another lvl 50 sorc pulling tanglers for his bot.



Is this going to become a common thing? 1st donog was doing it now its tynadien, are we going to have 10 sorcs competing for a tangler so their buff bot gets the desired lvl soon ? Lvling is hard enough already, we dont need you guys taking all the good pulls from 6-8 guys. Im starting to hope mythic nerfs buffs if this goes on.


so its not fair that 1 person pulls the tanglers, but 4 people sitting there "doing fine" is ok?


you miss the point. he/she is already 50. and by pulling the tanglers alone he/she prevents 6-8 guys that need the xp from getting it. even if it was a 4 guys group at least the xp was spread around 4 guys, not 1 lvl 50 lvling his bot.



Donog is leveling his second account which is a cleric,but he always take 2-3 more ppl in his grp.which allow others to xp with him aswell.


What fucking bullshit 10 year old shit is this.... is there any sign near tanglers that says.. lvl 50s out? or this is a charity comynity that ill let my main character starve.. soo the poor little ppl there get the exp and be hapyyyy!! just go there and do ur job...... and noone is responsble to apologize to noobs about whenever someone going in tanglers or telemons or wherever....

And never forget... there is not exp like the tanglers exp!!!!


Originally posted by knockout
you miss the point. he/she is already 50. and by pulling the tanglers alone he/she prevents 6-8 guys that need the xp from getting it. even if it was a 4 guys group at least the xp was spread around 4 guys, not 1 lvl 50 lvling his bot.

no i dont, he is killing tanglers and he is doing fine. whenever you do it with less than 8 ppl you are doing the same - stopping people from getting exp.

have a nice and "fine" day.

Aurelius A

I am quite a lot down pulling tanglers with my sorc and just because im lvl 50 i dont see anything wrong with it.

You say that it stops others xping ok maybe you have a point but please remember that a lvl 50 sorc isnt there just to annoy you pulling all the mobs and there is several spots to camp there.

They are there for a reason aswell, just as you are there for a reason ie. to xp, such as lvling a guildmate ,cash farming for crafters or raising cash for guild door fund all these things are necessary just as your getting xp are . it just happens that tanglers are pretty much the best area for these things.

Yes it is ideal if a lvl 50 sorc includes a couple of people in the group so they can get some xp and i do (most often infis/scouts after reading some posts on here about the rough time they have lvling ) and ive also seen donog lvling people aswell while hes there.

But bear in mind that we dont have extra people in the groups if we dont want maybe we want to make cash faster etc without splitting it betwen people (just a example) or maybe we do want to lvl a buffbot and that is personal choice on the sorcs part.

Basically please see the lvl 50's point of view aswell as there is still valid reasons why we go back to kill mobs even after hitting 50.


So just cause you are lvl 50 you arnt aloud to kill mobs??

If you dont like it, try and find another xp spot, tanglers isnt the only way to lvl you know

Aurelius A

oh and just a point about the first line in the original post about is this going to become a common thing.
It virtually has always been a common thing with sorcs there cash farming/lvling peeps etc after they hit 50 especially since 1.48 patch but even before that.

Just think yourself lucky you havent got RB around really anymore aoe killing whole beach/tree gobbos in each pull when lvling peeps/cash farming .Then you may have had a reason to complain a little when you couldnt see a single gobbo left after :)

Tbh a single lvl 50 sorc takes 8-10 gobbos a pull out of probably 35-45 in trees and has some considerable downtime after if solo so this isnt a high percentage of spawn really and repop on gobbos is quick.



well wait 1.52 when respec comes, i solo those everyday for cash with cabby, so moan then more, i dont care


i was there when Rb was around. Well i guess that as soon as i get this char to 50 also, ill go make a sorc and do the same, seing everybody is okay with lvl 50s soloing tanglers. And when the beach and the trees and arcs are full of Sorcs lets see what ppl say then.


Albion is a free country. Unless you can claim you own the gobbo beach u better let it rest.
Anyone has the right to pull gobbos there and the right to decide how they want to do it.
Should you be unsatisfied with someone, I suggest u pm him/her and ask them, politely, to stop. Flaming here seems a bit out of proportions.

Just think yourself lucky you havent got RB around really anymore aoe killing whole beach/tree gobbos in each pull when lvling peeps/cash farming .Then you may have had a reason to complain a little when you couldnt see a single gobbo left after
Those were good times, massive fun, massive deaths :)
To bad it went out of control and we ended up insulting some ppl (luckily i was out getting drunk that evening).


