Another Scout Template (sorry!)


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Trying to sort out a template for my scout (currently level 45 so want to start looking at getting artis for him soon).

He's probably going to be my 3rd or 4th-choice RvR toon (already have TOA'd Sorc and Minstrel) so I can't spend a fortune on him. I'd like him to be competitive in RvR, but I don't mind a bit of /release every now and again :D

Bad things on the template include;

only +20 dex cap with bow out
only +19 qui cap with bow out
low matter resist (nerf warlocks imo)
not capped TOA archery bonuses
crafted sword and shield (retro or what?)

Good things about the template include;

I have most of the drops already

Anyway...links to the templates can be found on my ultra-slick and professional DAOC fanboi page at;

Would appreciate any comments EXCEPT this one;

"Woohoo! Just what Albion needs!! Another scout!!"


On a side note, I'd like some advice about spec. Since I don't have SoM or a Artifact weapon in my template, I'd probably be classed as a "Sniper" scout, I guess. I'm trying to decide between;

50 Longbow - 42 Shield - 35 Stealth - 18 Thrust


45 Longbow - 42 Shield - 34 Stealth - 29 Thrust

Again, I'd appreciate any advice.


Fledgling Freddie
May 3, 2004
"Woohoo! Just what Albion needs!! Another scout!!"

sorry couldnt resist :)

im waiting on redoing my template until we get catacombs - from what ive read alot of good drops are quest items so will be very easy to get

Rigga Mortice

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Based on what you have already, looks good apart from that matter resist. This could be easily rectified (a little) by dropping the QUI gem on the head or legs in exchange for a matter resist one (QUI being hard capped at 250, assuming you put 0 in at creation, you would have a natural 83 qui at 50, another 96 from capped buffs from Betcha;) meaning you just need another 71 to cap out)

Hope that helps some.


Fledgling Freddie
May 3, 2004
Rigga Mortice said:
:( We were both wrong, its 93:

So 74 to cap out QUI if you put zero points when you made him/her, or less if you are an old fart <coughs> and made a scout when buffbots were virtually unheard of and we needed all the QUI we could get at creation ;) Good luck.

hmm ill have to check that when i get home - pretty sure i only get 92 from my buffs

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