Analysis of Albion's RvR problems



Copied from a post on VNboards. Admittedly they're not the best of places to look for stuff like this, but these numbers are still interesting.

The mezz section in particular is highly amusing.


A post about the lesser number of Midgard classes being a weakness got me thinking abot the odds of encountering any particular ability in a group from each Realm. So.. being a numbers guy, I took the numbers from the Camelot Seer for 45+ players (assuming they are the people doing most of the RvR). And I calculated the odds of having various abilities in an 8 man group from each realm. There was no way I could factor in the likelihood of a particular spec, so the odds are just of having the a class in the group that COULD have the ability in question.

Main Healer.......80.0% 70.0% 66.9%
Healer..............86.9% 89.8% 96.9%
Rez..................97.6% 93.0% 96.9%
Base Buffs.........86.9% 89.8% 96.9%
Spec Buffs.........80.0% 60.1% 66.9%
Pow Regen.........42.9% 70.0% 78.6%
End Regen.........72.2% 60.1% 64.7%
Full Run Speed....42.9% 67.2% 64.7%
Any Speed.........80.8% 97.4% 95.0%

1500 AE Mez..........29.8% 78.4% 86.5%
Inst 1500 AE Mez.....0.0% 70.0% 64.7%
1500 Single Mez.....60.9% 78.4% 78.6%
Inst 1500 Sing Mez...0.0% 69.5% 57.5%
Cure Mez...............60.9% 78.4% 78.6%
Inst 1500 AE CC......0.0% 70.0% 90.1%
Inst CC.................90.0% 97.8% 86.8%
1500 Stun...............0.0% 70.0% 88.7%

1500 AE Damage.....67.9% 96.6% 87.8%
PBAE....................56.5% 24.5% 80.5%
GTAE...................56.2% 55.4% 56.8%

Assasin...........46.5% 57.7% 43.6%
Archer............43.0% 42.0% 52.5%"


Sorry but there's no way in hell theres a 70%+ chance of having a healer in any randomly given Mid grp.


Reading the guy's post, he based the numbers on level 45+ players populaton vs class balance. So he would disagree :)

Although, I'd have to say exactly the same about Albion clerics. Hell, we're even lucky to get a minstrel or a friar.


Of all thoose lvl 50 healers out there, there´s very few that play em in rvr, most of them have prolly lvled a sb or something else to play instead. So the chance of having one in a random group is just so much lesser then thoose actuall statistic..


And there's more than 80.5% chance of any group having a pbaoer in hib atm :D


1500 AE Mez..........29.8% 78.4% 86.5%
Inst 1500 AE Mez.....0.0% 70.0% 64.7%
Inst 1500 Sing Mez...0.0% 69.5% 57.5%
Inst 1500 AE CC......0.0% 70.0% 90.1%

says it all really.


those numbers are nonsense

1500 AE Mez..........29.8% 78.4% 86.5%
Inst 1500 AE Mez.....0.0% 70.0% 64.7%
Inst 1500 Sing Mez...0.0% 69.5% 57.5%
Inst 1500 AE CC......0.0% 70.0% 90.1%

90.1% wtf lol . more like 1.09 % dohh


Analysis of Albion's RvR problems

They smell of poo and bitch amongst themselves nigh-on constantly :clap:

(joke, sorry)
(Derric smells funny tho :D)


Okay first you need to cut the number of mids non shadowblades in 1/3, and 1/5 if they are healers.

This represent lvl 50 characthers who have gone bored and rolled a shadowblade alt.

Then for hibs you gotta the numbers in 1/2 for any support classes and count all of those as a manachanter becuase they have seen Usp or Teador deathspam.

And finally no offence, the statistics is useless.
At least you could have told us which classes you design as healers. I see you have rezz percantage is same in hib as heal percantage. Does that mean you don't count Mentalists' heal?
Or if you discount them why not discount wardens too, no offence wardens.
And if the same argument are the life transfer considered a heal? Why/why not? Could go on forever. If you are gonna make this analysis please tell us why/why not you restrict the choices, for example stun you limited to 1500 range?


who needs instant aecc anyway ?
I get my aemezz of quicker then those slow mids hit the instant...

hibs are worse thou, they have 1min on them to react and press the GP.


