Yesterday we took our guildgroup for a rather long rvr session in emain (without being at alb wall/full party release a single time). We had many good fights against mid/alb groups (thank you) at varous locations and i observed this-
Being quite high levels we won almost every encounter against both mids and albs, even when somewhat outnumbered EXCEPT when the opposing force had speed+insta-attack ppl with a clue. When a healer comes rushing in with skaldspeed and his insta-AE mez ready, together with some skalds wth their shouts, there is nothing our Hibby force can do. Same goes for when Alb force with minstrels and clerics come rushing in with speed with their instastuns/dds/pbae-mez - hard to stop them.
This is because as we all know hibernian classes are not blessed with insta-attacks except for bard shortrange dd and champion dd - but there are not many champs around. All our useful spells has a 2-4sec casting time. This is because crowd control is what wins most fights. Even if our bard/druid targets the front enemy and pushes down the cast-key, they will get insta-broken/crowd controlled way before a single spell goes off, if the opponents are not clueless. It happened time after time yesterday.
This means we have to take them totally unawares to win. And it's impossible to do that every time.
I, and many with me, don't think all these instaspells belong in this game. At least not being so powerful. Can live with DD shouts I guess, but instant crowd control is silly.
Zana, Lliad Ddraig
Being quite high levels we won almost every encounter against both mids and albs, even when somewhat outnumbered EXCEPT when the opposing force had speed+insta-attack ppl with a clue. When a healer comes rushing in with skaldspeed and his insta-AE mez ready, together with some skalds wth their shouts, there is nothing our Hibby force can do. Same goes for when Alb force with minstrels and clerics come rushing in with speed with their instastuns/dds/pbae-mez - hard to stop them.
This is because as we all know hibernian classes are not blessed with insta-attacks except for bard shortrange dd and champion dd - but there are not many champs around. All our useful spells has a 2-4sec casting time. This is because crowd control is what wins most fights. Even if our bard/druid targets the front enemy and pushes down the cast-key, they will get insta-broken/crowd controlled way before a single spell goes off, if the opponents are not clueless. It happened time after time yesterday.
This means we have to take them totally unawares to win. And it's impossible to do that every time.
I, and many with me, don't think all these instaspells belong in this game. At least not being so powerful. Can live with DD shouts I guess, but instant crowd control is silly.
Zana, Lliad Ddraig