AN Opted group


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
Well Midgardians we lack an opted group and the ability to make groups fast

I myself would like to make/be in an opted group as would im sure a few other people

well as clustering is coming soon we need to pull our heads out of our arse's and actually work togetehr as a realm and this is fro the people that think ML's and artifacts are necarserry (i cant spell ok lol for those that find typos like that one <---) there not there just nice to have the only thing imo thats makes any realm good is the numbers for example 3Fgalbs Vs 1fgmid oviously albs are gonna win but its worth the try right sure it is but what hapens when we get 3fg vs 3fg is becomes fair right nope the reason it doesnt become fair is the fact mids dont really no what there doign nowadays and we take hours to form a decent group.

bet your thinking what has this got to do with an opted group well here we go an opted group can get ready in the matter of 3mins tops where as a random one takes hours and im thinking if this is how RvR is gonna be waiting for hours to get a group then why bother i think its the fact people are RP crazy which is great but you can accomplish alot mroe when with a group for example you can make friends etc. so im asking people to stop beign so selfish and start thinking about others etc. this is not a flame post btw :p this is just something i think should be said cause tbh we are losing a hell of alot of people down to dam right selfishness and disrespect and things like people telling you what to do and moaning all the time get a grip its just a game after all now im not telling people to just stop going in duos or solo im just asking people to join groups etc. so midgard can become what it once was the RvR realm nowadays its just oh i feel nerfed im not going out na ive died to much im going (after only dieing once) Midgard has lost all of tis spirit and most midgards only give a crap about them selfs why is this because artifacts adn mls where made screw em if you dont like em dont do em and the fact oh we been nerfed thinking like that mayswell just quit if you do cause at the end of all of this every class can beat every other class out there no matter wat people say you just need to use skills now i know it looks like im just chatting crap cause ive been drinking etc. but im sure some/most of it makes sense.

oh and can anyone em like make a RvR opted group invlovling a RM (Me) Shillina lol as that is what this is suppose to be about :p


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
Try use . in your future posts. Helps the readers to understand your post and perhaps you shouldn't drink and post. This has proven to be a very bad idea for some (anyone remember thugs?)


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Chap said:
Try use . in your future posts. Helps the readers to understand your post and perhaps you shouldn't drink and post. This has proven to be a very bad idea for some (anyone remember thugs?)
i thought thugs posts were pretty good for a drunk person, at least he could "spell" and use proper punctation


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Good points, horrible read thou, missed punctuation lol

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