and again loads of plats waisted....



might be just a lill thought
but how about most albs changing their emain /release macro to a /realm macro?
ffs we had 2keeps left and still most ppl were standing on the telepad

and finally around 2am it all hapnd what was ment to happen:
any stupid RvR zerg woudl try an unsuccesfull relicraid if an other realm only got 2keeps left

result: general warnin around alb excal under attack
and 10minuts later evrybody in emain managed to suicide and arrived at excal
nice defense and quick timing but still all this shoudnt have happend

both doors at 100% now again
but still 3keeps in enemies hands..

big gtz to all those who helped carryin the wood and repairin
yberian tarja aprill clerk lurik sudden and many names i forgot cuz im tired and loaded

btw mayb an idea
leave those mid farmers alone in there renaris keep
if they want it so bad , np for me but dont get ur ass farmed on em constantly
theyll give up one day
(takin 2-3keeps loggin/stayin in ren occasionally a guardpull from excal , kinda getting a familiar routine)
get those other keeps back first and then mess around renar

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