Blueyonder in their infinite wisdonw *haven't* been able to help with a technical support query. How surprising.
So you chaps get my problem instead. basically I was wondering that you can't plug the CM straight into a hub, and I didn't know why. I thought it may have been cause it can only use 1 mac address, so asked BY if i whacked it into a hub and registered all the mac address of the pc's connected to it would it work.
'we do not support home networking blah blah blah'
thx BY
so anyway can i do that, and if not why not? Is it something to do with having only 1 ip address (using NAT at the moment, uses up precious TFC resources....)
So you chaps get my problem instead. basically I was wondering that you can't plug the CM straight into a hub, and I didn't know why. I thought it may have been cause it can only use 1 mac address, so asked BY if i whacked it into a hub and registered all the mac address of the pc's connected to it would it work.
'we do not support home networking blah blah blah'
thx BY
so anyway can i do that, and if not why not? Is it something to do with having only 1 ip address (using NAT at the moment, uses up precious TFC resources....)