Any Doctors?



I found a little lump on my chest a couple of days ago. I'd say it's about an inch and a half in diameter and about an inch to the right of the bottom of my sternum. It's really hard, like bone. A friend broke his rib when he was about 5 and it sticks out a little bit, and the lumps feel similar. But I haven't (knowingly) broken any ribs recently and I think I'd be in considerably more pain than I am if I had. He says it could either be a cist (oh fucking joy!) or a hernia.

I just went to the doc, but they're closed on Saturdays except for emergencies, and it's not really hurting enough to warrant calling it an emergency, I don't think. I've been coughing a lot recently because of a really bad Flu thing I had last week and that could have maybe caused it?

So, anyone had anything similar just pop up out of nowhere? My stoner friend said "Oh, it's nothing to worry about, people have lumps all the time!" I called him a twat and explained that I don't like lumps just appearing on my person when they want...

Anyway, I'm going to go and cough some more, any (sensible, medical) contributions gratefully accepted.


My liver has been very tender for about 2 weeks now, my head hurts and I keep thinking I'm about to throw up.


It was until I threw up last night, and couldn't get into the club cos I was covered in vomit :/


Someone threw up all over a frie.. someone I know at work last night. Oh, how we laughed. :)


Originally posted by caLLous
I found a little lump on my chest a couple of days ago. I'd say it's about an inch and a half in diameter and about an inch to the right of the bottom of my sternum. It's really hard, like bone. A friend broke his rib when he was about 5 and it sticks out a little bit, and the lumps feel similar. But I haven't (knowingly) broken any ribs recently and I think I'd be in considerably more pain than I am if I had. He says it could either be a cist (oh fucking joy!) or a hernia.

I just went to the doc, but they're closed on Saturdays except for emergencies, and it's not really hurting enough to warrant calling it an emergency, I don't think. I've been coughing a lot recently because of a really bad Flu thing I had last week and that could have maybe caused it?

So, anyone had anything similar just pop up out of nowhere? My stoner friend said "Oh, it's nothing to worry about, people have lumps all the time!" I called him a twat and explained that I don't like lumps just appearing on my person when they want...

Anyway, I'm going to go and cough some more, any (sensible, medical) contributions gratefully accepted.
ffs go and see an actual doctor!


A night just isnt complete without someone on a whitey.


Re: Re: Any Doctors?

Originally posted by Maljonic
ffs go and see an actual doctor!
As opposed to the fake one I tried to go and see today? :/


Re: Re: Re: Any Doctors?

Originally posted by caLLous
As opposed to the fake one I tried to go and see today? :/
I meant rather than asking us lot on here, lumps can be very serious; you could go to the hospital if you're really worried though if you can't get hold of your doctor.


Meh, it can wait 'til Monday... I was just wondering if anyone had had anything similar so I could prepare myself for whatever doc's gonna say. :)

Sir Frizz

I had a "lump" once (Cyst), right on meh tit. I thought it was a spot at first and tried stabbing it with a screw. That was painful. So i take my sorry arse to the doctor and get prescribed some drugs. A week and a bit later, it was gone. :)


Was it all hard and stuff? I was just talking to a doctor friend in merka and he said it could be that I've bruised an intercostal muscle from coughing so much and it's pushed my rib out a bit, causing a lump. He said it was either that, or I'd broken a rib by coughing so hard (apparently it can happen).

[18:00:22] <caLLous> it's a new lump!
[18:00:23] <venom> and its sore cause you have been coughing
[18:00:33] <caLLous> it's bigger on one side than on the other though!
[18:00:41] <caLLous> what's that all about?!
[18:00:42] <venom> maybe you broke it while coughing
[18:00:45] <caLLous> lol
[18:00:45] <venom> its not unheard of
[18:00:48] <caLLous> (really?)
[18:00:52] <venom> serious

But I like the first explanation more, I think. :/


if it has just come after being ill for a while then it could be inflamation of the lymph nodes.

Sir Frizz

It wasn't hard like bone, and it wasn't that soft. And it wasn't that big either - a third of a centimetre or so.

Though the coughing/bruising explanation sounds quite likely rather than a hernia/cyst.


if it is a cyst you may have to have it cut out, but that is a swift and relatively painless procedure.

Rubber Bullets

Has it really come up since last week, or is it possible it's been there for a while and you've only just noticed it?

If you really were coughing hard it is quite possible to have caused an injury like the one you describe. The spot you describe, 4-3 cms from the sternum, is not bone, the ribs extend about 2/3 - 3/4 of the way round from the spine towards the sternum but the last bit is cartilage. This bit is flexible, so you won't have broken it, but it is possible to dislocate it from the sternum. TBH I think this would have caused a lot more pain than you seem to be in tho.

Most likely is that you have pulled a costal muscle, like your friend said, especially if it has come up very quickly. On the other hand lumps can be serious and you should see a doctor for peace of mind at least. You are absolutely right though, it is not an emergency, and can wait until your GP can fit you in.



Originally posted by schadenfreude
You are absolutely right though, it is not an emergency, and can wait until your GP can fit you in.

Famous last words


Thanks schadenfreude, that sounds about right, I'll go and see the doc on Monday. :)

Thanks everyone else as well, let the thread derailment begin!

Testin da Cable

stab it with a needle and see what happens!!112


I got a little bump like the one you've described cal.

It's on the left side of my chest, just below the collar bone.

Went to the doc's ages ago about it. He said it was probably a bit of bone that that had regrown over either a bruise (on the actual rib) or I had somehow fractured my rib through something like coughing really hard (that or rugby :rolleyes: ).

In the end I went for an x-ray to make sure everything was okay, and yep, he was right. It was just bone regrowth over a bruise I had sustained somehow on the end of the rib.

Though like mal says, you however have only got 3 weeks to live...



And you should have been told 2 weeks and 6 days ago


I found a "lump" just after Christmas last year, in the nether regions so to speak, i really shit it after all testicular cancer and shit, im young yeah but when has age ever had anything to do with it?

I booked in for an "emergency" appointment, not giving a shit whether it was serious or not, because i had it for 3weeks prior i was just worried about showing my bits off to someone...

It turned out to be a "Cebasious (sp) Cyst", he said nothing serious just come back in 5weeks or so if they havent gone... its been about 3/4months and i still have em, they aint grown but i aint goin the doctor because its not so serious.

It does sound like a Cyst tho, maybe somethin else... only your Doc knows

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by Super_Gray[SG]
I found a "lump" just after Christmas last year, in the nether regions so to speak, i really shit it after all testicular cancer and shit, im young yeah but when has age ever had anything to do with it?

Testicular cancer targets younger men especially.


heh well i aint too worried anymore, i know how to look out for it properly now...

*he says*

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