another one bites the dust :-/



Im afraid to say that im going to leave the world of daoc myself. EQ had me addicted for 1 year and I Really enjoyed those days, and now daoc comes along and its quite fun... but i dunno... the players are way to immature and I really cant just close my eyes to it. RvRing just plain sux everytime. Its only my opinion tho, im sure a lot of people feels the love and all, but I sure dont :p

I wouldnt be the one naming names since everyones taste is different. But its sad that such a good game got ruined this way. I might pick up an US copy and play on a RP server. People tend to behave better and having your guild flag on a keep kind of counts as something good. Not just people farming RPs and nothing else.

The game itself is fun, I like the graphics and I like the classes. But I sure do miss having GMs (as in EQ, people that were "hired" to make sure noone breaks the rules, behave like an ass by KSing or training people and specially the names!!) cause with GMs we wouldnt see names like "Iownyour arserealhard" and "imsofeckingcool".... its just so immature it hurts and makes my eyes bleed everytime I see one.

I guess I could go on for ever but I just wanted to give a few pointers and maybe.... just maybe some people will rethink their attitude against your realm mates (cause we are a realm y'know) and improve your matters.

So this is over and out from me. My account is free for grabs. lvl 40 pally with epic and orange/red gear. Even have a purp shield in my vault. 2.5 bubs from 41 btw and even the rings/bracers/neck and cloak are my lvl and up. Everything but the stupid jewel ;P

If you are interested mail me

Take care all and there really are some good people out there. Dunno if its good that you stay and try to make the server better or if I should tell you to move and enjoy a more mature and equal minded server :p


You're mostly correct, Siul, and I'm sorry to see you leave... Been a pleasure playing together with ya... (before you leave, lets at least take that trip to gorge together ;) )

Although even though you're correct, the different realms is flooded with immature people, however, aren't that just as much our own fault (and here I'm speaking about the naming-issue)? Even though that there's very rarely a GM online, we've still got RightNow... And even though I don't like admitting it, I've only gotten positive and quick feedback from it :)

... if just every mature player helped making the gaming environment better for all of us, instead of just closing their eyes and let the (more and more) common incidents (which pisses the rest of the population off) go, and started reporting them -- I honestly do believe that we could get a better realm, as GOA actually seems to care about the player community (well, that's at least my own experience when dealing with them.)

Leyla yo Sed, Lusse.


Sorry to see you leave siul :( you seemed like a nice guy judging from the brief conversations we had. Good luck in future games , and who knows daoc might improve on the points you mentioned though i strongly doubt it will change. As for the people picking names like that, well i bet they get tired at looking at those names themselves before they reach 50 and delete the character.

GM <Exiled>


Noooo Lusseeee :(

Well bye bye Siul, really sorry to see you go.
Been nice having you as a guildmate and nice
times playing with you. Hope you will find what
you are looking for, maybe the US RP servers
will be just it.

Be well, and GL with the wife and kiddo :)

/Asarel Melody <De Gothia>

old.Im pac man!!

I understand you completely. Here is why.

After another hunt in DM on wednesday, group ends at Catacombs doors. I decide to check it out because like most tanks all i got from there was the Decurion one time drop. Unfortunately every where i turn all romans are grey :) :) so i decide to check out the emperor room. On the way i pass by 3 blade & quill dudes, they are killing praetorians guards at the beggining of that corridor. I pass by them move down to the room and indeed there are 2 greens. I kill the guard, move on to the emperor, which drops an helm, so i decided t wait a bit and see if i could get some more. Guild can never have enough armour. Well those 3 B&Q manage to get down to the room, kill one of the guards, and he drops. Since i dont know the drops there i simply asked if i could see it cause i never got it while i played there. OCTANION answers me by saying that im unpolite and should be there. I ask him back what does he mean by that and he says i should not kill greens that will give me no xp and leave it to ppl that can. He says a couple of stupid things which i ignore, then when i ask him if he knows english cause i couldnt see what could have made im react that way he gets high and mighty about is academical skills. Having better things to do like getting my last 6 bubbles to lvl 50 i leave then and said no more.
If more ppl behave like Octanion did, i guess more of us will start longing for SW galaxies, and will drop the game. Next thing you know ppl will not allow you to hunt barrows for drops cause the mobs con blue or yellow.

If any Blade & Quill reads this dont worry , i know better, one stupid individual like Octanion does not change my impression of you guys.


Some people still don't understand that people don't only go for xp... Like me, killing arawnites headhunters (green) to get some arawnite chain for my alt chars.

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Khalen
Some people still don't understand that people don't only go for xp... Like me, killing arawnites headhunters (green) to get some arawnite chain for my alt chars.

