Any chanses of anyone setting up a fds or PB group in alb? :)



Dunno if its been done before in alb even :)
Only read these threads in hib and some on mid boards.

But anyhow Im considering rerolling to alb now and if anyone is thinking about making one of these groups in alb please get of youre ass and do it now (please :) :) )... Id be happy to join as the minstrel or smt :) :)

[Would organise it myselves but Im afraid I dont know very many people in alb and would be a bit hard to assemble the group, and even if I did I wouldnt know where to take it to exp ^^]


u need for good pb grp...

2*ice wizzy
1*earth theur
2*pally (s/s)
1*sorc or minstrel, prefer sorc for icedebuff and crack
2*rejuv/ench clerics

u can maybe change 1 cleric out with 1 ice wizzy more.
and ppl there join can allways suggest where to go.
20-24 keltoi
24-29 just outside catacombs and inside ofc
29-39 barrows or dales, i prefer dales coz mush lesser camped and better xp
39-50 Avalon city or just AC :)

and gj with it :)

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