base-dd's...

The only plus about the earth bolt is that its matter instead of heat and matter resist might be lower on enemies (although with matter cabbies jumping out of the ground :rolleyes: )

I'll respec to 50 Fire, 18 Earth and 9 Ice... I get a 26s AE-root, a ranged-interrupt/unstealth spell (GTAoE) and a PBAoE unstealth spell...


Originally posted by Fingoniel
superb for powerlevelling alts...
does a little bit of extra damage in a group when placed on the main tank.
Can save your life soloing (and can also lose you it - shift-right click on the buff is your friend)
Yup, buffed a level 1 with my shield the other day while he was being attacked by a mob and it one shotted itself on him. :D

Madonion Slicer

Thanks for the input guys, i am in a lucky position that at 35 i will get a full respec with the 1.52 and then get a single line respec at lvl40, so i can go full Earth on patch day and try it for 5 lvls then have the chance to to back to Fire at 40.

Hope we get Gorre for aleast a day so i can test the new spec out.

Having a AE Root should make us wizards wanted for PvE, as at the moment a pygmy group wont start til they have Mins, Scor, Theug at least now we could also fill that spot.


lack of a good DD kills earth for me. sure its got alot of nice tricks, i just dont think u need to spec to 50 to get them. resistances will be less in rvr i imagine (at least for a while) but come Spell Crafting ull be just as screwed as the rest of us (melees included).


Originally posted by old.laughingboy

Having a AE Root should make us wizards wanted for PvE, as at the moment a pygmy group wont start til they have Mins, Scor, Theug at least now we could also fill that spot.

Yeh which will be nice for all, have you tried to get into a grp down at tanglers lately??? Theres only like 4 active lvl 40 - 44 sorcs down there, bloody difficult.
Bring on the wizzies :D

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