*shudder* I'll rather delete my char than go hunt more Araws :p Araws in the BETA... Ararws in retail... Long, tedious hours with no drops... Eek :)


Hate to see another good player leave, specially a pally.
Not seen you much in game but your posts always showed a nice and mature player behind the keyboard ... something we can not say of all players.


Originally posted by old.Im pac man!!
I understand you completely. Here is why.

After another hunt in DM on wednesday, group ends at Catacombs doors. I decide to check it out because like most tanks all i got from there was the Decurion one time drop. Unfortunately every where i turn all romans are grey :) :) so i decide to check out the emperor room. On the way i pass by 3 blade & quill dudes, they are killing praetorians guards at the beggining of that corridor. I pass by them move down to the room and indeed there are 2 greens. I kill the guard, move on to the emperor, which drops an helm, so i decided t wait a bit and see if i could get some more. Guild can never have enough armour. Well those 3 B&Q manage to get down to the room, kill one of the guards, and he drops. Since i dont know the drops there i simply asked if i could see it cause i never got it while i played there. OCTANION answers me by saying that im unpolite and should be there. I ask him back what does he mean by that and he says i should not kill greens that will give me no xp and leave it to ppl that can. He says a couple of stupid things which i ignore, then when i ask him if he knows english cause i couldnt see what could have made im react that way he gets high and mighty about is academical skills. Having better things to do like getting my last 6 bubbles to lvl 50 i leave then and said no more.
If more ppl behave like Octanion did, i guess more of us will start longing for SW galaxies, and will drop the game. Next thing you know ppl will not allow you to hunt barrows for drops cause the mobs con blue or yellow.

If any Blade & Quill reads this dont worry , i know better, one stupid individual like Octanion does not change my impression of you guys.

That is a light alteration about what did take place but whutever, and what was the drop you wanted to see I never notice you ask too see a drop, I was being very polite and asked you if you would mind moving since these obviously didnt pay of any exp to you,

I think we might have misunderstood each other and I was not goin on about my academic skill you answered if I understood english and I said

"Unless you start speaking academical english I can understand you"

I am not english by birth and my vocabulary are at some times quite insuffecient to communicate well with people better at it than I.

oh and btw if you really wanna know what drops there why not make an alt to go down there, I dont mind lvl 45+ checking out cata drops I do mind them going on a killing spree because they kill so fast that spawnrate can´t keep up.

btw next time you get into a conversation regarding different point of views, try not to ignore the other half midway through, might even turn up that you can make some sort of agreement.


Some nice words have been said and I've got a pair of emails... and not asking for my account but asking me to stay. I didnt know that I had learn to know so many people in albion on my short period here.

To be honest, Im thrilled and honored that people actually take a little bit of their time to give a few comforting words.

I've canceled my account and it will close the 2nd of July. I will keep playing till then.. and who knows. Maybe I feel the love once again and reopen it. Maybe I could learn to fully ignore the idiots of the game and enjoy the nice people of the game. As it would be a shame to stop hanging around with the people that I like just cause there are a few assholes out there.

Im very sad to say tho, that once borrowing my account to a close irl friend telling him to just not play my paladin but anything else... as in do what you please.... He wanted to try midgard out....... so he deleted my hib alts on prydwen to make mids there. I guess its my fault for not telling him to not delete anything and saying " do as you please " kinda sounds like you can do whatever you please with the rest.... Im so sorry for all the Proficio Manus members since the GM role was on my bard there. But I think that Gaelic might get the GM role as he was rank 1 after me.. Dont really know how that works tbh.

So we'll see what these few days will give us. Joy or sadness.

- Pathfinder -

The GM title isn't passed on. Basically you've fooked their guild, as noone will have GM powers. Suppose they can form a new guild or petition Kemor :p


I can relate to the problems that are being had in the relams with offensive names and players being prats.

Can I just mention that Goa do have the Eyes and Ears project in development.

We are volenteer players whose name will be released fairly soon who can be contacted over breaches in CoC, bug problems & general feedback about the game.

We have access to internal Goa Forums and this is where we port our findings and reports.

We are out there playing amoungst you even now and are contantly feeding information back to GOA.

I myself have reported 2 names in breach of C0C so far this week.

For anyone with a problem on Excalibur/Albion , please feel free to PM me in game and I will pass it on to the powers that be.

More people should use the Rightnow facility and report their problems to Goa. This is the only real channel at the moment and should be used untill the names of the E&E in your realm are released.

U can also PM on these forums if you like


thats pretty good mate ;) Really adds to my pros and cons list


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -

*shudder* I'll rather delete my char than go hunt more Araws :p Araws in the BETA... Ararws in retail... Long, tedious hours with no drops... Eek :)

Try hunting there if /who snowdonia shows 0-3 people. Got lots of drops when no one was around. (And it ain't hard killing greens for some drops ;))

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