Any (feasible) capped Cleric SC templates ?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 18, 2004
Looking for an SC template for a 41r/35e Cleric, who has the Stardrop
for quick-swap in-field buffing.

I've created an SC template that uses some items that no-one seems
to sell (Arc Leggings of Fortification, Bracer of Zo, Arcanium Shadow-
Twisted Hauberk) and I think it pretty much caps everything for a
Cleric but lots of the items simply are not for sale or are prohibitively
expensive from private sellers.

I'm using a refined variant of Eggy's excellent generid caster template
for my Sorc, and from what I've read - his seems to be considered to
be the most rounded SC template for a caster - I was just wondering
if there was a strong or 'leading' (but feasible) SC template for Clerics
on the forums ?

I don't mind templates that are hard to get, or have lots of Arti's - I
do need one however that is feasible to get in the relatively short
term, and with items with relatively good liquidity in the market.

e.g. I'd go for one with Bracer of Zo - IF I KNEW I could get the other
items too.

The template needs to max dexcap, casting speed, healing bonus,
range, powerpool, preferably acuity and some hps/AF




Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Just a note to say that acuity really isn't very important for a cleric. It doesn't increase the power pool a significant amount, so I wouldn't aim for that as a priority.

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