And the morons of the week title goes to..



..Aurora Borealis.

Third time at moher after Grey Man for nice quest cloak.
Had been there for hour or so clearing fog/mist wraiths hoping for spawn when i saw it. On the second i draw an arrow i saw small group of Aurora Borealis guys rushing it with bard speed. They got the kill, i got nothing. So i went to closer to thank em for that and got few "f*ck you" type of comments..

Just wanted to share my pain :p


i feel your pain

i killed that gray man so many times around level 25

when it came to level 31 on that quest he would not show for about 3 hours :( a bubble of exp at level 31 on green-yellow paired with a ranger, thats how bad it was :(


Hehhe, excuse me, but we really missed you there, and when you came to us, the first thing we heard from you was "thanks alot f*ckers", somehow I didn't feel like apolozing.

And mind you, none of us sweared at you.


Lurikeen...very easy to miss..but a lurikeen with pink equipement in desert colors? id say not :D

And for the "thanks alot f*cking morons" comment, dont say you wouldnt have been pissed in that situation. And your replies were "Be my quesyt" and "you asked for it" - how mature is that?
I would have at least apoligized if i had done something like that..

But i dont mind you ksing it anymore, got Cloak of Concealment in next step of the quest. Would have prolly missed it without you guys :p


You claimed that they abused you , then admit you lied and abused them first. Maybe they didnt see you and maybe they did but when you swear at someone of course they will have a go back. In every MMORPG there will be these problems, ya get used to them after a while.

I have one question though , being new to DAoC. Are camps respected or does the person whom enage the mob first have right of way?. with EQ if two guilds were after a dragon the first one to get ready and engage it was granted the kill ( most of the time no-one complained ) other wise known as FCFS ( First Come, First Served ) .



Ghelwina, Why you didn't come talk to us in the first place? I can't believe you could miss firbolg, and two human sized folks in blue at the desert running around like madmen. :rolleyes:

And for me it's much more mature to reply to some futile swearing without swearing.

And how mature is this thread anyway? Calling whole guild morons because we obviously just didn't see each other in time, is quite childish, don't you think?

Jakula2002, Camps are respected, but I haven't been in EpicZone yet so dunno how things go around there, with dragons


"..then admit you lied and abused them first.."
err? :/

"Why you didn't come talk to us in the first place?"
I saw you for first time when you rushed that mob. So how was i suppose to do that?

"Calling whole guild morons because we obviously just didn't see each other in time, is quite childish, don't you think?"
I saw you in time, as you prolly saw me and didnt hit the mob but you didnt stop the ganking and invite me to group like ppl usually do when killing quest/otd mobs..and for the guild thingie there were 4 ppl from your guild online and 3 in that group, so i decided to give the credit to your guild. And the char names were Scrye, Grimmel and Kira. There ya go.

"And how mature is this thread anyway?"
I tried to talk about that ingame afterwards but you left while i was doing it and got the impression that you didnt care about it.
Dunno about mature but the idea of this thread was to let ppl know about griefers that we seem to have too much in ex/hib. And its going worse all the time.

And for the respecting camps/kills, not working at start but gets better at higher lvls.


"And for me it's much more mature to reply to some futile swearing without swearing."
Sure is, but after you ks quest mob that doesnt seem to be too common spawn and see that the guy is pissed it would be mature to apologize, not insult(without bad words = mature? :D ) and ignore as you did.


>>I saw you for first time when you rushed that mob. So how was i suppose to do that?

Right, and we saw you for the very first time, when you came talk to us.

>>I saw you in time, as you prolly saw me and didnt hit the mob but you didn't stop the ganking and invite me to group like ppl usually do when killing quest/otd mobs..

Lets repeat:: We did not see you until we had killed the mob and you came telling us who we were.

>>I tried to talk about that ingame afterwards but you left while i was doing it and got the impression that you didnt care about it.

That's what you get for insulting people.

>>Sure is, but after you ks quest mob that doesnt seem to be too common spawn and see that the guy is pissed it would be mature to apologize, not insult

Well you can only blame yourself about that. Had you not insulted us we would have not insulted you, it works both ways.


I understand u, Ghelwina a lot....

why all we cannot learn the single thing - if u see OTD or quest mob - STOP, look aroung and ask everyone, do they need it too ?

Its so easy to wait 5 minutes and get 5 copies of an Item u've camped for RL days instead of one copy but instantly....


Yep, we all should try to help each other when it comes to OTD's and drops since we are all in the same realm. I even let ppl know it on /as that "named" mob have spawned so that we can get a full group of 8 to kill the mob and get the item, such as, Amadan, Ailbe, Neese. those are rare spawns (except for Amadan maybe).

However i know Ghelwina (Fernon) in game and i know he often uses a very rough language when he gets upset over something, dont like that.


Yes, i tend to use rough language when i get upset(like we all?). But i dont do that without a reason.
And as for knowing you ingame, that limits to the few times you stole pulls from my group in treibh weeks ago when i played my hero.(still got some screenies of you hugging ground after you got in a hurry to make sure we didnt get any pulls :D )


This was obviously a mistake, the Aurora guild are cool people, we're allied with them and group with them a lot and I'd guess the only reason they'd be hostile to someone is if they're getting the abuse first.

Its been explained, it was a mistake, now leave it alone.


Oh, and FYI Matinex, most of the ppl i know dont like you.
Cant blame em for that ;)


Well Fernon im sure there is ppl that dont like me, but here we got a whole thread of ppl that u are first bad mouthing cause YOU made a mistake, and now you came to the forums and make a fool of yourself, how can you even look down on a whole guild like that? I'm sure you are not so popular either Ghelwina or whatever i should call you now, you are just making a big fool of yourself because u can not handle it in game without using bad words, very mature.

And the treibh thingie, first of all i never kill steal, second, there is many misunderstandings in dungeons, so i might been hitting 1 of your enemies, sorry for that tho.

I dont understand why you say everyone use a bad language when they get upset, not mant ppl do that im sure, you do it cause u are 10 year old kid :p


Respecting camps

Welll usually when you hunt somewhere in Hib/Excalibur and other people show up, they respect your camping spot.

Exceptions are when a second group doesn't see you're there, like when they're on the other side of a hill pulling the same mobs... that is often solved in a mature manner, but sometimes it leads to people getting pissed off. When that happens, best solution really imho is to stay civil yourself and leave, coz no camp spot is worth the aggrevation of flames and heated arguments. It's still hard to accept the unfairness of it sometimes.

Some guilds/people on Hibernia have a different opinion on this though: they feel coz they camp a certain spot a lot, it is somehow THEIRS. They simply come up and claim the spot you're at, coz they consider it their guild's spot. They come there as often as possible, and when they find someone already there, they just camp right next to you and start pulling your mobs. If you don't leave, they swear and finally just call their guildmates over to drive you off. I'd love to flame one certain guild now, but to set a good example, I buried my grudges like I buried the guilty ones on my ignore list, and won't mention them again ( ;



Mostly I think this was a misunderstanding, this whole thing is weird to me though, I have yet to be exposed to anyone being a proper git in the game. I have never seen it.

With regards to swearing, I don't think there is ever justification, I find people tend to pay alot more attention when they are not being abbused.


The Aurora guys are sound blokes, /ignor the flame



while looking for a quest item in the desert near Tir I happened to come across a dummy lost in the sand, dos anyone know whos it is?

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