There is no reason why they are not allowed to do tanglers.
It would be the same as Elf helping me xping by pulling tanglers since he is 50 too .... would that be 'forbidden' too ?

Just the fact that they are lvling a second account does not make a difference. After all, all player characters need the same amount of xp, whether main account or the so called 'buffbots'.

You can't point a finger at lvl 50's or 4-people groups xping or cash farming there. Look in the mirror first, the fact that you are moaning about that and saying tanglers groups MUST have 8 people or that lvl 50/buffbots are forbidden there makes you the xp freak, not them.

Believe me, there is plenty of fun AND good xp in Albion without doing them tanglers.


More sorcs on the tanglers! means we might get groups elsewhere in the vastness of albion ;)


People should stop overcamping Tanglers.
At the trees there were designated pulling spots... And people stick to them.
At tanglers people just sit down somewhere, even right next to you, and start pulling. Several times I see 3-4 theurgs sitting waiting for a spawn from the trees...
I mean, how stupid can people be? XP is crap for every one... Even if one group is easily clearing the whole beach, getting ok xp, some stupid idiot will come with his group and pull also from the beach.. saying he also has a right to xp. Sure, agreed, but why ruin my xp while doing it?
So I would like to see some designated pulling spots, for example spot 1 beach, spot 2 en 3 at the trees, and spot 4 at the arches.
No more than 4 teams, and all is fine...

And I do partly agree with Knockout, during prime time a lvl 50 sorc should not be pulling tanglers just for loot... to powerlvl his alt is a bit better reason.
Regards, Glottis


I see it as this, if it alrdy are groups pulling from all the tangler spots, then the lvl 50 could stay away as any other group, as the spot is alrdy camped (as tangler pulls dont just pulls singel mobs)

Or else as I said before, try and find some other spots to xp on maybe?


Short signup process my ass!

Knockout, gratz, u made me register :p

mmm, where to begin?

bah, dont think I'll bother.

few more days I'll be gone from tangler spot.


starblade where did i say it was wrong for 4 guys doing tanglers?

All im saying is that a lvl 50 shouldnt be soloing tanglers when there are 5-6 parties do need the xp more than him.

Imagine this: Soloing tanglers becomes popular and soon we get 1 Sorc on aqueduct, another behind him doing trees, 2 sorcs camping the beach on the left side and the right side, and on the beach side of the trees another 1 or 2. All tangler spots are taken by soloers. Where will the other ppl go to? At least before we could chain trees and Stonelords by the dragon lair.

And now FIN wrote that when respec comes cabalists will be able to solo tanglers too. where are you going to move all the ppl then ?

Tanglers will then become an exclusive camp for Sorcerers, Cabalists and their friends.


Wouldn't a nice way to solve this be to ask the level 50 people politly if they would let you hav the next spawn while they regen power and such then they pull while you rest and so on, then you all get a chance to get exp and loot :)

just an idea :)


Yeh since chaining is out , it's really busy at tanglers these days. At noon it's still ok , couple groups who are getting good xp.
But then around 6 PM it gets worse and worse and mostly it's time to leave tanglers then.

You see theurgs ready to spam pets on tanglers , cabbies and sorcs throwing there pets into the gobs, even a psychocleric who just runns into the gobs and sprint back to group :)

And in the end everyone is pissed and irritated :(


I'd just be grateful to get a group at tanglers, no one uses scouts for what they are for - pulling.


Originally posted by knockout
At least before we could chain trees and Stonelords by the dragon lair.

you might not understand this but.. ever tried doing normal pulls?


course i have, what do you think ppl did when there was no sorc or minstrel available.

i think me, matje and daws and sorry cant remember the rest, did them at camp 3 for 4 hours straight cause there was no sorcs at that time. There was Aurelius, Spandau and 1 or 2 others.

But like Cotta pointed out, no more chaining means ppl prefer tanglers than trees or lords now.


oh yeah there was vesham too, but grouping with her 1 time was enough for me.


Originally posted by knockout
But like Cotta pointed out, no more chaining means ppl prefer tanglers than trees or lords now.

= they are stupid and/or lazy, why join them :/

..and that means more treespots are free :D

just sit closer to the spawn, have the puller go for a new pull when the last mob is at 30% and you can keep going as fast a chain.

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