


Fellow Albs, u all conplain over that hobbit didnt give mallus the bow, because all really wanted it, i can easy see why i would self love it. but any scout who dosent it crazy. just wondering when mallus ever said that he should have the items from the raid, when i was waiting in cornwall station , i was NOT informed about this, i was so angry about that i should give up the item i got from my group mate, i was in the group who got all the items, but hey i can see that its abit unfair that 1 group get all the items, but who would keep anything they could not use ever ? but hey if i had not turned in the item, i was gonna be flamed out of albion ? like hobbit did ? ppl that ever flamed hobbit i got no respect of, but hey u could careless, just saying that ppl GET A GRIP, an mallus get some speakers next time ppl could not HEAR U.

Final out

Secret Spy
Scout lvl 44
Shamed albion


Hey it's the dude from inside the AMG wall :/



Originally posted by BlueJam
Hey it's the dude from inside the AMG wall :/


[offtopic]sssttt he's spying... that's his job...[/offtopic]

I personally didn't give crap about those drops. It's just the way he said it. "I won't share it because the looting sucks, I'd rather sell it on E-Bay for some money or some player". Like he earned the drop himself.. Like he is fair in sharing... just my 2 cents.


Originally posted by secret
Fellow Albs, u all conplain over that hobbit didnt give mallus the bow, because all really wanted it, i can easy see why i would self love it. but any scout who dosent it crazy. just wondering when mallus ever said that he should have the items from the raid, when i was waiting in cornwall station , i was NOT informed about this, i was so angry about that i should give up the item i got from my group mate, i was in the group who got all the items, but hey i can see that its abit unfair that 1 group get all the items, but who would keep anything they could not use ever ? but hey if i had not turned in the item, i was gonna be flamed out of albion ? like hobbit did ? ppl that ever flamed hobbit i got no respect of, but hey u could careless, just saying that ppl GET A GRIP, an mallus get some speakers next time ppl could not HEAR U.

Final out

Secret Spy
Scout lvl 44
Shamed albion

We're not ALL complaining about the drops Hobbit kept because we all want it. Personally, and I know alot of albs, couldn't care less about what the drops actually were or who got them in the end. It's the attitude of the people involved that people dislike. I don't mind if the people in the group didn't initially turn the items in because they didn't know what was going on when they joined the raid, but to flatly refuse to share the loot we ALL helped to get is just selfish.



couldn't care less about what the drops actually were

True, it was great fun going on the dragon raid. One of the most memorable things since playing DAoC, for me that is.

Sure the dragon drops loot and I was interested to see as what they were as it being such a high lvl thingie but thats curiosity ...

Sorry to see all the fuzz after the raid. Slowly we are heading towards a feeling of 'I've been on the only dead-dragon raid' and thats a real shame.

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