Any decent friar guides?



Hi guys

I got bored with my hibbie so i started a friar as ive heard there powerfull chars

After playing one for only a few hours and gaining 9 lvls i realised that this may be true :D

anyway what im after is a decent guide on what to do with my little guy :)

Ive checked drunkenfirar and the guides are pretty scarce im after one that says what to hunt etc and a lot more detailed




never seen anything like that sorry.

anything thats weak versus crush: skeletons, spiders etc is a good bet.

f.ex you can solo orange tomb keepers (skeletons) in the echo room pretty easy at 44ish but a yellow telemon will prob spank you at the same level.

one idea would be spec reju until you hit 40 and then respec, that way the ride to 40 will be a piece of cake

so long as you dont mind staring at the group window for 40levels :D

friars are nice in that there are a variety of ways to play, just play how you are comfortable.



so far im 8 enh, 6 staff and 2 rejuv i think

I tend to join in the melee unless things get hairy then i drop out and heal peeps a bit to help out the other healer

Im i right in thinking friar is albs version of warden only without bows and bubb?


friars are nothing like wardens they have much less utilty and far more offense


i think you're in the wrong forum btw ;)

and reju isnt viable until spellcrafting imo

when: 29staff 33reju 48enhance becomes a interesting spec


Hi Oblivion,

I've been using the following list as a rough guide as to where to do my hunting. I think I got it from the Drunken Friar boards and it originally came from VN Boards.

Ok, I know that some of us Friars love to know where we should hunt at a
specific level, especially those of us who find ourselves not being able to
group as often as we'd like. Here are a couple of posts taken from the
Elementalists VN board that pretty much sums up most of Albion's hunting
grounds. As always, ymmv from level to level.
(POSTED BY offmcgruff)

level 6 and 7. One bandit camp near Ft.S. - Gentex

oh yeah, the BEST place around lvl 7-9 is this goblin camp in camp forest
just off a road - Saber

lvl 10-11 - Low level brownies in Salisbury -Aelfric

From about lvl 10-15 i soloed in Salisbury plains right near West Downs. -

lvl 12-14 - Grove nymph circuits, spraggon camp near the tower on the
southern edge of Salisbury, brownies, pigs, wind mephits, tomb raiders, etc.
- Aelfric

lvl 15 - Hunted the Green Witch for awhile - Aelfric

lvl 15-17 - Wood Ogres in Camp. Forest. I did the camp near Caer Ulfwych.
Kill a lord, and he will sometimes drop a chest worth 50sp or so. Also, they
rarely drop Faded Leather armor. - Aelfric

Lvl 16 wizard -Avalon marsh, killing Giant Wolves that get me 6 silver per
wolf skin. - Neophyte30

Level 16-19: Fellwood Camp in Camp. Forest. - Scirocco

lvl 17 - soloed my first Salisbury giant. - Aelfric

If you're using Ice, try the Mud Golems. I found that (at level 17, they're
blue) I can kill four of them at a time - Zubon

lvl 18 - knight/footman ghoul pairs in Avalon Marsh; giant wolves or
quicksands if I get bored or there's no ghouls up. - Aelfric

Level 18 -Currently in Forest Sauvage. Just out the back of the fort, there
are two guard towers on either side... beyond them are all sorts of
critters; wolves, death stalkers, adders, fellwood (in groups).. all con
blue-orange, with an occasional green. Great hunting area for solo
Theurgists, with the guards so near (no deaths!) - Mytosis

L 20 to 22, try grouping in the dungeon in Camp. Forest. A good group around
your level can get some serious xp. Higher end (22), team up with a wizard,
and duo-kill (you pet, he burns when they are below half). - SirYakk

At lvl 22 the Forest Hunters in Sauvage are yellow-red (mostly orange and
red) and they are neutral!! I sit in the middle of the spawn and take them
out 1 by 1, wanderers dont even aggro on my elementals so it is very safe,
good exp, not bad loot. - Slowboat

********************Below by Fate***********************

Levels 20-23

Keltoi - Dungeon in Camp Forest (solo/group)
Giants - Salisbary Plains (solo)
Romans - Cornwall (group)
Cyanthals (or something) - Llyn Barfog (group)

Level 24-27

Catacombs - Dungeon in Cornwall (group)
Keltoi - Dungeon in Camp Forest (solo)
Trees by Castle Excalibar - random trees in Forest Sauvage (group/solo)

Level 28-30
Alps, Amanaded Touched - Emain Macha (group/solo)
White Wolves, Ice Lizards, Zombies - Odin's Gate (group/solo)
Catacombs - Dungeon in Cornwall (group)
Barrows - Dungeon in Salisbary Plains (group)
Undead Monks, Bwgwls - Llyn Barfog (group/solo)
Snowdonia (past fortress) - Random Stuff (group) - Cyclops, Arawnites,
Grims, Hollowmen, etc
Farmers, Evil Guards/Archers - Lyonesse

********************Above by Fate***********************

(POSTED BY Hokuspokus1)

Rough draft 1:

