An idea on anti-graygank "patch".



How about, this just a suggestion ya know, we make it a bit harder for people to kill grays. Just since people seem to take out a piece of gouda and some Luca Sacre Bleu -45 every time someone kills a gray.


Make resists for grays bigger. Make the resists go up like gray was a purple. In other words. Blue means normal resist, anywhere up or down from that the resists would go higher.

Make grays harder to hit. Same % thing as in resists.

Add a penalty for ganking grays. Debuff. Everytime you gank a gray you get a "shame" debuf that lasts for a while. It would certainly make people think twice before.

The "mythology" behind these things is honor. No great warrior gets respect for killing something that is easy as stealing candy from a senior citizen.

Just an idea.

Discuss but don't diss and cuss 'cause you can't discuss.



The world isnt filled with great warriors tho ;)

It's fun killing greys, as it's just about as hard as I can cope with. Please dont take away the last fun thing in the game :(
(Apart from cybersex of course)


I got the perfect solution for aintgreyganking...

Greycons that dont want to get ganked stay in there own realm where people from other realms cant come and gank you.


Oh by the way:

I've never been grayganked, always been in "fair" fights...except for a a few albrushes but that's daily adventure :p

And pesky werewolves always graygank me but off the point...

So this isn't a whine but a neutral suggestion to things.

Cush, excellent idea :D


A suberb idea, it does somewhat relate to RL, cos your friends would rip you for killing easy prey in the real world (if we still did that of course)

Even better would be after killing a set amount of greys, all your stats were reduced for a day and your second name changed to GreyKiller.


Originally posted by old.job
Even better would be after killing a set amount of greys, all your stats were reduced for a day and your second name changed to GreyKiller.

Not bad. Let's take it a step further.

Example: In Fallout, if you digged a single grave, you got a tag of "gravedigger". If you killed a bunch of kiddies...same thing.

Maybe what we need is a "honorlist" of sorts, also would work both ways. Someone who bashes only orangecon albs might get the title of [Can-Opener] and someone who hasn't been killed for, say, 2 weeks of /play -time could be called [Indestructible] or something like that.

Respect meter, honorlist..whatnot.

Also i would like to see a killsheet of the things i've killed:

50 tomtes.

30 smiera-gattos.

And a list of uniques i've killed:



Ulof Dotskottir.

And so on.

Hyuga Hinata

*starts imagining the number of killed Drakulvs that any 50 mid char would get*



Originally posted by old.Tohtori
How about, this just a suggestion ya know, we make it a bit harder for people to kill grays. Just since people seem to take out a piece of gouda and some Luca Sacre Bleu -45 every time someone kills a gray.


Make resists for grays bigger. Make the resists go up like gray was a purple. In other words. Blue means normal resist, anywhere up or down from that the resists would go higher.

Make grays harder to hit. Same % thing as in resists.

Add a penalty for ganking grays. Debuff. Everytime you gank a gray you get a "shame" debuf that lasts for a while. It would certainly make people think twice before.

The "mythology" behind these things is honor. No great warrior gets respect for killing something that is easy as stealing candy from a senior citizen.

Just an idea.

Discuss but don't diss and cuss 'cause you can't discuss.


There is of course a much better solution.

Experienced high level players can always patrol the frontier xping spots (such as the crabs in uppland and the undead camp in yggdra) Usually when I am running round bored I head to the crabs and sit and watch over the whippersnappers xping there :)


The whole point of DAOC is for characters to experience the PvE aspect to level and learn their character before foing into the RvR zones, there are the battlegrounds where players can RvR against those of the same level range, if people do not want to be greyganked then simply dont venture into the frontier or DF, you get higher exp in those zones for leveling but at the cost of being ganked which I think is fair.

The change to show L35+ as yellow in the main frontier zones was a good move and I believe all that was needed.


The whole setup is a bit distorted really, in RL there would never be such huge differences between beginner and expert.
Once you get to 50, then the real skills (bb excluded) of the player starts to show in relatively equal fights, so what is the point of all that xp?
I think players should be all same con, you just get better abilities spells as you gain killing experience.
i.e. your magic/blades would hit nearly the same but your speed and accuracy would get improved.
This would make it more interesting, cos a very lucky noob could beat a veteran who fucked up his styles/spells.

It would remove that terrible treadmill of xp, if you get beaten by a mob(they would all be the same con) you could attack easier ones over and over again till you learn a new skill to use on the stronger mob, but even without that skill you could get lucky.
And another thing you should get this experience from even attempting to kill something, the more you dmg it the better the xp, you could die to many strong mobs and eventually learn a skill to beat one.
Players could only guess at another players strength by reputation or the quality of his armour, maybe watch him fight someone else.

Maybe some other MMORPG allready does this?


Originally posted by Cush
I got the perfect solution for aintgreyganking...

Greycons that dont want to get ganked stay in there own realm where people from other realms cant come and gank you.

Tricky - when some parts of the Epic quests require you to go into the Frontiers, even when ure grey to a 40 let alone a 50.

