another silly question



My ping rate is really high and its making the game really slow. is there anyway of fixing this? by downloads, options or anything else? maybe im just playin at a busy time but it generally stays around 300, with other peoples as low as 80. HELP!!! its meaning i cannot aim with waiting for my rifle to take 10 seconds moving and another 5 seconds firing. cheers. :(


3 Reasons
1. server could be shite - find another one
2. try restarting to clear memory
3. you may have a crappy modem - buy a new one :(

Hope this helps

Oh yeah peeps have pings of 80 because they have ISDN if you have a 56k expect 140


your isp maybe shite not your modem.i ping at around 220 with WOL,and 180 with barrydial.and im using a windmodem.also if your playing at peak times (6 till 10 pm) you will prolly get a high ping if your isp is BT/WOL etc.heres a bit of info that might be helpful...

cl_download_ingame 0 (keeps you from downloading other people's spraypaints while in game, this really lags)
max_smokepuffs 0 (this keeps smokepuffs from showing when you shoot certain guns, this also lags a lot)
fastsprites 3 (this is for things like the smoke grenade. this will show the fastest loading smoke possible. 0 is the most complex (laggiest), 1 is next most complex. 2 is next after that. 3 of course is the least complex and so it won't lag as much)
net_graph 0 (this keeps net graph from showing up, which can hurt your fps (net graph is the graph that shows your fps and your ping, 1 to 3 to turn it on)
fps_max 100 (this sets your fps (frames per second) at 100, which is as high as most will go. the higher the frames per second, the better. think of it like a cartoon. cartoons are run at 24 fps. if they were down around 10 fps it wouldnt be fluid motion, you would see Bugs Bunny jerking across the screen instead of walking)
hideradar (this is optional. it hides the radar, most people dont use it,but i do it helps keep track of were your player's are dieing, it lags a bit and lags more in complex areas with lots of people)
cl_dlmax 1 (ok you can set this to 0 but i wouldnt. here's why: this option sets the number of files that you can download while on a server (ie: maps, spraypaint logos) i have it set to 1 because if the server has a map that you don't have, it will still be able to download that 1 file, and if you already have the map, itll just download 1 of the logos, which isnt as bad as 16 or so (on a really big server),
hud_centerid 0 (this is optional. when you put the crosshair over a person, it shows what the persons name is and if they are an enemy or not. this just makes the info go to the bottom left instead of being in the center, blocking things, which is what you dont want in a crowded area)
pushlatency ### (replace ### with the negative number of your normal ping. so if you normally get a ping of 200, your pushlatency would be -200)
cl_himodels 0 (this toggles higher quality models. higher quality models lag so make sure this is set to 0)

if your after some binds DL this


i forgot to say open your config.cfg and edit as you want


thanks again guys, this has helped quite a bit, my pings around 200 now, stead of around 400 like be4, i can actallut shoto now. cya around...


I'm sure ED just copied that off a webby :)


im sure eD got emailed by a helpful yank who knows alot about scripts .so stfu raven u UT lamer.

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