5 - bandits by tower east of camelot and Pryden bridge
5-7 Camp Forest
5-8 Avalon Marsh bogmen rootworms swamp rats, mist wraiths trees, bloodbones

6-7 giant spiders in Snowdonia
7- Epic and Gyrg and dwarfs past church left of north Camelot gate
7-11 Filidths in S black mountains (south from snowdonia station
8-9 Tomb of Mithra
10 - wind mephitis basilisks Salisbury plains
10-11 brownies in Salisbury plains
11-13 Wargs west of snowdonia station
12-13 - Camelot Hills by Bridge Demons, Fieldath, shale bandits
12-14 grove nymph circuits
12-13 dryads in Salisbury
13-16 Salisbury Plains
14-16 giant leapers and quicksand in Avalon marsh
15 - Green Witch
15-17 Wood Ogres in camp forrest
16 Quicksand in Avalon Marsh
16-19 - fellwood camp in camp forrest
16 Thieves trackers in snowdonia
17-18 - Llyn barfog renegade guards
17-18 - Wandering ghouls in Avalon marsh
18 - Fellwood trees to the right of the towers in Savauge
19 Llyn barfog hobgoblins and guards
21-23 Romans in Cornwall cynthals
23 - Elder Beech trees in Cornwall west of station following road
21-23 - keltoi dungeon in Camp Forrest
19-21 Forest Giants, Fellwood trees Savauge frontier
22-23 Hunters in Savauge Frontier
22 - Entire groups of ghouls behind the hill where they wander (linked)
24-25 - Cornwall hunters near cornwall station
24-26 Fellwoods (castle Excalibur in Savauge) KnifeHunters in Snowdonia
25-26 - Elder Beeches in Cornwall
26-28 - Duntens in Lyoness up hill from ruins
26-27 Moor Boogeys in Cornwall (been given 5stars)
28-29 Rooters in Cornwall by Romans
28-30 Alps Amanaded Touched. Odins Gate zombies. Llyn BarfogUndead monks
31 - Cornwall hamadryads and moor boogies
35 Arawnite Warrior camps great boars Giant Lizards Snowdonia. Greater
bogeys, hamadryads Cornwall/Lyoness border.

Hope that helps! :)


Originally posted by Jiggs
i think you're in the wrong forum btw ;)

and reju isnt viable until spellcrafting imo

when: 29staff 33reju 48enhance becomes a interesting spec

Sorry dude... I'll just get back to the friar forums where my spec belongs :p

BAH - Template Friars - BAH

(shameless rejuv bump)


Thanks guys

Some great advice there

I think ill go for 15 in rejuv and take my staff quite high and enhance high

from what ive heard parry aint really that gr8 so i wont put much into it



Ok last chance to save your spec.... :)

go 25 rejuv and spell craft your way to 50 staff from 34 or 39 keep your enhance at either 45 or 47 and put the rest in parry.

There is no real reason to take your staff higher than 39 as all our styles that high either are useless in RvR or are broken.


The spec im messing about with on char builder is

34Staff 47Enhance 25rejuv and 18parry

Thought this was nice as i get final speed shout and just miss out on some cold and matter buffs which aint that important IMO

Also i get highest staff attack that doesnt require after evades and cack like that.

Get a decent mid way heal and 18 parry hmm not sure just the points ive got left

what u guys think?


Originally posted by oblivion_6
The spec im messing about with on char builder is

34Staff 47Enhance 25rejuv and 18parry

Thought this was nice as i get final speed shout and just miss out on some cold and matter buffs which aint that important IMO

Also i get highest staff attack that doesnt require after evades and cack like that.

Get a decent mid way heal and 18 parry hmm not sure just the points ive got left

what u guys think?

More parry less rej :)



is there a kinda formula for how effective parry is?

im curious what difference it would have to me?


Astrala, can you stop oppressing the 18rejuv friars?! :p


each spec in parry gives you .5% to parry

so f.ex. i have 13parry = 6.5% chance to parry

now each level of Mastery of Parrying = 3%chance

therefore if i had Mastery of Parry 2 that plus my 13 = 12.5% chance OR equvalent to 25spec in parry

parry is great when soloing but its sux balls in emain even if i wear all +parry items and end up with something like 30ish effective parry its still not really effective, apparently this will improve next patch though so who knows!!

we all know astrala is evul and secretly dreams about having quicksilver's 44staff spec tho so dont worry about all that reju nonsense, wait til u hit 40 and respec if you feel you want to.

i am 39+11staff 48+8enhance 18+8reju and 13+4parry normally

first thing i am droping when SC is out is my enhance + i mean ffs my second level base buffs are so maxed out they give the same bonus (+50) as my top base buffs


hmm i never thought bout the enhance buffs being maxed

hmm spoze i can just go mega staff till 40 to help solo and then sort it out then

ta :D


Originally posted by Jiggs
first thing i am droping when SC is out is my enhance + i mean ffs my second level base buffs are so maxed out they give the same bonus (+50) as my top base buffs [/B]

The first thing he will be raising is his rejuv to 25 :p

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