Another ML3 Raid next Sat


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
If those r interested , For people who just couldnt make it to Eggy's , or didnt have time to farm Pre Steps , and those who missed Credit on certain Steps, i will ""TRY"" to run a ML3 next saturday <ie this one coming up> , any help would be apreciated as although ive done the steps b4 on a few chars, im not 100% sure about it, so a Co-Runner would be apreciated. Ill read up on and try to get maps b4hand to save time and agrivation. Well if ure interested , post up here. ML3 doesnt come along that often so...

Well up to u , if not enuf wanna Redo i can live with that ill just hold on till the next raid </cry no heal font to farm with>.

PRESTEPS - EGG/SWORD/NECKIE <Unless u allready have the Antioos Step ofc.

KILL MOUGHART - We will try to find him start of raid , but god plz if u can get this done b4hand would be apreciated plz.

Saturday - 5th Feb - 7pm <Or maybe changed if other raids are on>


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2005
Ill be there with my necro. Eggy screwed me out of getting full credit by not returning to 3.7 by pulling mob early, and not going back to it. Ill spread word in my guild too as it was a guild group that lost credit. Now you have made Kill Moughart a pre we will try to get it done first.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
gyro said:
Ill be there with my necro. Eggy screwed me out of getting full credit by not returning to 3.7 by pulling mob early, and not going back to it. Ill spread word in my guild too as it was a guild group that lost credit. Now you have made Kill Moughart a pre we will try to get it done first.

listen here fuckwit, Eggy didnt screw you out of anything, it was the thick as f*** 50 odd people at start of raid, who didnt understand "/bc stay at surface please" who proceeded down to the bottom and pulled the shark.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
gyro said:
Ill be there with my necro. Eggy screwed me out of getting full credit by not returning to 3.7 by pulling mob early, and not going back to it. Ill spread word in my guild too as it was a guild group that lost credit. Now you have made Kill Moughart a pre we will try to get it done first.

Eggy didnt screw anyone over, it was the stupid alb zerg mentality who acted like wankers that pulled the shark to early, so stop blaiming him!

So cry me a river will u! :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
Just a suggestion:

You will need ML3 to go on ML7 Presteps. Many people will want to do those presteps before saturday... Also there is many people that need ML XP, since one didn't even ding ML2, if you only did ML1-3 with Eggy.

So my suggestion is run another ML3 on Tuesday evening, for all those that didn't get credit and the ones that need the ML XP. This way you'll have the time to do the presteps required for next weekend.

I'll be happy to Co/Lead this early in the week, but saturday is too late for me.

PS: Peace :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2004
Was a good raid by Eggy.

But sounds good with another raid since i got more chars need the ml.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Zagg is right! :clap:
Next saturday will be too late for the ones of us that want to follow up on eggys ML rush.

It would be best to try and organize sumthing for this week to come.

I'll keep my fingers xed, do ur best guys!

Ty in advance :)


Loyal Freddie
Jul 18, 2004
Count me in pls. Tuesday night would be great.

Thx in advance :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Ok well im all for doing it tuesday , and the Co-running would be very helpful thanks, i know how to do all the steps but the layout of ml3 confuses the hell out of me lol, so bring a map :)

But sure tuesday i can do, just means people will have to do thier presteps sooner.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
gyro said:
Ill be there with my necro. Eggy screwed me out of getting full credit by not returning to 3.7 by pulling mob early, and not going back to it. Ill spread word in my guild too as it was a guild group that lost credit. Now you have made Kill Moughart a pre we will try to get it done first.

Lol after what happened im not sure why id defend him here, but 3.7 wasnt eggys fault , it was agrod by the raid diving b4 being told to <Me included , though i didnt agro him> , would have been nice to have gone back, but i can see why they didnt what with no eel stomach/respawn and distance. At least ure credit step missing had a reason too it m8, some of us didnt :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 29, 2004
I'll be there with scout and BB.
If you need any help leading, I've lead and done ML 3 multiple times, so I know how to run one.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
Make new thread then with times for Tuesday....

And btw. Mougart won't do anything for you, if you already signed up with the guy inside. Those ppl have to hand in the marble or farm it first.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Sauter sucks for me... infact the whole weekend sucks for me :/ if its a weekday i will show up :clap:

and :( about my inf haveing to farm marbel to get credit :wanker:

Hope to get the stupid ml3 soon :/


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Pffft whats the point tbh, all these people saying they cant come saturday, some asking to run it tuesday so they get it done b4 eggys next ml rush part. 2 Days notice is not enuf time tbh , and that means me making another thread about a day change as most people will see it says SAT on the thread title. People wont get pres done in time, i cant go and farm an eel stomach, no c**t ever wants to help me out in game with anything like this <Well cept Carbuncle, very nice young lass hats off to u> , ure info on moughart IS wrong too, the journal still says u can do either. Pffft , well i posted and seems some interest in still doing it, but i really dont have the knowledge or time to sort the entire thing out by Tuesday if thats when u want it for. A couple of people here volenteered to help run it, tbh itd be better if one of u take over . Sorry people, but the last week of Daoc has really pissed me off , ML's , Cash, Templates, Arguments with certain people and im no longer in the mood.

So someone else take over plz, if i CAN be bothered of manage to farm/buy some items for the raid if it goes ahead ill give em to u try to pull myself out of this slump to help u , but thats an IF.

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