annoying post 1.80 network lag pingplott thread


Dec 24, 2003
This is a thread to post, lagg issues since Darkness Risning 1.80 release.

ive got loads of network related problems since the release and it is network related to be more precise my problems seem to be @GOA and the hops just infront of that.

I will post more of these, got a spontaneous reboot yesterday (power related). and lost a 24 hour pingplot, showing the problems escalating to serious issues during primetime. aka mass LD´s. Started a new recording ongoing atm.

This is one i started earlier this week, shows some of the problems.



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
this is alreday known by all ppl, just GOA backed up by there E&E team who refuses to admit that something got fucked up after/with DR patch.

ibtl btw with the standard mod comment that its alredy exists 1345567e^3 similiar threads


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Oboy said:
this is alreday known by all ppl, just GOA backed up by there E&E team who refuses to admit that something got fucked up after/with DR patch.
Do you practice talking crap or is it a natural thing?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Do you practice talking crap or is it a natural thing?

You would know, oh mighty master of the useless post. /bow /tremble


Dec 22, 2003
E&E's always defend GOA..Tis as sure as a bear shitting in the woods.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Gamah said:
E&E's always defend GOA..Tis as sure as a bear shitting in the woods.

I am starting to get that feeling myself, they play havoc in any thread they feel is aimed at GOA and then they get the thread locked. FH is starting to feel like a police state run by GOA's E&E's who are like the 3 monkeys, see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
There's a very easy way to tell if the lag is based on our network/server. If you can find even one person ingame that isn't suffering lag then it's not from our network. The last few nights since the recent problems were reported, there have been absolutely zero problems in our network, we have been running very intensive tests and monitoring our network traffic very closely to ensure that none of the problems that are being experienced at the moment are being caused by our equipment. When it's our fault we say so on the news page, I know it's fashionable to ascribe all the wrongs of the world from lag to third-world poverty on Goa, but some things really aren't our fault and if we are denying any responsibility, it's because it's true.

All of the problems from the last few days have been due to faulty routing thoughout Europe and some specific problems with certain ISP networks in the UK and Scandinavia. All the information that we recieve we are passing on to the companies that are responsible for them to act on. We can't make them work faster, and we can't make them work at all unless we get specific information about your problem.

Oh.. and finally for those wondering why there's no lag whine on other MMO boards or those complaining about the level of moderation in here. Most of those other boards nuke lagwhine posts straight away.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
cHodAX said:
I am starting to get that feeling myself, they play havoc in any thread they feel is aimed at GOA and then they get the thread locked. FH is starting to feel like a police state run by GOA's E&E's who are like the 3 monkeys, see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil.
Hardly fair, I try and look at both sides of the coin, where lag is concerned I ping plot, and if its GOA ill say so, if its opentranshite, I know what they are like to try and communicate with, having myself been told "dont email us again or we will report you to your ISP for unsolicted spam". If GOA are to blame, I will gripe as much as anyone else.

GOA are bound to France Telecoms backbone, much like the UK is bound to BT, there is no other provider, so they have to provide evidence to them to get them to listen, they rely on players to gather this as they are obviously already in Paris and wont suffer it, they ask for plots and do what they can. 95% pf the time its not GOAs fault, so shouting at them is pointless.

As much as I hate to say it, I would like to see the English servers hosted closer to home to, but I know it wont happen, so whats the point complaining on here about it.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Hardly fair, I try and look at both sides of the coin, where lag is concerned I ping plot, and if its GOA ill say so, if its opentranshite, I know what they are like to try and communicate with, having myself been told "dont email us again or we will report you to your ISP for unsolicted spam". If GOA are to blame, I will gripe as much as anyone else.

GOA are bound to France Telecoms backbone, much like the UK is bound to BT, there is no other provider, so they have to provide evidence to them to get them to listen, they rely on players to gather this as they are obviously already in Paris and wont suffer it, they ask for plots and do what they can. 95% pf the time its not GOAs fault, so shouting at them is pointless.

As much as I hate to say it, I would like to see the English servers hosted closer to home to, but I know it wont happen, so whats the point complaining on here about it.

Fair enough but over the last month alot of E&E and mods have been biting peoples heads off at the smallest criticism of GOA, I can understand that you are all sick of the whine but sometimes I get the feeling that those people forget that we the customers are paying for a service and at least deserve a place to ask questions and discuss the game and anything related to it. Over zealous moderating and people jumping on the slightest remark is not the way these forums should be proceeding.

As always the old adage 'if you don't have anything nice/useful to say then don't say anything' applies. All too often the mods and E&E jump and defend anything they see as being even remotely critical of GOA, if a paying customer is unhappy then they have the right be unhappy and moan, the only thing they don't have to right to do is abuse people and keep posting the same crap over and over. Really, people need to chill the fuck out and think about other people and thier problems instead of jumping all over them. I know it can be a pain reading the same post repeated in thread after thread but then that is what is to be expected when you mod a forum or become involved in the running of a gaming community. People need to start showing a little bit of patience and tolerance around here, of late there has been very little of either.

That isn't a personal criticism of you Whoodoo, just my take on the state of play on these forums.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
cHodAX said:
Fair enough but over the last month alot of E&E and mods have been biting peoples heads off at the smallest criticism of GOA, I can understand that you are all sick of the whine but sometimes I get the feeling that those people forget that we the customers are paying for a service and at least deserve a place to ask questions and discuss the game and anything related to it. Over zealous moderating and people jumping on the slightest remark is not the way these forums should be proceeding.

As always the old adage 'if you don't have anything nice/useful to say then don't say anything' applies. All too often the mods and E&E jump and defend anything they see as being even remotely critical of GOA, if a paying customer is unhappy then they have the right be unhappy and moan, the only thing they don't have to right to do is abuse people and keep posting the same crap over and over. Really, people need to chill the fuck out and think about other people and thier problems instead of jumping all over them. I know it can be a pain reading the same post repeated in thread after thread but then that is what is to be expected when you mod a forum or become involved in the running of a gaming community. People need to start showing a little bit of patience and tolerance around here, of late there has been very little of either.

That isn't a personal criticism of you Whoodoo, just my take on the state of play on these forums.
I understand m8, its decent to see someone level headed to be honest.

I wouldnt say I (personally) jump to GOAs side every time there is something bad said about them, I just see things from both sides, dont forget us E&E pay for this too. I get just as rattled, but I have learnt over the past 4 years to jump on the tools for finding the problems rather than than taking the easy route of blaming GOA. Personally speaking, I wish there was some way we could put a rocket up oentranshites arse to help, but they wont listen to us "non customers".


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
well, i currently have a plan in effect to remedy this situation:

every time i go to france i take a handful of soil with me, and dump it in the ocean. very soon there will be no france to have opentransit in, and thus, we have lag free servers hosted in Slough


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Fedaykin said:
well, i currently have a plan in effect to remedy this situation:

every time i go to france i take a handful of soil with me, and dump it in the ocean. very soon there will be no france to have opentransit in, and thus, we have lag free servers hosted in Slough

ROFL made my day :)


Dec 24, 2003
Requiel said:
All of the problems from the last few days have been due to faulty routing thoughout Europe and some specific problems with certain ISP networks in the UK and Scandinavia.

the pingplot etc.. 1.4seconds pingtime the last 2 hops (at GOA) 33% packetloss at the time of my screen capture. was 100% a while.

Mass LD mixed ppl of ppl from Denmark, england, sweden, spain some evil dutch even LDed. during a low attendance ml6 raid by vavires.

There are problems with your connection/services. its as easy as that. And as all Denyaholics, the first step is admitting you have a problem.


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