Another Auction !



Hello all,

Blackbyrd Family has been busy hunting again so there will be another auction.
Auction will be tomorrow, Wednesday 10th of July, 8 pm cet in Galplen.
Many missed the last one so hopefully more will make it this time.

This time all the items start at 10g unless otherwise mentioned, so even if you don't have alot money, you might still get a nice item at real good price.

Then to the items to be sold :

Black Diamond Staff, Darkness 2, Piety 6, Power 4, Darkness focus 50 levels, 3 charges of 331 DD
Blue Diamond Staff, Suppression 2, Piety 6, Power 4, Suppression focus 50 levels, 3 charges of 331 DD
Red Diamond Staff, Runecarving 3, Piety 6, Power 4, Runecarving focus 50 levels, 3 charges of 331 DD
Jade Moonshone Cloak, Level 48 Item, Constitution 6, Slash 4%, Crush 4%, Cold 12%
Cloak of the Bloodwolf, Level 45 Item, Stealth 2, Charisma 3, Dexterity 6, Quickness 6
Enraged Wolf Pelt Cloak, Level 50 Item, Hits 54
Emerald Moonshone Gloves, Leather, Factor 88, Envenom 2, Quickness 15
Emerald Moonshone Boots, Leather, Factor 88, Dexterity 10, Quickness 10
Emerald Moonshone Jerkin, Leather, Factor 96, Hits 30, Dexterity 7
Emerald Moonshone Sleeves, Leather, Factor 92, Hits 15, Strength 13
Timorous Drakulv Ebon Jerkin, Leather, Factor 98, Constitution 12, Dexterity 7, Quickness 7, Strength 7
Ancient Bloodbound Vest, Cloth, Factor 49, Hits 30, Piety 9, Dexterity 9
Ancient Bloodbound Boots, Cloth, Factor 49, Hits 24, Dexterity 10, Energy 6%, Cold 6%
Ancient Bloodhound Pants, Cloth, Factor 49, Constitution 12, Dexterity 6, Piety 6, Heat 10%
Ancient Bloodbound Sleeves, Cloth, Factor 49, Darkness 2, Suppression 2, Strength 12, Piety 9
Runed Bloodbound Cap, Cloth, Factor 49, Power 4, Runecarving 4, Piety 13, Usable by Runemaster
Gauntlets of the Bloodwolf, Studded, Factor 94, Quickness 21
Helm of the Bloodwolf, Studded, Factor 94, Hits 24, Body 6%, Energy 6%, Heat 6%
Leggings of the Bloodwolf, Studded, Factor 98, Hits 30, Dexterity 7
Vest of the Bloodwolf, Studded, Factor 98, Hits 42, Quickness 10
Ageless Dragon Etched Coif, Chain, Factor 98, Cave Magic 4, Power 4, Piety 12, Crush 4%, Usable by Shaman
Drakulv Militia Great Axe, Dps 16.5, Spd 4.6, Axe 2, Parry 1, Strenght 6
Drakulv Militia Sword, Dps 16.2, Spd 4.2, Hits 21, Spirit 8%
Drakulv Militia Great Sword, Dps 15.3, Spd 4.5, Sword 2, Parry 1, Quickness 4
Drakulv Militia Axe, Dps 16.2, Spd 3.0, Axe 2, Hits 18
Drakulv Militia Hammer, Dps 15.6, Spd 3.0, Hammer 3, Constitution 4
Golden Alloy Axe, Dps 16.2, Spd 3.2, Axe 4, Left axe 1, Parry 1, Strenght 9, 97 dmg heat dd proc, starting price 150g
Golden Alloy Hammer, Mending 2, Augmentation 2, Pacification 2, Cave Magic 2, 97 dmg heat dd proc, starting price 150g
Bloodbound Book, Level 50 Item, Piety 13, Body 6%, Spirit 6%, Cold 6%
Bloodbound Totem, Jewelry, Level 50 Item, Constitution 7, Dexterity 7, Quickness 7, Charisma 6
Luminescent Diamond Necklace, Level 50 Item, Piety 12, Constitution 7, Cold 6%, Cold 6%

About GA Hammer: I heard that the item is somehow bugged and all of the stats don't work correctly (some stats on it do and some don't). Maybe someone with more knowledge about the matter might reply and tell us more.

