Another networking question



Blueyonder in their infinite wisdonw *haven't* been able to help with a technical support query. How surprising.

So you chaps get my problem instead. basically I was wondering that you can't plug the CM straight into a hub, and I didn't know why. I thought it may have been cause it can only use 1 mac address, so asked BY if i whacked it into a hub and registered all the mac address of the pc's connected to it would it work.

'we do not support home networking blah blah blah'

thx BY

so anyway can i do that, and if not why not? Is it something to do with having only 1 ip address (using NAT at the moment, uses up precious TFC resources....)


I can't explain why you can't - there are plenty of peeps hear who can.

My mates who have done similar have used a low end PC (486 or Pentium f*** all) as a server. The min specs BY advise are more to do with IE than with the actual CM.

Too many abb.?


I really can't be arsed to explain at all. if you still haven't worked it out in a few days let us knwo and we'll explain


heh, *really* rough night which saw me crawl into bed a about 6am...only to wake up 4 hours later to come to work. argh :(


thx for trying itchy, don't think you understood meh question :O

you other peeps did (cept maybe that scary perplex chap)

thx for the read, /me goes and dribbles on cable modem in a vain attempt to make it work better


Basically, a cablemodem is a mini PC. It is a network card, with some simple embedded cpu in it. It contacts BY, says "hi, this is my MAC address" to which the BY servers reply "nice one, how ya doing? here ya go, you can have IP address blah.blah.blah.blah"

The problem is that the CM also sends the MAC address of the PC connected to it. If you plug the Cm into a hub, there may be several PCs connected...which one does the CM use? Exactly. The other issue is that the IP address assigned to the CM is passed to the PC. As before, which PC uses the 'real world' IP address?

What you will need to do is to buy a CM/DSL routing hub. This is a small hub designed to accept a connection in from a CM, it pretends it is a PC so the CM is happy. It then routes information in and out of your network from all the PCs connected to it.


heh, thx d00d, you didn't need to go to the effort but its much appreciated :)


The Netgear Router RT314 is good and so is the Linsys BEFSR41...if you don't mined spending £130 then they're well worth getting.

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