Any berserkers wanna post there stats?



Just wanna se the diffrent between troll and norseman :)
and maby the dmg output of some of you


Well the 30 Str diff shows alot at the early lvl's but doesnt affect it as much when your str is over 180 (it doesnt seem 2 scale right) but the troll is lacking in a stat that a zerker needs and is never trained, Quickness, Used for your evade its an average between dex and quick.

So yes hitting hard is always nice but people who say a zerker dont need defence should try playing one :)

So tbh stick with Norse or dwarf, best idea in the long run tbh though you get more attention rvr as a troll.

Dmg output? 300+ is pretty safe with doublefrost gainst tank types (yellow pally normally takes me 3 hits, not bad considering my swing speeds faster then most s&s types :) ) with zerk looking at 500+ normally, though 1000+ 1 shot kills gainst leather/cloth wearers happens quite alot.

Though the stated dmg might be abit lower that can be attained as lvl 50 tanks that i tend to scrap with have got 4 levels on me (me being 46)

My zerks norse btw



Aha, thanks for that, but isn't Dwarf kinda bad cause of lack of STR ?


Sorry my post above was edited after your last 1


Aha that's good :)
another qustion I ask..what about spec? isn't 50 LA and what about Axe/parry



Yus 50 L axe to get access to the final style which is about the best of all lvl 50 mid wep styles, Aurorer (spelling :/) use after parry high dmg high bonus to hit.

Most commen template is 50 axe/sword/hammer 50 L axe 28 Parry, only problem with this is weapon skill over 50 by bonus's (such as Realm ranks and weapon bonus) give you hardly any more dmg.

So i'd suggest 44 main weapon 50 L axe 37 Parry. Reasons for this are

1 With a couple of realm ranks main weapon skill will be 50 giving you access to do 100% to 125% style dmg (might be 150 cant be bothered 2 check :/)

2 Having more in parry is never a bad thing at all no matter what anyone tells you.

3 Dont follow the crowd :)

Hope this helps


what i know Bers cap whit epic strength.
if start again play berserker, choose dwarf allmost sure.

lately, mean when you are close 50, it doesnt matter what race you play, they are allmost same.
personally like idea to have dwarf and put small shield on hand, one axe, and waite some assasin show his face (hope he think dwarf is healer).
early maybe notice some different whit different races? but those are minor problems.
choose what race you like most and enjoy.

btw what i notice one big problem, lvl 30-40 is hard to find good axe drops, 30 get still but mid 30 to 40 is difficult time.


Yes zerker epic will cap you but your base stats determin your cap so a char with 100 str might have a cap of 150 with items while the char with 80 str might have a cap of 130, (yes i know that calcs very basic but its generally how it works :) )

And anyway dwarf zerkers look gimpy, ask Spesh :D so go Norse :)

But 2 the point, choice is plain tbh, Norse or dwarf


ABpoon wrote:

Yus 50 L axe to get access to the final style which is about the best of all lvl 50 mid wep styles, Aurorer (spelling :/) use after parry high dmg high bonus to hit

Name is Aurora Borealis, and to be honest it ain't the best style at all, Might be usable if u do a 1v1 where u have time to focus on only that battle not having to worry about protecting healers/casters etc.

I have never used this style in a normal RvR situation, only styles I use is Doublefrost and when target tries to run away and i remember to use it Snowsquall.

Cant remember all of my caps, but my zerk being a norse with 10P put in str/con/dex on creation has caps of 200 Str and 170 Con (with items that is)


I got like 230str (30 Overflow), 170con, 128dex and 75 quick ^^

As it is now less quickness means more dmg, and the zerker you saw screenies of on BW has 30 quick


Originally posted by old.tuppe btw what i notice one big problem, lvl 30-40 is hard to find good axe drops, 30 get still but mid 30 to 40 is difficult time.

Yeah, I found that also. I am hammer/left axe and up till now I've always used crafted weapons (but now I have a Blessed Northern set). I suggest you go crafted. A netherium axe/small hammer will turn yellow at 40, so these are a good choice for levels 35-40. Small weapons aren't that expensive either (think I paid about 65g per weapon) Support crafters! :]


Well tbh casiraghi i'd say the lvl 50 L axe style is more likly 2 be used then the other lvl 50 wep styles, Most relying on either being the 3rd hit from a chain, being blocked or hitting from behind which we have a 44 L axe 2hit chain 4 anyways.

But if you dont think you'll use the lvl 50 L axe chain skim some off L axe and stick it into parry, always a fine choice sir :D


what i notice one big problem, lvl 30-40 is hard to find good axe drops, 30 get still but mid 30 to 40 is difficult time

one word: darksteel


Hmmm i dunno about the quickness=Less dmg.

