Another Shameless LFGuild post :)



hello all :)

i am looking for any guilds who are recruiting atm, fairly large and friendly with as much focus on PvE as RvR although an RvR guild is also something i am interested in.

i am a seasoned player with 50's on excal and pry ( alb and mid respectivly ) and am planning on making a NS and possibly a druid too.

If any guilds are willing to take me in could you plz reply to this :)


Id advise you to join the guild your friends are in.


Originally posted by Voch
thats the thing, i dont know any hibs :)

Do some pve/rvr, get to know peeps, then decide who to join ( ;


after youve been about a few groups and stuff and now with bg0 you get used to rvr with other peeps

you will eventually start to notice what guys you enjoy playing with and things and i would go to their guild

many peeps are tempted to choose a guild as they believe it will give them uber status and make them l33t and things like that

but imo the best thing this game can do is allow to you have some fun while escapping from teh BS of RL and if you aint in a guild that has a laugh and makes u feel like a member of the team then your best of not bothering :)

btw i would recommend the kindred if they still about as i luved the whole roleplaying thing they have going on, was always tempted to put an alt in their for some fun

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