


When will the new series of angel be shown on sky? I need to know dammit.
Bastard americans have already got it.


I've got the first 2 EPs of the new season. Hunt around, it's not that hard to find :)


It's very weird. I won't spoil anything but it is just...weird. The writing style seems quite different (they've been forced to go more massmarket, so some of the gags are a bit cheaper, etc.) but I reckon it won't take that long to get used to. It's like watching Buffy season 4 for the first time, and freaking out because you were so used to the high school sets.


Originally posted by Durzel
I've got the first 2 EPs of the new season. Hunt around, it's not that hard to find :)

Tis for me :/


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
It's very weird. I won't spoil anything but it is just...weird. The writing style seems quite different (they've been forced to go more massmarket, so some of the gags are a bit cheaper, etc.) but I reckon it won't take that long to get used to. It's like watching Buffy season 4 for the first time, and freaking out because you were so used to the high school sets.
I kinda tuned out of Angel while Buffy was still running.. it didn't really hold my interest much.

The only episodes that tended to interest me a lot were ones with character crossover (i.e. Darla, Faith, etc)...

Mmmmmmm Faith...:wij:

That said, the latest season, especially the episode just aired (EP2 - "Just Rewards") was excellent imo. Very Spike-centric, and I'm a big fan of Spike. Really hoping that Buffy chars will crossover at various points in the season, especially SMG herself.. I think Spuffy needs some closure.

Failing that, Willow should show up with Faith in tow and proceed to seduce Fred. An episode centered around that would do me fine. :whip:


Although I like the Willow / Fred angle, I'm not too bothered about her...Buffy / Angel was always about journeys as far as I'm concerned, and Willow seems to have reached a character-development plateau.

Now getting Andrew over, that would rule. He's still got a lot of development possibilities and he was one of the best people in Buffy nearer the end. He should run some mystical cult paraphanalia shop in LA or something!


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
Now getting Andrew over, that would rule. He's still got a lot of development possibilities and he was one of the best people in Buffy nearer the end. He should run some mystical cult paraphanalia shop in LA or something!

The "Troika" episodes were some of my all-time favourites. They all played off against eachother very well - it's a shame two of them are dead. :(

Classic memorable quote was from Andrew at the final battle, just before he is attacked.. "I've got swimmer's ear!". Comedy.


Joss is back in charge and it shows, as the first two eps of angel new season *haven't* been steaming heaps of dogshit.


Originally posted by Durzel
I kinda tuned out of Angel while Buffy was still running.. it didn't really hold my interest much.

It's definitely worth going back and catching up. Season 1 was a bit patchy, though with some awesome eps like "Hero" and "To Shanshu in LA" (the cleverest episode title ever?). S2 was still patchy but good and very dark, and 3, and especially 4, were both mostly excellent, pretty much as good as BTVS.

Gotta agree on the crossovers though. I thought the ep where Buffy went to LA to hunt down Faith was awesome.


I loved the line in in the first episode of the new series that went.

Big SAS type man : "You're just a little fairy"
Angel : "I'm not little!"

Class :clap:


I watched BtVS alot when it started but one day i went down WHS about 3 years ago now and bought Angel season 1 and season 2 and i was just like fucking wow.

The episodes were very dark finding out about Angels past i loved the flash back sequences with Holtz/Darla it was very good watching Angelus back in the old days.

The episode where Buffy came to LA and Angel was human for a day is imo and in others opinions the best Buffy/Angel episode ever including the eps in BtVS. He was Human for a day and it got snatched back from us damn Joss!

Season 2 was very good with Darla and Drusilla and then they get sucked into another demension very good story line.

Season 3 was the best for me the build up to Holtz was just bloody brilliant you did'nt even expect it to be him because they made it out to be Angels son that would destroy the world.

But all a while in season 3 you got flash backs of Angelus and Holtz how they fought and most of all why Holtz carried an obession with destroying Angel.

He was kinda the good guy just wanting vengence for what Angel did to him.

Season 4 was also very good with the Beast and Connor and Cordy story line.

Home the season 4 finale was just spectacular.

Season 5 ive watched the first to eps (downloaded em coz i live in Uk) conviction was ok but Just Rewards was brilliant the chemistry between Angel and Spike just rules especialy when either one of them brings up Buffy.

imo if your just tuning into Angel buy the boxsets of seasons 1-4 and catch up on the whole story you'l be amazed just how much Angel has turned from the dark brooding vampire with a soul into someone completley different from who you knew in Buffy.

On another note i think the Spike/Buffy thing is kinda dead now remember in chosen where spike was getting ready to get fried Buffy told him she loved him just so he would die happy BUT spike knew that she did'nt love him.

So i wish the Spuffy fans would just stop hoping for a reunion if anything Angel has more of a chance with patching up with Buffy now more then ever.

Buffy said in Chosen that she does see a future with him when shes done baking (exploring life without having to worry about slayer stuff).

To round it up if your a Buffy fan but never really watched Angel now could'nt be a better time to tune in because Sarah Michelle Geller has already said she will be doing some episodes this season. Willow will most likely be definatly returning and Joss was talking in an intervew about getting Giles in for a few episodes.

The WB has also requested a full 22 episode of season 5 because of the fantastic ratings its been having after Smallvile Just rewards kept 80% of the smallvile fans etc giving Angel its highest ratings in a few years now 5million people tuning in to watch it.


"Just Rewards" was brilliant, I agree.

Joss certainly knows how to craft a decent episode.. everything was right on the money in this one imo. I particularly liked the whole Harmony "eurgh!" dialogue - simple, funny and light-hearted.

And Spike vamping out at the beginning - I think that's the best transition/morph I've seen (human -> vampire). I even replayed it several times in slow motion, it's seamless :)

All in all I'm very impressed - but then I rate James Marsters very highly anyway and enjoy the episodes he features in (he steals the show invariably).


Gotta say, the spoon bit was frickin' marvellous.

"A spoon?!?"


Spoilers - Eps 1-4

What's you opinions of the series so far? I've seen the first 4 and I'm loving it, but some things aren't quite right yet. Spike's not being written properly (although that scene of him "drawing" his coat back on almost sexually excited me - it's good to see the tough old Spike back), and even weirder - Angel is well out of character too.

Bit too much explanation going on in the early days to help the newbies out but hopefully that'll die down soon.

Loved the Werewolf story - it was weird because Oz just kinda reacted to becoming a werewolf by shrugging, so it was cool to see the rising bloodlust and that it would actually be a horrible experience.

I really wish they'd tie down the hell / demon dimensions issues though. Never in the Buffyverse has it ever been suggested that it relies on the Heaven / Hell principle of religion, and I really hope they stop confusing that issue. Hells are just other (usually demonic) dimensions where human life would suffer varying degrees of torment, but people go there through portals, and by mistake, not if they've been bad.


I really don't get on with the way they've bloody well written Spike this bleeding series (cobblers, knickers). They've been given a gift of a character and had a damn good run at ruining him.


I'm going to a party on Saturday as Spike - finally an excuse to wear black nail varnish!


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
I'm going to a party on Saturday as Spike - finally an excuse to wear black nail varnish!
Are there no goth clubs nearby?


Originally posted by Jonny_Darko
I'm going to a party on Saturday as Spike - finally an excuse to wear black nail varnish!

I'm sure there's a relationship between this comment and the female of the species thread. I'm just not sure what it is yet.

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