Originally posted by old.Atrox
who needs instant aecc anyway ?
I get my aemezz of quicker then those slow mids hit the instant...

hibs are worse thou, they have 1min on them to react and press the GP.

You really seems to hate hibs,every post you make you find some way to mock us hibbies :eek: Did we do something horrible to you or what :)


Iunzana: Ain't my stats.

Having said that, the facts still speak volumes, if you take into account their original intent - they are based on the volumes of classes compared to the server populations.


Originally posted by old.Downanael

You really seems to hate hibs,every post you make you find some way to mock us hibbies :eek: Did we do something horrible to you or what :)

Yes, you hit me with oversized sticks, and send mooses on me :(

and tbh I were more mean to the mids in the post :D


Originally posted by Roalith
Iunzana: Ain't my stats.

Having said that, the facts still speak volumes, if you take into account their original intent - they are based on the volumes of classes compared to the server populations.

Is it also taken into account how active the classes with those abilities are? Haven't checked that myself since there is no link, and I don't really feel like browsing the whineboards for a specific whine. My bet is that this guy took ALL levels 45+ and used that data. Also, even if one of your chars is mainly inactive you might still be logging him in now and then, perhaps to craft or something. Is it then reliable even to check for "Recently" among the chars? In my opinion no. Check for recent RP earnings? Where do you place the limit for when the char isn't called active? You might have a guy that plays only now and then and only earn a few thousand rp's per week, but he is still active. Counter that with a level 50 crafter sitting in one of the merchant keeps all the time, and hardly ever leaves it. He might also gain a few thousand rp's per week defending the keep, but are you likely to meet him anywhere else but the merchant keep?

I also have to agree with Iun, there are other things to take into account, such as life transfers. Really counted as heals? I know I'm hesitant to use my life transfers in RvR because I loose health myself, so should they really be allowed to boost the statistics by the same amount as another "Healer"? There are other things that should be taken into account too under the same premises.

I think the only ones able to do a thorough and pretty accurate attempt at something like this is Mythic/Goa. Why? Cause they can probably pretty easy do stuff as filter out the ones crafting in the merchant keeps if they deem it necessery, and similar judgements.

So why am I so negative to this? Well, let me just give you an example.

Pow Regen.........42.9% 70.0% 78.6%

To my knowledge there is only one class with power regen in Midgard, the Healer. 70% chance of finding a Healer in any 8 man group, yeah right... I'm leaning towards 30% or something, but even that might be high. There might be many people with L50 Healers out there, but only a fraction of them are active in RvR. Nowadays you are more likely to find a Shaman in a group than a Healer, and then I'm not counting the buffbots.

Oh well, just my 2 bits worth...


Originally posted by Cornell
Analysis of Albion's RvR problems

They smell of poo and bitch amongst themselves nigh-on constantly :clap:

(joke, sorry)
(Derric smells funny tho :D)

It's my new after shave,bought it on a sale :/


Originally posted by old.Iunliten
Okay first you need to cut the number of mids non shadowblades in 1/3, and 1/5 if they are healers.

This represent lvl 50 characthers who have gone bored and rolled a shadowblade alt.

Then for hibs you gotta the numbers in 1/2 for any support classes and count all of those as a manachanter becuase they have seen Usp or Teador deathspam.
Why no mention of the huge number of albs that have rerolled inf alts? It's not like we have support classes falling out of trees you know. Most xp groups are lucky to get one friar as healer let alone RvR groups... I still see plenty of bards RvRing you know, you're not as bad off as you make out (certainly see more bards than healers and sorcs).


