Any good ideas for an infil SC template?



Thrust infil, speccing full Thrust. Env/Stealth must be at +11.

What's the primary resists? Should I focus on spell resists or melee?

Stats - Is CON worth upping, or should I focus on HPs?

The spells imbued will be with 100% gems, on an MP armor.
Overcharges are ok.

Which non-imbueable items should I go for? Jewelry etc?


Dont cap +env on your 'normal' armour, get a spare set of gloves/boots (cheapest) with +(max) env on there, switch them when you need them. Thats probably 2 slots saved for other bonuses already :)

+Con/+HPs should surely both be capped. The place to sacrifice if you have to will I expect be certain resists.

MP gems seems like overkill - itll probably cost you a fortune, and even if you can make them yourself itll take alot of time. Most overcharges with 99% gems seem to be very safe (despite the official numbers) If something was to go wrong and 1 piece of armour was lost the cost/time taken to replace it (since you are a tailor) would be less than the time on the MP gems I expect.

The rest Ill leave to the infils :)

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