ants vs something else?



wtf is this... mids come in hordes of 30-40 and totally kick our arse in emain, then even the hibbies attacks us in hordes...

and there we are. Gather at amg and then scattered around like sissies, everyone running around to different directions and getting slaughtered by both sides.

We have up to 50ish people at amg but still when we face the mids we are just about 20 left at max and the other 30 runs around in circles and runs away as soon as they see more than 3 purps.

I know i havent been RvRing as much as many of you, and I know that most of you have seen and experienced much more annoying stuff than this.

But really, isnt it time to get more organized? period?


Yep seems we lack the patience. If our Zerg sit idle at amg for more than 1 minute someone will say "lets go mmg!" or "lets go crim valley!" or "lets go mill!" or usually all 3 and we end with a divided zerg vs 2 full size zergs :(

Then 33% of the zerg will pull crim guards and get wiped/chased down by hibs, another 33% will pull guards at mid portalkeep and get wiped/chased down by mids. The remaining 32% (half of which will turn and run at the sight of even slightly bad odds) will be wiped at our wall by whichever enemy zerg gets there first, and runners chased to our pk in a long thin line of bodies, the few surviviors waiting for the tele to refill the rp-sausage machine.

The 2% alb scouts watch it all from range and sigh :rolleyes:

When the tele arrives the albs will proceed in a long, thin, disjointed line to our wall to meet thier d00m. If the snipers along the roadside dont get em first.

Same every night. Fun init...? :D


I don't know what you are all moaning about:

By Night there are 5000 Albs in Emain we have no choice but to rule every night, gr8 fun tho.

By day we are usually ruled by 20 Mids v 6 Albs, very challenging, gr8 fun tho.

On Saturday we had no more than 6 LVL 40 to 50 players on, I must have died and released 20 times, my all time record was porting to Emain, running straightaway so that I was still standing on our pk hill, glimpsed Xuthos in front of me, and sprinted back to the portal keep door, I was 2 inches away form it when BANG, bolt kills me in one, released within 5 secs.
Mids camped apk from 10 AM to 10 PM. 12 hours with roughly only 6 Albs in Emain!

btw, congratulations Microbe, you have made it into my Hunt List, show yourself you axe wielding apparition. Xuthos, NolbyPride, I am coming for you next :eek: Elesias, you can start hiding now too! I have a new 10 sec mezz in my arsenal now!



who says you have to be 50 to rvr?

I do die when i encounter solo purps and im solo, but I do kill yellow/orange cons most of the times... whats your point?

Do you happen to know a little ability called ressurection? It means that I can ressurect realm members that died so they can continue rvring.. or is that to much information for you?

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