Any active RvE guilds?



I currently have my main in an RvR biased guild, which is fine and dandy. However, my alts are also in this guild, which has become a bit of a problem.

My alts are played as much as my main, if not more, but as the guild is RvR biased I no longer get to go on RvE raids or manage to hunt with fellow guildies.

I understand from talking to other players that some guilds such as the Dragon Fighters demand that you have all characters in the guild. However, as I have been in my current guild with my main for many many months, I do not really wish to leave. Also, I still like RvR, it makes sense that my main stays in an RvR guild.

So, are there any good sized PvE guilds who will accept my alts (two level 40 guys and two level 30 guys) knowing that my main will stay in the RvR guild? I miss the raids, and with the SI expansion I would like to be in an active organised guild who I can hunt with regularly.

I am not a “power” player, and like the social interaction as much as anything else.

Please leave a contact name and maybe a URL here.




I think the question you will be asked most will be what will you do with the alts when/if they get to 50?

Do they stay in the guild that helped them get to 50 or are they gonna migrate to your rvr guild?



Yer that is the big problem, seen many people leave DK cuz they want to RvR more. Can't blame them tho, i know we dont RvR alot. But some, like me, enjoy PvE very much :)


I know

Well that is the problem I know.

My alts will not be RvR guys really, I haven’t got the time to play that many characters. I have decided therefore to keep my main as the RvR and play the others in RvE, and maybe RvR when the guild does.

So I am not looking to join and leave, more for a home where I can still do the RvE element of the game.


Dragon Fighters do not demand your alts are in the guild, its a very relaxed guild the only thing we dont like is people using us to get to level50 then leaving. Ive lost count how many people have left once they hit Level50. I havent been in any other guilds so maybe this is the norm , if it is I think its a bad way to play.

Aule Valar

happened a few times in coa, i say you take a diposit from em ;)


happens in fl to, most ppl go to strife or first cohort

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