An idea



I have a rather difficult idea to implement, but I would like to share it anyway;
I believe that a group of ppl create certain norms, and thereby a culture. If we can affect the norms, we will have a tool of uniting Albion on Excalibur. Naturally this will call for very long debates with the most experienced (in months) players. These should agree on norms and written rules of RvR and the realm as a whole. After the agreement, the hardest process will come; the implementation.
The implementation will be long and hard work, but could be quickened through guild meetings, where the guild leader explains all of the rules and norms and why it will be wise to follow these,
In order to lessen the number of players who want to go their own ways, the explainer of the rules should use arguments to why a certain rules and norms have been decided.
The major bonus of a common norm will, imo, be that the guild leaders get an extra tool of controlling the masses of ppl.

These are just some dreams and most of out there will see this as an utopian thing. But remember a lot of the evolution in RL is based on peoples dreams.

Order of Camelot


Hmm, this sounds nice and all, but remember, evolution doesn't happen over a short period of time, and DAoC will only be here for a short period of time. You can't change peoples attitude over a computer game unless there is something else that affects those people.

What makes people change their mind about their own attitude?
Not much.


Another thing I would like to have is a goverment, which is also near to Utopia. A government may be possible on a PvP server.

I know all this seems naive, maybe I'm just frustrated.


You are so right, Tran, but I believe that europeans are very adaptable towards foreign norms, when they tourist the world. It should be no different when visiting a virtual reality world.

This is a tuff topic to think about, phew


Well, how would that government work?
What should they govern over? What should be their tasks? To have a government, you need laws, how do you keep laws and make people respect them in a "country" which hasn't got any forms of punishment, and no way to force people to stay within the boundaries presented by that law? There is no jail :)


In that country you visit on your vacation, the law enforcers has already got ways to punish criminals, that is not implemented and not even thought of in the world of camelot. The only way to do it in DAoC would be to xp kill people, that might be a bit hard to do and would require a serious and dedicated "policeforce" to enforce the xp kill :) Imagine having stealthers following that guy all over the realm and making sure he gets xpkilled. I wouldn't want to be one of the guys having to follow that guy wherever he goes, and certainly not be the one getting him killed ;) Depends on the crime, but murder isn't the same in DAoC as irl :p


Your observation is right, again. But on a PvP server it might work, by putting bounties on ppl.

The function of a government would be to direct and help the citizens of the country. But I agree that it will need very dedicated players. Not sure if there are any players that dedicated.

But the idea is, neverless I nice thing to think about.


People play for fun... Nobody wants to have all kinds of rules. The rules that currently exist are just some behaviour rules (drop sharing, talk nice etc.) I don't think people follow rules like after 8 PM every 45+ has to RvR or something like that (just an example).


Right you are Khalen...
Arent there enough rules in RL?


imo the atmosphere in Albion would be much better, if ppl looked at DAOC as a RPG and not some online game like Counterstrike or Unreal Tournament....

I dont say we all have to stay pure IC and make excalibure a roleplay server but it would be a start to make the game more enjoyable for all of us...

A small example :

Last week, i ran through Ludlow and immediate, I got a lvl 1 fighter who brutally asked me for gold...
I replied to him polite that begging isn't a option and that kidness would be appreciate...
He started to flame at me and now he has a nice place on my ignore list

Today, i ran again through ludlow and got again a pm from lowbie asking me for gold BUT he asked me in such a medieval style, i really appreciated it and gave the lad 2G and some crafted weapons wich made him seriously happy.

Anyway, this was maybe somewhat of topic but normaly every online community develops in a matter of time an etiquette...
Just be patienced and it will appear from its self

Although, it would never be bad if the etiquette would been written down somewhere :)


Wow, I'd hate to play in that DAoC. I mean really. I come to Albion for fun and to get away from the *real* world for a couple hours. Why would you want to make a game so serious?:(

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