My analysis:

idiots...................68.2% 60.9% 30.7%
fuh q i want rps syndrome....67.4% 86.3% 29.3%
grey gankers........71.3% 68.2% 41.8%
bw whiners...........67.2% 52.1% 16.5%
people who fall for bw whiners....54.0% 91.4% 40.6%
buffbots...............47.5% 81.5% 28.3%
1vs1 winning ratio....61.4% 23.5% 61.1%
best looking realm....80.4% 20.1% 23.7%
good players............23.2% 22.4% 28.1%
people who think they are good...63.9% 97.8% 46.2%
mg campers.....60.4% 74.4% 55.2%

as you can see this means alb could be good but they are too busy with themselves, mids are infact total pussies but they have the advantage of organisation (and a good spy network in other realms), hibs could be very powerful if they had more people


Originally posted by old.Morchaoron
My analysis:

idiots...................68.2% 60.9% 30.7%
fuh q i want rps syndrome....67.4% 86.3% 29.3%
grey gankers........71.3% 68.2% 41.8%
bw whiners...........67.2% 52.1% 16.5%
people who fall for bw whiners....54.0% 91.4% 40.6%
buffbots...............47.5% 81.5% 28.3%
1vs1 winning ratio....61.4% 23.5% 61.1% <---------
best looking realm....80.4% 20.1% 23.7%
good players............23.2% 22.4% 28.1%
people who think they are good...63.9% 97.8% 46.2%
mg campers.....60.4% 74.4% 55.2%

as you can see this means alb could be good but they are too busy with themselves, mids are infact total pussies but they have the advantage of organisation (and a good spy network in other realms), hibs could be very powerful if they had more people

i`ll gladly take you up on that and prove you wrong :p

Teh Fonz!!1

My analysis:

........................Albion Midgard Hibernia

Men who wear skirts 100% 0% 0%

old.Gombur Glodson

Yeah but celt men wear eyeliner!


Originally posted by old.Emma

i`ll gladly take you up on that and prove you wrong :p

Originally posted by old Morchaoron
people who fall for bw whiners....54.0% 91.4% 40.6%

>>>>>> people who fall for bw whiners....54.0% 91.5% 40.6%

oh man i love this stuff i knew i was right :p

Originally posted by Teh Fonz!!1
My analysis:

....................................Albion Midgard Hibernia

Men who wear skirts 100% 0% 0%

yeah... so? :p


let's all just admit that the majority of the ppl are too impatient to just sit back and thorw heals around ... watching that mini window 12 hours a day is kinda stressing i know . Most wants to n00k the hell out of enemy or just whack em with the hammer.

i have played a healer and bard , stunning and mezzing all that is so stressful if u fail u can almost feel through monitor the looks that ppl give when u are angry or so. Kinda stressing i say.

All realms have same problems . Some threads are ffs hibs zerg hadrian then another is like *i have never seen hibs rvr-ing , u guys sure they know the way to emain? <bad humour>* . Ppl keep moaning and moaning it will never end , there's always someone that feels he/she has been threatened bad. <looks around BW - yep . sure is>

just me.



Typical zerg population :

240 wanna-be gm-Niar zergfils
60 wanna-be Walker wizzies
45 wanna-be Sami theurgs
4 sorcs, because they need some sympathy when they're levelling their infil alts
4 wanna-be coren mincers to keep walker, sami and xorta alive by being an annoying brat and mezzing/stunning everyone
10 clerics all targetting Walker

Emain strategy : run to a random mg and stay on the side where nor mids nor albs are. Camp till they outnumber 1:3 and wait until the other zerg charges and dies and then do /as we pwn!!!


Typical zerg population :

7,000,000 sbs
4 runies
1 healer
assorted rp cows

Emain strategy : when we come to a camped mg , we wait until there's enough of us, then we let half the zerg charge and leech 4 RP, then wait again. After some hours the albs get bored and we take the mg, and move to the next one where we get sandwiched between albs+albs or albs+hibs


umm, hibbies?


Originally posted by Teh Fonz!!1
My analysis:

........................Albion Midgard Hibernia

Men who wear skirts 100% 0% 0%

Have you got a problem with my quality AF102 leather skirts?! As well as my quality AF51 cloth skirts?!


If you look at last week's rp gained, you'll notice that 13 albs are in the top 20. These figures might prove nothing, but neither do those you provided us with then...

j000 d000d

Originally posted by old.Eynar_Vega
If you look at last week's rp gained, you'll notice that 13 albs are in the top 20. These figures might prove nothing, but neither do those you provided us with then...

That's because Mids/Hibs here are gimped :)

Look at Excal rps last week and u get a real view :)

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