Me and Asgoll were beating on bled gates and both have the same average weapon dps so the same except i'm quicker (due to aug quick and 5 quick at creation) and we were hitting in excate syncro.

So i'm unsure as to if quick affects wep speed at all and if it does its a marginal amout.

And to the lvl 40 axe thing 1 word: Crafted :) 1 more dps will give you better dmg out put then one of them sucky spin drops with +6 str


ABpoon wrote:

But if you dont think you'll use the lvl 50 L axe chain skim some off L axe and stick it into parry, always a fine choice sir

Hmm as i read things about L axe spec on whiners board. u have to max L axe to get max dmg, so don't think I'll do that :)


As long as your L axe reaches 50 by bonus it should be the same as 50 L axe m8, cept no lvl 50 style.

But we'll have 2 see how it goes seeing as we'll both be rolling zerkers again in the same pvp guild.



I can't see how quicknees should affect dmg. IF the str is the same.
what is the best Style / or most used style in RvR?
I though of the spec LA:50 Axe:45 parry: 38. get the good LA styles and to get a good avrage dmg from Axe (if I don't need the style I will just rais it with +)


Most used style tends to be double frost, high dmg high end use, easy 2 use when in laggy rvr.


in big battlements i use, those copple where have been :)
snowblind, against 1-3 is ok whit df, remember you can only land 3-5 df before out endurance, snowblind instead close 10, damage is little lower, and this mean little! next patch need check situation again.
and little clearer one thing, lvl 50 laxe style is after target parries your mainhand!
50 Aurora Borealis -> Use After Trg. Parries You
copy from classes of camelot.

usefull next patch when parry and other defense work better.

in that time when i was travelling between 30-40 there was lack of good crafter, now we have example in own guild Paldius who are crafting my rvr axe´s.


Hmmm i dunno about the quickness=Less dmg.

It is so, mythic have confirmed it :p

and each point of quickness from 100-200 gives 0.05% IAS



Aha, quickness less dmg, but the quickness diffrent from 35 -> 50 can't be that much? and what is the %IAS there? when quick is so low.
but norse evades / parrys and attacks faster, but looses dmg in stead, is it that bad? or just depends what you think is better more dmg or faster attack / more defens.


norseman= "bad" now, better when they fix parry/block in rvr


yeah but hey I'm just levle 1x :D but I don't think it realy matters "in the end"


Higher quickness does mean less damage per hit (if you use no styles) but over time it is equal to less quickness, as you hit more often. The advantage of higher quickness though is that you have the opportunity to use more styles, and get the bonus from these included into your overall damage. Therefore when useing styles quickness is an advantage.

Lastly higher quickness if a factor used to determine your chance to evade


You need quite alot of qui to have a "decent" difference in swingtime. Do keep in mind that qui affects evade rates as well


mavericky yeah that must be the answer sounds most right to me , that quick does affect dmg cause weapons are looked at has 16.5 dps (Damage Per Second) so faster swing less dmg, but the dmg over time is the same, or even more cause you hit more tiem and do more styles, that's about what I was looking for. or so do I think.

thanks all!


If you have quickness (say) of 60

using a 1 dps hammer with a 5 second speed

you hit for 5 damage every 5 seconds (plus other modifiers)

everything else considered equal, if you have a quickenss of, say, 260

you hit for 5 damage every 3 seconds (the actual time isn't accurate but you get the idea)

If you use a style with (say) 1 dps which costs 1 endurance

you hit for 5 damage every hit in the first case (and spend 5 endurance)

and 3 damage every hit in the second case (and spend 3 endurance)

i.e. your base damage per hit doesn't decrease if you improve quickness (and in fact in the space of 30 seconds you'll hit for 50 instead of 30)
However with styles, over 30 seconds you'll do 30 style damage in both cases.

first one will hit:
10 ... 10 ... 10 ... 10 ... 10 ... 10 ...

second will hit

8 .. 8.. 8 .. 8.. 8.. 8.. 8 .. 8.. 8 .. 8..

so if you want that big first hit - lower your quickness
if you want to do more damage, get it improved :)

Same applies to haste buffs....


My troll zerk stats
Str :220
Con: 165
Dex 130
quick : mmhm?? :)

l didnt use RA to make anything better but i will soon:flame:

lvl 50laxe style does uber damage but when the feck u use it :|
Use Df an SS all the time :) killing is 70% sjur :) other is killed by mezz :p

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