Stina Handfast

Originally posted by old.job
it does somewhat relate to RL, cos your friends would rip you for killing easy prey in the real world (if we still did that of course)

What do you mean by this?
Please explain :D


Re: Re: An idea on anti-graygank "patch".

Originally posted by old.yaruar
There is of course a much better solution.

Experienced high level players can always patrol the frontier xping spots (such as the crabs in uppland and the undead camp in yggdra) Usually when I am running round bored I head to the crabs and sit and watch over the whippersnappers xping there :)

You caring, sharing soul , you. ;)

/applaud :)

edit - spelt applaud wrong first time.


So you turn killing greys so hard ppl just lvl to 35 then farm lvl 50 chars? :p


:sleeping: its realm vs realm vs realm end of :sleeping:


Why dont you just fuck off with your grayloving faggot friends ?


Dont stop the greycon-killing, I would have been unemployed in DF in that case, love chasing infs =p


Originally posted by Eleasias
Why dont you just fuck off with your grayloving faggot friends ?

This has to be the most constructive and ideatuning comment on this thread. 10 points and a golden star for Eleasias.

Ofcourse if you had something else then a hero active and you didn't have the word "Troll diarrhea" in your sig, i might take you seriously :p



Terrible, terrible ideas. Hate'em! Don't like the game the way it is? Well boo-hoo on you. Stupid ideas, terrible. Terrible indeed!





The "mythology" behind these things is honor. No great warrior gets respect for killing something that is easy as stealing candy from a senior citizen.

Erm, you have read some of this "mythology" right??? When people like Beowulf or Troy or Paris are casting there enemies aside, 2 score to the left and 2 score to the right before they face their nemesis (as frequently happens) what the hell do you think those poor plebians stood in the way are?????????


I could have found some actual quotes from the books but couldnt be arsed to get up and have a look in them.


Originally posted by old.job
The whole setup is a bit distorted really, in RL there would never be such huge differences between beginner and expert.
Once you get to 50, then the real skills (bb excluded) of the player starts to show in relatively equal fights, so what is the point of all that xp?
I think players should be all same con, you just get better abilities spells as you gain killing experience.
i.e. your magic/blades would hit nearly the same but your speed and accuracy would get improved.
This would make it more interesting, cos a very lucky noob could beat a veteran who fucked up his styles/spells.

It would remove that terrible treadmill of xp, if you get beaten by a mob(they would all be the same con) you could attack easier ones over and over again till you learn a new skill to use on the stronger mob, but even without that skill you could get lucky.
And another thing you should get this experience from even attempting to kill something, the more you dmg it the better the xp, you could die to many strong mobs and eventually learn a skill to beat one.
Players could only guess at another players strength by reputation or the quality of his armour, maybe watch him fight someone else.

Maybe some other MMORPG allready does this?
sounds very similar to the system in swg, where you don't level as such, you just learn to use better styles and weapons.
I don't think grey-killing is really a problem, it's one of the risks associated with the pvp areas. i think a method like that would be better on the pvp servers though, where there isn't much of an escape, but on normal servers, it's fine as it is imho


Originally posted by Shagrat
Erm, you have...and such such...not quoting it all.

The little " " things on the word mean that the word isn't supposed to be takes that seriously in content.

I meant that if it had to be explained in an RP manner, that could be a valid excuse.

If we took it to -real- mythology discussion, we could bring up a thousand things wrong in DAoC in that area.

Not about that.

Seems that it's a divided area here. Some say it's good, some just want to gank grays :p


I must say in a way I agree and in a way I don't with this whole grey-ganking issue..

Admittedly there's the BGs for lower lvl chars to skill up on RvR in.

But then there's also the times you get sent into the frontier on quests/epics, and ppl don't care about that when ganking you. It's not like you can tell someone from a different realm that you're just doing a quest and that you'll only be a while so could they please not kill you.
I had first hand experience of being killed when going into Forest Sauvage at lvl 20 or so to kill some tree for a quest. Didn't get very far from the gate before I got one-shotted for about twice my hit points. And the same guy shot me again when I tried going out the next time. Obviously he hadn't noticed I wasn't worth very many RPs as I didn't have any at the time (it was before I'd even been to Thid).

That's my thoughts..
But then again it's not like you can implement a flag as such for ppl questing and granting them "immunity" as such 'cos it'd most likely get abused something rotten.


Someone told me once.



Give an RA that lets u have a random name and look grey con till u suffer a hit ::)


maybe we need a patch where all higher con mobs take pity on the poor little greycon players and dont attack them? maybe we should all put flowers in our hair and dance merrily in the frontiers?

lol you big softshites, get a grip ;)


*gets a tank and bashes gutrot on the head with it a few times*


*puts a flower in the barrel and continues to bash gutrot while typing with one hand*

I don't actually care, since i haven't been grayganked but i'm on a crusade to end the whines.

If grayganking went away, so would the whines. :D


Nah, they'd just whine about green ganking. And then bluegankging. And then yellowganking. Then about some nasty bigger boys that twisted their arms around their backs and stole their dinner money.


Just give the greys a free bub of xp evry time they get purp bonked.

That would surely stop the whines?

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