Any Blademaster out that there that doesnt think we gimps?



Simple really im wondering if im the only BM that doesnt think we sook. If you are a bm and think we sook teall me why, i dont wanna know what we need(fix wise), just tell em what u can and cant beat 1 on 1 :)


Enki probably doesn't think so.

He has L42 (last I saw him) shield/pierce BM on excal.


i dont know hy ppl say bms are crap tbh as i have been grouping with basheera lately and shes an awesome tank.
proly just made to be the scapegoat of hib, just like the caby is for alb.
before ppl say a bm sucks they should look at the ranger and eldy


Originally posted by saltymcpepper
i dont know hy ppl say bms are crap tbh as i have been grouping with basheera lately and shes an awesome tank.
proly just made to be the scapegoat of hib, just like the caby is for alb.
before ppl say a bm sucks they should look at the ranger and eldy

Your probably right salty. Been playing a cabby and must say - either I'm missing something or ... it is great ! Fastest levelling out of any character I have played so far - and I've tried a lot of them :)

There are a few high level BM's on Hib/Pryd - would they really have bothered if they are as gimped as people say they are ?


cabys are fun im prolly going to make one for pvp.
need to get to 46 quickly before the pygmy goblins are made tougher tho :D


I'd say we are semi gimped now. Flurry will help but CD styles are still shite. Hell I'd give up flurry for damage somewhere near LA styles. Fact is CD is a stalker melee line not guardian, it doesn't scale right and the damage is poo.


What classes can u BM solo and what classes cant u solo?


I'm enjoying my 20 BM :) can solo yellows mobs np. seems to hit pretty hard in the rvr I've done with him (at the BGs). having dual 99% qual falcatas helps tho :p


damn im gimpt

the biggest problem for bms starts in rvr not when u are xping
for levels

1. u dont do enough damage in rvr like 2 hands tank or spear tanks why the hell not? im using 2 weps and im still do less damage?. yeah i have my 3 dick i can use tripel wel ok but only every 30 min or so, and it only on for like 10 sec.
ok i can use fast wep but i will hit like i girl then. And GOA know we are hitting like gimpt girls tanks that way we get flurry in 1,52 are good in parry and evade.
but how many times do
u solo 1 vs 1 in rvr ? its alike zerg vs zerg all the time
and people are only intressting in how mutch damage the can do
before they dies or lives. ok bms will get 360% evade yeah thx goa ;)

3. bms are littel boring to play in rvr GOA know this that way we will get speed attack stuff dont know how is works but i can run to one target and not loose End? way cant we get one speed

goa must starting doing bm fun in rvr thats way we dont se any bms out ther

sorry for my bad english but wtf im just one gimpt bm ;)

/Dracul lev 50 bm [vino veritas]


if you think bms are boring try playing a warrior lol


Plenty classes fall in the "gimp" class in one way or the other, BMs being in it is nothing new unfortunately.

The problem is with how people define gimp, how big a damage dealer should a DW'er in "the magic realm" be?

I know it's the same old arguement over and over, but to think that DW for melee classes in hibernia should be close to, or as good as, LA styles are in midgard just doesn't suit the game.

Imo, what BMs need are some sort of magic, that's pretty much how I see the class as lacking. A suggestion could be:

Some sort of debuff or enhance song/magicability. Such as advanced styles with a 50% chance of a critical hit, that use both endurance and power. Or a debuff against your opponent lowering their chances to parry/block your attacks or maybe a sort of self enhancing spells.


Heros are Hibernia's 'pure' tank and as such are pretty good at it.

Blademasters are a hybrid, but the only difference they have over heros is the dual wield and basically this is not that good.
They have worse armour, worse shields, can't use LW or CS and (most importantly) can't go moose :)
They need something to define them rather than just being able to attack with 2 weapons of which only 1 is guaranteed to hit.

Magic would make sense as Hibernia is meant to be the magical realm, or maybe an additional spec line (more spec points needed) that they can train in that give them endurance buffs or extra special BM attacks.

My only question here is how do they stack against Alb's Mercenary - they seem to be similar classes ?


blademasters are light tanks rather than hybrids - hybrids have mana :)

They're not god awful, but they're not fixed (not even in 1.53) - the celtic dual styles are no better than the base blunt/blades/pierce styles which is just wrong.

With the fixes in the next couple of patches (the band-aid flurry :)) they're a bit closer to the zerkers....

Mercs are in a similar boat, they're not perfect, but they're far from gimped :)

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