Ancient Ebon Ring - Will trade several items for one! :)


Tesla Monkor

Offered are these items -- Pick any two (if you pick the GA Greatsword), or any three, if you don't. :)

Luminescent Choker
Hoarfrost Boots
Shadowsteel Orb
Shadowsteel Belt
Flame Wrought Belt
Twilight Blade Stopper
Dragon Etched Hauberk
Runed Orm Bone Staff
Immolated Great Dragonfire Cleaver
Ancient Dragon Etched Coif
Ageless Dragon Etched Coif
Black Golden Embossed Hood
Barbed Ebon Gloves
Frost Encrusted War Hammer
Battle Scourge
GA Greatsword
Fell Cat's Razor
Lustrous Forest Viper Fang
Ancient Bloodbound Vest
Ancient Bloodbound Gloves
Emerald Moonshone Boots
Emerald Moonshone Jerkin
Emerald Moonshone Sleeves
Jewel of Venom
Timorous Drakulv Ebon Jerkin


(Edit: Added more items)

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