Anyone is welcome no matter what your level is. Even if you couldn't use some of the items for few levels, it might be a nice invesment for future if you manage to get one with good price.


nice mate ill make it this time i hope :)

got my eye on the bloodbound anyone sees me in game give me cash pls :)


*is also looking at those cloth thingys* :p


Jade Cloak looks nice ... I need to get hunting :p

old.Ayam Ganbatte

I'll be there Belorfyn, no alliance meeting is going to distract me this time!

If I'm not there you can paint me green and call me 'filthy Hibernian'.


<feels a nasty plan forming in her brain>

<binds Ayam to his chair and waits with a jar of green paint grinning evilly>


<Giggles uncontrollably at bound and gagged Ayam. Hands Klavrynd paint brush.>

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Belorfyn, I'll be at the auction.

Don't ask why I'm attending tied to a chair with a strangled norsewoman and troll's necks ravelled in my bindings.


<hangs a sign stating "I HATE KOBOLDS" around Ayam's neck>

<sends birds to heads of Haggerfell Gazette and Huginfel weekly>

this should spicen up the news


Great Auction guys!!

Will there be another and if so can you post a thread coupla days earlier so I can bid on behalf of friend who works late?

Cheers :)


Auction is over and alot people went off with nice items.

Big thanks to everyone who were there, alot more people than I expected I might say.
I atleast had great time.

Few screenshots, sorry they're quite bad, was inna hurry to sell items :)
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3

I'd like to say this about the drops that were sold: Every item was got on hunts with only myself and Mortymer (except dragon etched coif which was left from the time we exped in malmo).
We were working on getting them ever since the last auction (few weeks) almost every day for this very purpose. I don't want anyone to think that it's like we go into malmo, we kill something for few hours and come back encumbered with drops.
I think this is good way of offering people change to get a item they might otherwise have to search for weeks (even if they had time for that). Atleast it took me weeks to get full set of bloodbound clothes.
I prefer trading items for items too ofcourse, but it's not very usual that I can find anyone who has something I wanted and if they do, then I would need to have something they wanted also.

And yes, there will be yet another auction again and sure, I'll give bit longer notice next time.


Hmm - Belorfyn - what drops are there that you haven't actually got yet :)

I am genuinely intrigued?


Originally posted by rynnor
Hmm - Belorfyn - what drops are there that you haven't actually got yet :)

I am genuinely intrigued?

Band of Ice (raumarik ring) I'm looking for. Then there's some cloth drops from raumarik I might be interested in.
Also looking for one bow and some studded crowns.


You should make the ability to leave in items to you for a certain % of win to you...

Would be fun :D

And would give day long auctions.


great auction guys I got one of the things I came for and one thing I bid on randomly (good thing I know an sb who can use it)


Bloodbound Totem, Jewelry, Level 50 Item, Constitution 7, Dexterity 7, Quickness 7, Charisma 6
Do you still have this item?


Originally posted by SilverHood

Do you still have this item?

Everything was sold though I might have another of them.
Message me in game, maybe I can trade it to something if you got something nice. Can't sell it, it'd be unfair for those who made bids for it in auction.

old.Ayam Ganbatte

People ask where all the healers have gone on the server. You would have noticed them at the golden alloy hammer part, with those outrageous bids! Although I was majorly outbid on -everything-, the Blackbyrds know how to put on a good show, I enjoyed myself.


I had fun too ... came with only 20 gp though after wiping out money on craftring, LOL.

Next time I will bring 200 gp ... and get another Jade cloak please, someone else got that one :p

Great idea, and great auction guys:clap:


Seems like some people REALLY wanted that hammer , how much did it go for , about 850gp ?

Anyhow, keep up the farming because there's quite some stuff im still looking for :)

ps: Ayam showed up late :p

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by klavrynd
ps: Ayam showed up late :p
Yes, thank you for highlighting my late entrance when I tried to sneak in the back.

I managed to attend the last half of the event so you can paint my bottom half green and call me a 'fil Hiber'.

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